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Category: Moz Bar

Find insights and conversations specific to the Research Tools within Moz Pro.

  • May I know why the keyword difficulty only search on bing? Do this search involved google ? The result is based on whereI'm located ? Eg if I search for usa and if im located in Canada it will still search my location?

    | noiseo

  • Fresh Web Explorer Mention Tool show two new brand mention urls on my campaign dashboard but i have checked through this urls we don't have any brand and keywords related to my campaign in this urls. So, why it is mentioned that "you have new brand mentions" in this url? Kind for information i have mentioned those urls when show my brand:

    | surabhi6

  • I have a list of the top 350 keywords sending volume to my site, sorted by volume. I am using your On-Page Optimization tool to look at the top 10 keywords and the grade for each of the relevant pages on the website.  So for "hard wood flooring," I am searching for that term on Google and finding the first listing for my site that comess up. Then I paste that page link into the On-Page Optimizer. Is this the best way to do this to determine performance for the most relevant page?  Moz gave this keyword an F (home page) even though LL came up #2 in the organic Google rankings.

    | AlanJacob

  • I needed to do keyword research, but to my absolute horror I see this: "Currently we are only able to offer results for 400 keywords per user per day." I need to check more than 400 today, how can I use more? I don;t want to have to pay for 10 accounts or something!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remove this limit! I would be willing to pay more than $99 per month!!

    | Zovi

  • Used followerwonk to do a Comparison of followers of my brand and two competitors. the question I have is Retweets, Contacts, and URL tweets are broken in percentages all equaling 100%, but how are these calculated to begin with? are each of the three categories compared to social authority or to each other? Basically, I ran it on my brand and it says there are 0% of retweets, when I know there are at least 6 retweets done by the brand.

    | YeslerB2B_Geek

  • I have a campaign tracking several keywords. On my Keyword Rankings report I'm not in the top 50 for anything. When I use the Rank Tracker tool, my rankings are quite high (I have 2 in the top 5). When I use the Rank Tracker tool I've noticed that I'm able to point to specific URLs on my website (not the main page).  When looking on my Keyword Rankings report, the URL is usually empty. So what am I missing? Have I configured something incorrectly? Can I update the URLs on the Keyword Rankings report so the rankings will be reflective of the Rank Tracker tool? OSQdLmb nMnOQim

    | roywest63

  • Trying to find link ops for Thanks, Mike Corso

    | Mike_c

  • For one of my sites, I have set up a weekly custom report to be sent out, but when the report comes in, there are multiple copies of the report. Any help would be appreciated on how to make sure that only one copy of the report is sent.

    | Wharthog

  • When exporting to CSV in Rank Tracker, many of the URLs are reduced to the root domain instead of the full, ranking URL as seen within the tool. Right now the URLs must be copied/pasted or manually edited afterwards in the CSV. However, it doesn't happen to every item. A few of them do show the correct URL after being exported. Any idea if this is a bug or just an odd thing the export does?

    | AlfredGoldberg

  • Greetings, I am working on a website,, and ran a Moz Crawl Test on it.  According to the crawl test, only 2 of the website's hundreds of pages are receiving internal links.  When I run a similar test on the site using Screaming Frog, I see that most of the pages have at least one internal link. I'm wondering if anyone has seen this before with the crawl test; and there is a way to get the crawl test to see the internal links? Thanks!

    | TopFloor

  • My colleague is continuously arguing with me why i went for Moz and why not for Alexa, He also says when Google is there then why Moz. I tried on my part to convince him but he has his own learning. Can anybody help me make him understand otherwise my job will become hard if he remains doubtful about Moz? Looking for down to earth and an honest feedback. Thanks Tanveer

    | Sequelmed

  • how can i find my competitors keywords

    | classicbm

  • We recently started using Moz on our ecommmerce site because I'm concerned that our SEO company doesn't really know what they are doing and I want to see what I can do on my own with the little bit of knowledge I have. It's helping in a number of ways but here's a big question mark: The Grader Tool keeps telling us that our product category pages have too many keywords on them. We are only using them in the content once or twice, but the sub-category buttons on the page show the category + sub repeated. Could this be what's causing it? Does Google distinguish this for ecommerce? We've taken a huge hit in rankings for key phrases and keywords over the past six months and I'm wondering if this is part of it?

