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Category: Moz Bar

Find insights and conversations specific to the Research Tools within Moz Pro.

  • My understanding of the 'Internal Links' results in a moz crawl report is that it represents the number of links on the given page that link to other pages on the same site.Assuming this is a correct assumption: We recently ran a crawl report on Some of the pages are coming back with a large amount of 'internal links'. These 2 pages for example are showing 800 internal links: Then there are a number of pages coming back with 705 Internal Links, including: At best there are approximately 70-80 links on these pages. Where are these large counts coming from? Is there a means to see what the links being reported on are? At the same time the 'Too Many On-Page Links' indicates 'No' for some pages with a high number of links, and 'Yes' for pages with a low number of links. For example:
    Too Many On-Page Links: Yes
    Internal Links: 2
    What's up with that?

    | AISEO

  • Hi everyone! For one of my campaigns the statistics are gone for all the inbound traffic.The main graph after logging in (with the different shades of blue) is just a flat line. This maybe comes from that I created a filter in google Analytics some weeks ago (so that I have some introspection into the used keywords that people search for). But also after the deletion of this filer in GA the statistics are still gone. What can I do? Cheers Marc

    | RWW

  • Hi The link to the hotel for Mozcon 2015 doesn't work - seems like its the 2014 link still in place. Thanks Andy

    | Andy-Halliday

  • On two recent site crawls (9/27/14 and 11/4/14) for duplicate content the Moz tool did not ID the following 2 pages, which are 100% duplicate to each other: ; Screenshot: ; Screenshot: As I'm working feverishly to re-write and update the site (goal is ZERO duplicates) I'm finding it challenging to use the Moz tool to get the project done. Does anyone have any feedback or help they can provide for how I can identify all duplicate pages associated with my domain? Thank you! Lindsey Pfeiffer

    | CMC-SD

  • Opening the CSV report on my MAC with "Numbers" looks strange. All the information is in the same row

    | Morten-Hjemmesider

  • So we've optimized a home page for a particular keyword, "blue widgets tx".  But the on-page grader is giving information about "tx blue widgets", "blue widgets in texas", etc. and telling us we are an "F" for these keywords. Is it possible to tell the on-page grader, "Hey, just worry about 'blue widgets tx', and forget about those other ones"?  I know I can do it by hand, but it will take forever.

    | Titan552

  • This is probably the most basic of SEO questions which no SEO I've yet met can answer. Analyzing a keyword for a client with the Basic SERP report reveals a lot but at the same time not enough. The term Logo Design (yes bad I know) shows at least 50 companies spending hard on SEO but there is no too in MOZ that can actually tell you why someone with less PA, less links, less DA actually ranks higher than someone else. Surely you guys out there face this quandary all the time. The why? When you've exhausted everything what do you tell a client? Your numbers and your authority is better than the competition but they still rank higher!

    | wearehappymedia

  • For the keyword difficulty tool, if I want to see the details, I have to click on the keyword in order to see the list of the competitors and their DA and RLRDs. Is there a way to download this list for all of the keywords and their DA and RLRDs?  The only bulk I can download is the list of keywords in my difficulty tool list along with their Bing search volume and keyword difficulty %. Thanks!!!1

    | Titan552

  • I have keyword lists for two sites. Is there a way to label them in the keyword difficulty tool (List A, List B) so I can just view results for a particular site? Or do I need to run the report with List A, export results, delete those keywords, then run the report for List B?

    | JohnNovakLV

  • I have keyword lists for two sites. Is there a way to label them in the keyword difficulty tool (List A, List B) so I can just view results for a particular site? Or do I need to run the report with List A, export results, delete those keywords, then run the report for List B?

    | JohnNovakLV

  • I have asked this question before and got a Moz response to which i replied but no reply after that. Hi, We have noticed in our moz crawl that urls are appearing twice so urls like this - Thought it may be possible rel=canonical issue as can find URL's but no linking URL's to the pages. Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you Jon I did the crawl test and they were not there

    | imrubbish

  • I am trying to use the on page grader however it is not working with my website. The url is: Can anyone help?

    | British_Hardwoods

  • In my MozBar under "General Attributes" it says "index, follow" next to Meta Roberts for one of our client's websites. I've never seen "index, follow" before. I've seen it say "not found." What does index, follow mean and is that a bad thing? I know the reason should be obvious but this site has had a lot of problems and I'm wondering if this is related.

    | SEOhughesm

  • delete

    | WebiMax

  • Any information on when Moz Local will be available in CanadaÉ

    | stevefidelity

  • My Moz extension no longer displays text to code ratio.  Anyone else encounter this or know why it's gone?  I see it in videos and descriptions and I used to see it in my extension, but it is no longer there.

    | dan.bertone

  • Looking for someone in the US -  please contact me at If available and interested in task. Thanks Mary

    | PortlandWebDesign

  • My keyword rankings were last updated on the 8th of October when will they be updated? Thanks, Sam


