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Category: Moz Bar

Find insights and conversations specific to the Research Tools within Moz Pro.

  • Hi. I know that MOZ's domain authority (DA) is an industry authority when it comes to evaluating the quality of a website. However, I've encountered something interesting in regards to a specific site: Digital Journal If you examine in through OSE you'd notice it has amazingly high DA - 83. But when you look at it through SEMRush you'd see that it is steadily dropping in rankings and accordingly traffic (lost 93% of traffic over the last year) which makes me believe that it got penalized. Shouldn't it be reflected on MOZ's analysis?
    Is it a site I should worry that points to me? This is an addition...
    I encountered also the following site: which has the DA of 61 (pretty high) and is actually down for a while now Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • hi,  i'm working on a site  who has more of 466 links, but i don't know what they are, i know only the links from menu and subcategories but they are not 466. the moz onpage grader say me the category receive a A grade and it don't say me any advice like more link but if i use the rankranger onpage it found more of 466 links! Can you help me to find all this links? 166m3gz.png

    | seopalermo

  • We're missing some data for our key word positioning from November and December of last year and I am looking to see if I can access this still? I realise i can access the previous weeks stats and also a month as a whole but is it possible to access previous weeks or months and how can i go about doing this? Thank you!

    | collection_26

  • Hello, I am having an issue with Moz's on-page grader. Grading the page, for the keyword 'Tigerspring 26 uger' I am receiving the error message: 'Exact keyword is used in page title' - tagging it as a highly important but easy fix. But I only have the words "Tigerspring 26 uger" in the title, so how can this not grade as Exact keyword? Is there somthing wrong with the system? Or is it me? Thanks very much. Best regards

    | Babyklar

  • My crawl diagnostics shows roughly 20+ pages with missing or empty title tags, however, the titles are viewable through the source code and there is only one instance of it on the page. This is not a wordpress site nor are the titles extremely long. Would there be any other reason for the crawl tool to not pick up these titles? An example page is:

    | miamiman100

  • I have tried a lot to no success. I can read the H1 in the source of the browser. And I have tried without any classes(joomla). Does anybody experienced something similar or have a clue why MOZ can't read my H1? Here is the link to the page: Appreciate any kind of help:)

    | zionray

  • Hello all, I've been doing some SEO work recently and using the really handy A-F rating on MOZ on page grader as a guide. It's worked great so far on my sites up until today. I've made some small changes to a site such as the title and MOZ isn't seeing these changes. For example if I were to put 'banana' in the title of one of my other sites and re-run the on page grader with 'banana' as a keyword, instantly MOZ would say this keyword is used in the title once. I've done the same to another site and the same thing hasn't happened. I did a test and wrote all the keywords from the title in the on page grader and it still said they appear 0 times in the title. Am I missing something here? The site is different from the others, it's flat html and not CMS, but the SEO changes I've made are still the same. Thanks!

    | HB17

  • Last year we did a total site overhaul, moving from an old ASP site setup to a new WordPress set up. I notice that there are still a handful of old ASP pages being graded still - and turning up as F of course. I tried marking them and deleting them, but hitting delete makes the check box clear, but does not remove the page. How do I get them totally out of grading circulation? Also, some of the links are showing with session info and extra unnecessary characters - how can I clean those links up?

    | OBIAnalytics

  • In the last crawler issues report from MOZ I can see many many pages listed as duplicate content with 0 duplicate urls. Like this: I am puzzled, what does it mean?

    | max.favilli

  • Hi Moz Can we please have a new feature to moz when answering questions please, the ability to save as a draft. I am currently on the train from London back home and I was trying to answer a few questions and give my opinion and after writing a really long and detailed response to an area I actually have quite a lot to say on, my internet froze and the page refreshed losing all the content. It doesn’t help that my Mac I am working on isn’t the fastest, but my new one isn’t quite ready yet. But if there was a simple save draft feature, it would be really great as I wasn’t ready to post my answer as it wasn’t finished and without checking wouldn’t have made sense. Yes I know I could of done it in word and pasted it across, but usually when I am travelling and answering questions I do it on my Ipad which isn’t great for multitasking. While I understand you don’t want lots of ‘draft answers’ all over the place as this would take storage space up on your servers and doesn’t actually help the person answering the question, your system could purge all draft answers which have not been edited in the last 24 hours. Just a little suggestion to help make this great forum even better. Thanks Andy

    | Andy-Halliday

  • we have just re-launched one of the pages of our website with fresh content etc. Would like to know how we can use Moz to measure the changes and impact of the re-launch from an SEO standpoint.