    | Creative-Web-Stores

  • My management wants us to track the percentage of keyword density. While I don't feel this is as important as it once was, they want it nevertheless. I don't see a way to get that information. I thought it would be in the On-Page Grade, but if it is there I'm missing any. Is this possible in Moz Pro? Thanks,

    | TestoUSA

  • I am running a website through On-page-grader, as and scores an "F" for a specific keyword. When it's ran as, it scores an "A" for that same keyword and has everything checked other than "keyword in the domain name". There are no other files such as index.htm, or index.html that would interfere and can't figure out why this page is not being recognized. I checked, the robots and .htaccess file, but do not see anything that would hinder. Could this be a server issue?

    | werkbot

  • I am trying to add a post to Youmoz and while it lets me save it as a draft, as soon as I go to publish, the page refreshes and I lose the entire post. Is anybody else having an issues with posting to YouMoz.

    | Andy-Halliday

  • If i want to check search volume of a key word its done in Bing, but i would like to know the Google search volume for my customers. How do you change this?? Anybody ??

    | Boo5t_Marketing

  • What is the difference between the Page authority and Domain authority when you do a keyword research? thanks mel

    | mel_leger

  • I have about 10 campaigns and 5 custom reports scheduled to run monthly for each campaign. Most of them have been running for years without issue, however, this month the majority have not run. There is an option to download past reports, yet the August 1st date is not highlighted. Anyone else having this issue or have a solution? There is one exception to this, a new campaign that had custom reports made with this design. They have a "action" button rather than "download past reports. Within this drop down is a option to download past PDFs. Is there a way this can just be downloaded without opening, like the previous reports?

    | Your_Workshop

  • Moz Pro provides Bing Local and Global search counts for specific keywords.  Does it provide keyword specific search counts for Google results?  If it does, how to I find them? Thank you! Dan

    | SearchOpt

  • I have a custom ranking report set up to run every month. The module that shows the overall changes (how many improved, how many dropped, number in rank #1-3, etc.) populates with data, but the keyword ranking for tracked keywords listing is blank for all keywords, all search engines. I haven't changed anything in my campaigns - why is this reporting blank? Thanks!

    | GranthamUniversity

  • I have searched high and low for the source of this but just cannot find it. On-page grader gives the multiple page title elements warning, but I just can't identify where this is coming from. Can anyone, please, point me to the right direction?  

    | Roselawn

  • I, yesterday i ran an crawl on and i get an 404. Does anybody know why this happens? <colgroup><col width="1535"></colgroup>
    | # ---------------------------------------- |
    | Crawl Test Tool Report | Moz, |
    | |
    | Report created: 15 Jul 18:34 |
    | # ---------------------------------------- |
    | URL,Time Crawled,Title Tag,Meta Description,HTTP Status Code,Referrer,Link Count,Content-Type Header,4XX (Client Error),5XX (Server Error),Title Missing or Empty,Duplicate Page Content,URLs with Duplicate Page Content (up to 5),Duplicate Page Title,URLs with Duplicate Title Tags (up to 5),Long URL,Overly-Dynamic URL,301 (Permanent Redirect),302 (Temporary Redirect),301/302 Target,Meta Refresh,Meta Refresh Target,Title Element Too Short,Title Element Too Long,Too Many On-Page Links,Missing Meta Description Tag,Search Engine blocked by robots.txt,Meta-robots Nofollow,Blocked by X-robots,X-Robots-Tag Header,Blocked by meta-robots,Meta Robots Tag,Rel Canonical,Rel-Canonical Target,Blocking All User Agents,Blocking Google,Blocking Yahoo,Blocking Bing,Internal Links,Linking Root Domains,External Links,Page Authority |
    |,2014,404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page.,Error attempting to request page | Best regards, Jos