  • We recently ran a crawl report on Some of the pages are coming back with a large amount of 'internal links'. These 2 pages for example are showing 800 internal links: At best there are approximately 70 links on the page. Where is the 800 number coming from?

    | AISEO

  • I am trying to use the on page grader however it is not working with my website. The URL is as follows: I have been trying to read in older posts to see if https is now supported or not but have not found anything. I know there is no robots.txt issue as I am able to run the crawl test on our website fine. Is the issue on my end in regards to configuration or is due to DDos attacks? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    | MisterStitches

  • I was watching his session and it sounds like he is saying tag crab or tag cloud?  As someone who has never heard of either or anything close I would really like to know what he is talking about. Appreciate any help!

    | Sika22

  • I am been trying to deal with this problem for some time now. I have talked to several IT people and SEO moz. None seem to know how to fix these issues on the type of site our company is. Our biggest issue with is Duplicate Page Content. We also have some title issues. Our site is built with PHP coding and variable, meaning the site is not a typical static website. We have a handful of pages that are dynamic depending on what the users chooses to see and do. So, my problem is I can't just go to a specific page and put the canonical or the redirect. It isn't multiple pages for our category pages, for example, it is just one that builds the page depending on the search. Please help!

    | JoshMaxAmps

  • We set up rel=next and prev tags on paginated pages with the same title- these are still showing as having duplicate titles - why is this?

    | VUK-SEO

  • Hi Guys, We are using Keyword Difficulty Tool in Australia and today morning we noticed new 'keywords checked today' feature has been added. Does that mean we can only check 400 kws per day? Please clarify. Thanks

    | WME

  • It will show the search volume for Bing even when Google is selected. Then, if you select Bing, you'll get the same data as it shows for when you selected "google". So basically, this tool does not work for Google's search engine. Or it is most likely not a reliable way to perform keyword research. Anyone else notice this? Does Moz even offer a way to submit a support ticket to get this fixed?

    | ShokIdeaGroup

  • Moz Crawl Test for some reason is trying to Crawl a contact form Widget Submit Location. My obvious guess is that obviously the crawl cannot submit to the required fields…..I believe this because they're only  kicking back these errors on the pages I have a contact form widget on. 1412553693 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Error attempting to request page; see title for details. 404 1412553693 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Error attempting to request page; see title for details. 404 1412553693 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Error attempting to request page; see title for details. 404 1412553693 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Error attempting to request page; see title for details. 404 Can you shed any insight to this? I'm a bit worried that I'll have to complete gut the contact form which was one of the major requests my client requested. Or in a worse scenario make all fields not required. It would let so much spam in. I have never seem anything like this at all. But I've learned a lot from Moz, and with major errors like 404 damage Domain Authority greatly. I've fixed 404 issues with newly acquired clients existing sites and tracked through Moz and the domain authority flies up once these errors are fixed. Along with fixing what Webmaster Tools through Google reports back. ..... Let me know if you have any expertise on this matter.

    | Funk-Creative-Media

  • I installed the Moz toolbar and I don't understand it and it covers up important parts of websites and makes them inaccessible. I want to get it off my computer. I installed it in chrome. How do I get it off?

    | Bonnie76

  • According to my moz analytics, my site has went through the roof with duplicate content. There's a nice Mozzer named Abe looking into this with me, but I'm wondering if it could be due to the WP 4.0 update. Has anyone else experienced an uptick like this before? I've never had any problems with the other updates. Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Using the On-Page Grader to perform SEO on pages of WordPress website. This website never had any SEO done before. Should I go back and perform the same work on the Post Pages?

    | Joseph.Lusso

  • Since yesterday we have a lot direct traffic on our website. All this traffic is coming from Los Angeles Calafornia and use Linux as the operating system. Is it possible that this is MOZ scanning our website? Thanks for helping

    | mystorenl

  • Hi, I'm running into an issue where some crawlers list my pages twice, once with a trailing slash, once without. I first saw it on a few pages with screaming frog, then saw it happen on all my pages with the moz crawler. The site is and its on Squarespace. I grepped the sitemap.xml I submitted to google webmaster and got 167 distinct pages, all of them without a trailing slash. Any insights on why this is happening, and how to regard moz crawler results would be appreciated. thanks Tom

    | tpushpathadam

  • On Page Grader has this lovely little re-grade page button next to the URL and term field but it's never worked on the fly for me. What's going on here? You discover something critical, fix it and you want the satisfaction of re-grading to test it and get that A but it doesn't work. I can see the changes on the site so why not??

    | wearehappymedia

  • I don't have access to my old custom reports that were created in the old moz pro platform...where are they? There's a "click here" for old reports option...but it's not clickable, not hyperlinked to anything. Help, please. Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi, Can someone explain what the green and grey color coding means on the SERP reports, see attached for example. Cheers, Adrian R9jjAqExwE-3000x3000.jpeg

    | AdrianMoz

  • I created a new campaign with Moz on 7th Sep 2014. To date (17th) the Keyword reports says that all the keywords are not in Top 50. But in many of the keywords our site is in first page. If Moz has not crawled the site yet? PS: I have another campaign running with same set of (but few) keywords which shows perfectly for months. Any advise?