    | ULaw

  • Hello! I ask because it has happened before (and again this morning) that after doing a crawl test and repairing my site per the errors found in Moz's crawl test it still finds the same error. Even though I fixed them. Typically I do a re-crawl 6 hours after or the next day and I find the same errors. I know they are fixed because a couple of days go by and finally Moz gets it right. I had understood that the crawl test was an "on-demand" crawl of sorts, granted with limit of 2 a day. But it seems that if you re-crawl your site within a day the same results yield? It's frustrating. Is this correct? Thank you!

    | md3

  • Hi Moz I cannot get the onpage grader to work , I have been trying for a few weeks now Can you advise, I see - Sorry, but that URL is inaccessible. I have tried many Websites and all return the same Message Thanks Adam

    | AMG100

  • Lately, I've been having the issue of a large increase in 500 errors. These errors seem to be intermittent, in other words, Google and Moz are showing that I have server 500 errors for many pages but, when I actually check the links, everything's fine. I've run tests to see if there is any virus on the server or if I have any corrupt files and as far as I can tell, there are none. I'm left with the possibility that maybe one of my plugins is causing this issue (I'm built on top of Wordpress). Moz is showing that I had nearly five hundred 500 server errors on the 12th or the 11th. On the other hand, Google shows that on the 13th I had 179 server errors and then an additional 200 for the 15th. I'm assuming Google is slow to find or report these things? I would like to know which is more reliable so that I can try to figure out which of these plugins may be causing the problem, if any or if I'm investigating this the wrong way, I'd love to have more suggestions. Thanks in advance! Sorry, the url is if you'd like to take a look.

    | GerryWeitz

  • This is starting to happen a lot, i mean they weren't always an exact match but they differed by a few places. But now the gap between results I'm getting and MOZ's own rank tracker is quite large. For my keyword my page ranks on MOZ at 39 (it was 25 but has slipped down). Im seeing my page on page 1 locally and page 2 in incognito mode. Now I understand there are other factors such as browser history, cookies, am i logged into gmail etc. Thats why I asked colleagues to use Internet explorer and they have nothing to do with SEO so their history wont affect the search. They report seeing it on page 2, even colleagues in a different office in a different city sees it on page 2. I want to contact the department in question and share the good news that they've gone from none existent to 14th in what is a very competitive area. But MOZ's result has be second guessing whether I should. Any ideas why the gap between results is so large? Thanks

    | Brabian

  • how do you track keyword ranking in local (India) search engine

    | LocalOye

  • The root domain of the website in question is but all subpages are on the subdomain (I'm pretty sure it's a subdomain, at least, used for load balancing?). A funny thing happens on this site with the moz toolbar. I visit a subpage, That page has a lot of links on it, all of them visibly going to the subdomain However, the moz toolbar shows some of them as Internal links and most of them as External links. As far as I can tell, there is no real rhyme or reason to the difference between the links that are highlighted as Internal vs. External. The link structures vary greatly: Some are properly structured
    And some are poor like So a couple questions here: Does this subdomain www10 have a detriment on the rankings of subpages?
    What could possibly cause the internal links on these subpages to be highlighted as external pages with the moz toolbar?

    | Motava

  • Hi Community, I was wondering if the rd linkback numbers (that show up on the keyword analysis) are on a logarithmic scale or raw count?

    | Krackle

  • I know the rank tracker limits you to 200 keyword phrase checks per day.  Is there a way to bulk upload 200 so you don't have to put them in one at a time?

    | JenKeller

  • Since Moz is trying to predict how Google ranks your site, and Google claims to take the disavow file into account, I'd like to suggest that Moz allow webmasters to upload their disavow file. I imagine this data would be useful to Moz in determining Domain Authority (they may even think of other ways to use it and might even help come to a conclusion on the great debate) and it gives a chance for sites to improve their Moz DA when they are bombarded by spammy links. I'd love to hear the community's thoughts on this idea, as well as the what Wizards of Moz have to say.

    | YairSpolter

  • Are high priority issues have suddenly soared by over 100 because Moz is classing 410s as high priority.
    Google doesn't class these as so serious, so we were wondering if anyone knows why Mos does?

    | Melissabraz

  • I am trying to download the PDF reports for the various 'crawl errors' - now some of them are quite large  but would that justify why I am unable to download - the error is a straightforward one, see attached. Any ideas? Andy aDlViIN

    | TomKing

  • Is it possible to create a report with containing keyword, label, difficulty, global search volume, and ranking?  Currently in order to get the data, it seems like I need to manage two lists, the keyword list we are tracking and the keyword list in the Difficulty tool then somehow manually combine the data.  Is there an easier way?