    | IMforYou

  • Fine, I'm an idiot. But when i get that Chrome apps page with mozbar on it, there's nothing clickable (that I can see) that actually downloads the thing. I've gotten it before, but now I can't find it. Is it hiding. Why doesn't it just sit in my dock? Any ideas. -W

    | wrconard

  • For the on-page grader, I rank A's for 9 keywords. I struggle with F's I have because it is searching keywords on pages that are not supposed to be searched. For example, I have a "bracelets" page, so I didn't optimize it for "rings", so I got an F.  However, it graded me an A for the bracelets keyword, which is great. To be sure I am correct, each page should have it's own keyword, such as bracelet.  So why is the grader checking my "Bracelets" page for "Rings"? Maybe there is something I am missing. Just trying to see why this happening.

    | tiffany1103

  • I'm using the Keyword Difficulty tool.  The results generated are Bing search engine results, even though I have selected Google for the search engine. I cannot get this feature to work, and I've tried it in both Chrome and Firefox. What's going on here...??

    | AcroPilot

  • I need to define a specific period for our Weekly Keyword Performance report. How?
    There's a pull-down with the last 2 weeks pre-defined -- but how do I specify my own dates? Thanks.

    | jmueller0823

  • I just signed up for MOZ Pro for the first time today.  Tried to run the 'on-page grader' tool on some of my pages but I'm getting a 'Sorry, but that URL is inaccessible' error msg.  I have verified against the robot.txt file that the pages are NOT blocking any crawlers. Can anybody help?

    | spinoki

  • Hey everybody. Our server guy, who is sorta difficult, has put these ridiculous security measures in place which lock people out of our website all the time. Basically if I ping the website too many times I get locked out, and that's just on my own, doing general research. Regardless, all of our audits are coming back with 5xx errors and I asked if we could add rogerbot to the robots.txt. He seems to be resistant to the idea and just wants to adjust the settings to his firewall... Does anybody know if putting that in the Robots.txt will override his firewall/ping defense he has put in place? I personally think what he has done is WAY too overkill, but that is besides the point. Thanks everybody.

    | HashtagHustler

  • We are mostly a Branding agency, and have not put a lot of effort into SEO for ourselves... SEO tends to take a backseat to design most of the time,  making it a little difficult for me at times when it comes to SEO. We recently launched a new site, and the developer and I have done quite a bit of work to make it work well for Google.  I was really looking forward to a new crawl report from Roger, but alas, It's like Roger crawled the old site?  The new site has been up since last Monday. Is there a way to clear out the old errors?  Do I just need to give roger more time?

    | PaulRonin

  • Who and how does one get in Fresh Alerts? This is such a great tool! Thank, Moz! I would like to use this more often and to a better advantage. Can someone help me understand what criteria the tool uses to choose who it and what it picks up? Why would someone's personal family gathering turn up in my Moz Fresh Alerts("Minneapolis home buyers"? My Desultory Blog Desultory thoughts on a variety of subjects … Having a great time with Katelyn and Drew in Wayzata, MN It seems completely random when and which of my blog posts show up in Moz Fresh Alerts. For example one that did ("Minneapol​is real estate sellers"): "5 Critical Shifts in the Twin Cities Housing Market" Jeannie

    | jessential

  • Hello, I have a question, what is the difference between these tools? I thought both are the same, just that you can see you competitors ranks on the keyword rankings... The keyword rankings tool is telling me that my competitor is ranking in some keywords.. If I go to the rank tracker tool and type the keyword and competitor url it gives me that that keyword is not in the top 50, when keyword ranking is giving me position #3 I am using in both the same Search Engine with the same country (Google Mexico) Thank you

    | pixelarmx

  • I have tried this in a few browsers and it just hangs when I try to create a custom PDF report for one of my campaigns. Any help?

    | ArttiaCreative

  • I've run the crawl test one of the sites I've taken over SEO for, however its only picking all the pages. For instance it indexes all the pages under xxxxx/us but none under xxxxx/au or xxxxx/uk The pages are being indexed as they're ranking in Google. Thanks.