    | macronimous

  • Hey there, Just wondering what this link is all about. it doesn't exist so \i'm just kind of wondering why its even being picked up. seems very odd. thanks

    | NationalPardon

  • Hey guys, Quick question and apologies if this has been asked before, but is there an option within MOZ reporting (Pro) that allows you to focus on conversions for your clients? I'm finding rankings to be a very poor indicator of success. I'd much rather focus on conversions, and present this information to the client within my reports. Thanks

    | John_Romaine

  • When I first setup the account, I was able to run a competitive analysis.  Since that date, this report has not updated.  How can I initiate or request another competitive analysis without starting a new account?

    | superiorvirtual

  • I'm trying to find out how a keyword phrase ranked over time. I remember how to do it on the old Moz platform, but do not see it in the new platform. I've checked the help files and forums and the information seems outdated because it mentions to click on a link that is not there. Michael

    | Michael_Rock

  • Mine does not. Only the social media signals still report. Reinstalled, restarted, all the basic troubleshooting Any ideas?

    | Grobbie

  • I'm receiving the "Sorry, but that URL is inaccessible." for every hilton hotel webpage I check when using On-Page Grader. Is Hilton blocking Moz's On-Page Grader or is something else going on? Here are a few "inaccessible URLs" from different brands within Hilton's portfolio: Thanks in advance.

    | Just-Me

  • The website is and is a wordpress site. I'm getting the following error: 605 Page Banned by robots.txt, X-Robots-Tag HTTP Header, or Meta Robots Tag But what is weird is the domain it lists below that is http://None/ Any advice?

    | TumbleweedPDX

  • I have just jumped ship from Chrome to Firefox, I have everything setup and working great, except the Moz toolbar! I have been able to login twice, but when I navigate it drops off, and when I attempt to login the login page just refreshes! Any ideas please? Thanks in advance 🙂 Mitch

    | mitchamytosis

  • Hello Earth I'm putting a custom report together for higher management and have added the dashboard module as a good starting point.  However, all I want from it is the overall visit & visit break down and the domain authority data, all the 'Mentions Found' 'On Page Wins' 'Ranking Highlights' info is just making the report over long and less to the point.  Is there anyway of taking some of the dashboard into the report instead of the whole kaboodle? Or is there another module that will give me total visits not just organic? Many Thanks in advance Chris

    | ChrisParry

  • Hi, I tested my page grade here : Keyword : "專案管理軟體" , which means "Project Management Software" in Traditional Chinese. URL: But the On Page Grader told me "We found this keyword used 1448 times." I think the result is wrong, I guess you calculated all Chinese letters separately. Am I right ? How can I get a correct grade for my page ? Thansk for help! William

    | Helpmecloud

  • Hi
    moz bar does not work on chrome, it works correctly on firefox.
    The bar is there but not showing any data...
    Any idea? It can be something that is blocking moz bar on chrome browser or what else????

    | Emanuele_Ricci

  • Hi I set up several alerts on the Fresh web explorer - however I haven't received emails and these we're set up over a month ago. What email address do they come from - I have checked my junk folder but I am thinking I might need to whitelist the email with the developers to receive the emails. Thanks Andy

    | Andy-Halliday

  • I used on-page grader in one of my webpages and it showed the limit of 15 keywords used. The problem is that it counted only when the keyword appears in the Title, URL, Meta Description, H1, Body and IMG ALT. If you take into account the H2 and H3 tags, the count will go to 22. Is there a problem with the On-Page Grader Tool or it's not a problem to go above 15 keywords if they are in H2 and H3? Here's the link for the page: Keyword: BBSE3 Thanks in advance.

    | Guilhermealvesc

  • Hi all, this is my first post on Moz Q&A 🙂 Questions: Does the Moz Crawler take into account rel="canonical" for search results pages with sorting / filtering URL parameters? How much time does it take for an issue to disappear from the issues list after it's been corrected? Does it come op in the next weekly report? I'm asking because the crawler is reporting 50k+ pages crawled, when in reality, this number should be closer to 1000. All pages with query parameters have the correct canonical tag pointing to the root URL, so I'm wondering whether I need to noindex the other pages for the crawler to report correct data?: Original (canonical URL): DOMAIN.COM/charters/search/mx/BS?search_location=cabo-san-lucas Filter active URL: DOMAIN.COM/charters/search/mx/BS?search_location=cabo-san-lucas&booking_date=&booking_days=1&booking_persons=1&priceFilter%5B%5D=0%2C500&includedPriceFilter%5B%5D=drinks-soft Also, if noindex is the only solution, will it impact the ranking of the pages involved? Note: Google and Bing are semi-successful in reporting index page count, each reporting around 2.5k result pages when using the query. The rel canonical tag was missing for a short period of time about 4 weeks ago, but since fixing the issue these pages still haven't been deindexed. Appreciate any suggestions regarding Moz Crawler & Google / Bing index count!

    | Vukan_Simic

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