    | promfgsystems

  • Hi and thank you in advance for your help! I have a Moz Pro campaign running (I am a complete Moz novice by the way) for one of my websites ( After crawling my site, the Moz crawler informed me that I have 3 pages with duplicate content. While I am not sure why exactly this is happening, the crawler indexed my homepage 3 times under different url's. I checked my FTP server and I cannot figure out for the life of me why the crawler is finding anything other than the index.html file. I suppose I need to do something regarding a rel="Canonical" but I am not terribly familiar with that either. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    | Keenan-Price

  • Hello! I am fairly new to Moz and just starting to explore the available Research Tools. At first glance, I was very excited about the Keyword Analysis tool, but I quickly realized that (a) I wasn't receiving the information I needed and (b) I didn't know what to do with the information it gave me. So... Two specific questions: Is there any way to see the Google Search Volume instead of the Bing Search Volume? The overwhelming majority of our organic site traffic comes from Google, so it seems silly to look at the Bing search volume. How do you deal with the fact that this tool only returns search volume based on an exact match? As we know, there are some many ways the same general query could be entered, but it seems ridiculous for me to sit there and run the tool against every iteration I can think of just to get a general sense of the search volume. Two general questions: What do you find helpful about the Keyword Analysis tool and how does it inform your SEO work? What other tools do you recommend to help determine Google search volume for keywords? Thanks in advance for your help and advice!

    | Marketing_Dept

  • why can not finish pending? i do know  not the internet problem xICxuqo.png

    | bbwmeet

  • Hey Mozers, I see Moz has a reporting tool for C-blocking and for november I had 330.  Does this mean 330 Ip addresses came from the same location in the month of november?

    | rpaiva

  • Hi I asked for two Full SERP Analysis Report and of course I received an email notification about that. My question is why you don't include a direct link to download the report in the email ? I wasn't able to find any report ... I have also a problem with keyword ranking of one campaign (9rayti.Com), it has not been updated since November 8 ! Adam

    | adamito

  • I want to search some links by using  fresh web explorer  but when i implement a keyword or keyterm i desire then it shows a lots of link but most of it are not relevant for me.What should i do ? It will be very great i any body suggest me how can i get rid of this problem or any other tools  which can help me .

    | Showhow2

  • I have two Meta descriptions on my web page, one with


  • I'm fairly new at SEO and am still trying out MOZ.  I'm finding myself wishing that Moz had a broader set of tools for keyword research, but am wondering if maybe I'm just missing something. Am I correct in saying that there is no place within Moz that you can get keyword ideas, select/organize keywords, find new/related keywords? I've appreciated the keyword difficulty tool and have played around with Moz Analytics keyword tracking, but these don't help with the broader keyword research aspect. The various tutorials talk about using Google AdWords Keyword Planner and other tools to do that job. But with all that Moz can do, it just seems backwards to do lots of copying-pasting from other tools into Moz, or to have to rely on old excel spreadsheets to organize keywords. It seems that life would be much easier if Moz would be able to pull that kind of external research information in, like Raven does. That way you do most of your research within Moz – allowing you to organize/evaluate potential keywords BEFORE choosing the ones you would like to test for difficulty or track. That way you could simply select the desired keywords and add them to your tracked list. The way it is now, even the one research tool that Moz does have (keyword difficulty) does not allow for an easy way to track or manage a chosen set of keywords. For example, after doing some keyword difficulty analysis, I've chose 5 keywords. To add these 5 to the tracked keywords in a specific campaign I can't just select them and say "track keywords > in xxx campaign". From what I've understood, I must copy-and-paste them into the manage keyword section of the desired campaign. To me this all feels a bit awkward. But since I'm new at this, maybe I'm just missing something? Or maybe it's unrealistic to expect a single tool to address all my SEO needs?

    | Mike_E

  • Hi All, I have asked this question before here  but haven't got any convincing answers. And now I am starting to see this in couple of my other projects . I'm not sure how many facing similar issue like mine but its bit tricky. Our company is based in Melbourne,Australia and we set MOZ campaign setting to . The weekly moz ranking for one of the client keyword showed as Position Rank#29. But when I Checked Manually it is Ranking #3. So why does the moz show as 29 ? **Keyword: **car exhaust Website: To Replicate, I set the google search to and on Search Tools I changed location as **Australia ( by default its set to Melbourne ). **When I did search now my result came in Page 3 - No.29 rank. Note: By default the Google browser picks the location as Melbourne and gives localized result which is not tracked by MOZ. Now how do I track this in Moz to show localized ranking results which my customer see. I cant report this ranking to client, else I have to do a manual report which is time consuming . Note : This is Tested in InCognito mode with all cache cleared.