    | ahyde

  • Hi, Is there any problems with the Keyword Difficulty tool? It was working fine all morning but now it appears to be stuck on Pending. I have tried Firefox and Chrome and both have the same problems. Thanks Rachael

    | GlitzyBingo

  • Does anyone know? I want to use it as a study tool if the info is still current. SEO Expert Quiz Thanks,

    | SSFCU

  • Suddenly, I find myself unable to access the Rankings Report. Anyone?

    | Greatmats

  • So this is just a thought. I am not Rand, therefor I am not the Moz man himself, and therefor I am not telling anybody how to run this website or forum. But, I've been thinking... and usually that a dangerous thing. So many times when I answer a question I end it with: "Keep me posted" "Keep us updated" "Good Luck" In the same light there have been plenty of times when I have had my questions answered by people like EGOL, RobertFIsher, KeriMorget and they have said that they have wanted me to keep them posted. Now sure, some of you are sitting there being Melancholy Mozzers thinking that all those wonderful people are just being polite by adding some nice parting words... but what if I they are being Sincere Seoers? What if I WANT to fill them in and don't want to ask a question? What if... THEY REALLY LIKE ME?!?! I could also send a DM to those 3 people, I mean let's get honest I'm not THAT popular.... but I can dream can't I? Again, this isn't really an SEO question, more of a thought on where I'm supposed to give updates on my project. In all honesty I do want feedback on what I'm doing, and sometimes I don't even know what questions I'm supposed to ask!

    | HashtagHustler

  • When I run my site in the Moz Tool bar, all of the page elements are read correctly except for HTML text. Sample page: Instead of the text on that page, the tool shows Javascript code: /* With a very high character count for text (14,247).

    | karasd

  • It seems as long as a word in the page title matches a word(s) within the page content you will get an 'A' grade. Should I be replacing these keywords with higher monthly searches and lower difficulty? It appears deceptive when you test a new website and all the pages get an 'A' for a word as basic as 'about.' Please advise.

    | Joseph.Lusso

  • I am receiving this error daily.  What's the story? There was a problem with your Google Analytics connection on one or more of your campaigns. View your campaigns to reconnect Google Analytics and view traffic metrics.

    | LegendaryLionWebDesign

  • That's all. It has not worked for last 3 days I believe. I use Google Chrome.

    | SammisBest

  • How many links we can share in a day through tool? Any kind of limitation in of the share purpose? An open site explorer how many links fetch through bilty links in a day.

    | surabhi6

  • Hi, This is more of an observation rather than a real issue. But I noticed that when I check a keyword difficulty in Google by pressing the button that appears I get a different % result to the same keyword placed in the campaign. I suspect that it is something to do with being in the UK, however, If for instance I go to and place in the search bar IT support company Portsmouth I get the result 44% appear but in the keyword difficulty tool I get the result 34%. It seems to do this on all the keywords I have checked. I also checked both US and UK results in the campaign but neither of these came up within the 10% difference of the toolbar. Like I mentioned though, not a criticism, just an observation, its still a very handy little tool. EDIT 06/18/14: I thought I would just add that I am now getting some seriously odd results. For instance, if I put in the keyword 'hairy blue widgets for sale in Outer Mongolia' it returns a difficulty level of 71% ??? Thanks

    | southcoasthost

  • Moz toolbar shows .edu links and .gov links of websites or not?

    | surabhi6

  • should it be updating automatically on a weekly basis or do i have to start new campaigns every week?

    | joerios

  • My dashboard has not been loading for a week now. I had the same problem about 6 weeks ago and was told to wait a few days. I submitted a ticket but no response yet. It's been a week and I need to see the data! 😞

    | xvpn902

  • snapshot:// page:

    | FuboTV

  • I'm just running a keyword difficulty analysis and it seems to be stuck. The analysis report is just marked as pending with the arrows going round and round. I've tried ti in two browsers (firefox/chrome) just in case it was something local. Are there current problems?

    | Gordon_Hall

  • The Keyword Difficulty is not working for AU. Can you get AU KWs to work? Any tips on us getting it to work? We've: deleted KWs and started over. logged out & logged back in. tried from multiple computers. waited hours. Thanks!

    | WME

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