    | emarketexperts

  • Well, I am still having duplicate page issues. I have a question about one of the errors SEO is giving me when I download a crawl report. I am going to attach a screen shot of part of the report so you can see for yourself, along with explaining it here. SEO shows the list of URL's that it crawled in the report. In this(see attachment) portion of the report it has 321 results for the exact same URL. It also says all of these exact same URL's have received a 404 error. What I want to know is how does it make 321 results for the same URL? And with this error that I don't see when I look at the page? 0hkRDST

    | JoshMaxAmps

  • My client's website, when viewed in Chrome, does not show the MozBar. In Firefox, it's all good. I've checked multiple websites in Chrome and they all bring up the MozBar, it's just this one. (theme and wordpress install are both up to date) Is it possible that this is a theme issue or does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening?

    | SearchAppealSEO

  • How can I add another email address so they can receive Fresh Explorer alerts?

    | intelligencebank

  • Hello, I have used the SEMRush tool and it provides related keywords with other metrics. How do I find the same using

    | Chaku

  • Hello Friends, Is there a tool that provides a list including targeted keywords and there ranking for those keywords? For example if I type in a website url it shows me which keywords they targeted, on which page and their ranking position. Thanks for helping out a foreign noobie;)

    | grobro

  • The MOZ crawler identifies pages as duplicate content which are not the same.
    The pages and are marked duplicate but they are different paintings. Any ideas?

    | aignerart

  • I want to know if there is a way to export data from my campaigns from more than a month ago. My campaigns started in August. I would like to be able to export a PDF of my dashboard for Aug and September. I have Oct and Nov. Any idea if this is possible?

    | MonicaOConnor

  • I recently ran a crawl report in MOZ for and it has picked duplicate pages for my home page. The two pages are and The CMS System my developer is using is Concrete5. If you look at the source code there is a Canonical <link rel="<a class="attribute-value">canonical</a>" href="" /> I am very confused as to why there are two pages picked up in the crawl. Can someone offer any advice please? Thank you. Jason

    | gymmad

  • This is driving me crazy and making me wish to destroy everything I can reach with my hands. I like to write long curated answers to people questions on here. And evidently there's some sort of timeouts in Moz Q&A software. Because every time I answer to someone I get this fu#@!ng error message... So I go back, I lost everything and either give up or write one sentence. ypVQ2hD

    | max.favilli

  • I used to use open site explorer classic view a lot for pitching clients - it was great for comparing a few competitors at once. Now it seems to have disappeared - any idea where i can find it, or find similar functionality?

    | miguelitomana

  • I know this is a weird question, I think I have confused myself with different keyword tools. So if you get a score of 10 for your keyword, should you aim to be closer to 1 or 50?

    | ejunxion

  • I would possibly like to upgrade my subscription from Standard to Medium because I want to be able to track more pages in Rank Tracker. Unfortunately, the product descriptions do not include how many pages you can track in Rank Tracker.

    | VacasaSEM

  • I'm running a campaign crawler through Moz on this particular page: but I'm getting a notifcaiton from Moz saying, "you're not using the rel="canonical" META attribute" I don't understand what this means!! Has anyone else had this problem, or can they help me understand what this means and how to fix it? Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving from the UK! Virginia

    | blackboxideas

  • Hi All, I hope you guys are doing great. I need assistance with benchmarking drop that measures domain authority score changes, maybe within 3 months to a year. Is there any reliable tool that we can use for us to see the changes in DA over the past months or years? Thanks, Francis

    | TWS2

  • Hello everyone, I'm trying to track 3 sub-directories on the same domain. Could someone help confirm this is the correct code for GA? var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-12345-1"); pageTracker.**_setCookiePath**("/1/"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); pageTracker.**_cookiePathCopy**("/2/"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); pageTracker.**_cookiePathCopy**("/3/"); Thanks in advance.

    | vndflkvnlkzdfnv

  • Hi guys, a bunch of my keywords are stuck in the keyword analysis tool for many days now. What should I do?

    | Rajaindiain

  • Hi I have been getting the ollowing error on my dashboard the last 6-8 weeks error 605: Page Banned by robots.txt, X-Robots-Tag HTTP Header, or Meta Robots Tag It does seem to be able to crawl the site so what does this mean? The only issue I see is that I don't get any crawl errors listed. Could this be a prob with moz? I had this site checked on a different account on moz and there didnt get the error! The site is Thanks

    | henya

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