Testing your code and site
I’ve got various WordPress websites with the Share This social plugin for WordPress. I have been using Firebug and http://analyze.websiteoptimization.com/wso to do general checks on the site and the code. And used W3C validator too.
Due to the way WordPress appears to work we never seem to be able to get all the firebug/ website optimization tests to pass and the W3C validator passes everything on HTML 5 apart from 7 errors with the Share This social plugin.
How do you test your code/websites? Should I stop be a perfectionist and just be happy?
W3C feedback -
Validation Output: 7 Errors
Line 12, Column 125: Attribute xmlns:fb not allowed here.```
<code class="input">….facebook.com/2008/fbml" xmlns:addthis="http://www.addthis.com/help/api-spec" ></code>[✉](http://validator.w3.org/feedback.html?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.homecinemauk.com%2F;errmsg_id=html5#errormsg "Suggest improvements on this error message through our feedback channels")
Line 12, Column 125: Attribute with the local name xmlns:fb is not serializable as XML 1.0.```
<code class="input">….facebook.com/2008/fbml" xmlns:addthis="http://www.addthis.com/help/api-spec" ></code>[✉](http://validator.w3.org/feedback.html?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.homecinemauk.com%2F;errmsg_id=html5#errormsg "Suggest improvements on this error message through our feedback channels")
Line 12, Column 125: Attribute xmlns:addthis not allowed here.```
<code class="input">….facebook.com/2008/fbml" xmlns:addthis="http://www.addthis.com/help/api-spec" ></code>[✉](http://validator.w3.org/feedback.html?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.homecinemauk.com%2F;errmsg_id=html5#errormsg "Suggest improvements on this error message through our feedback channels")
Line 12, Column 125: Attribute with the local name xmlns:addthis is not serializable as XML 1.0.```
<code class="input">….facebook.com/2008/fbml" xmlns:addthis="http://www.addthis.com/help/api-spec" ></code>[✉](http://validator.w3.org/feedback.html?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.homecinemauk.com%2F;errmsg_id=html5#errormsg "Suggest improvements on this error message through our feedback channels")
Line 109, Column 382: Attribute addthis:url is not serializable as XML 1.0.```
<code class="input">…homecinemauk.com/' addthis:title=' ' ><a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code=""></a></code><a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code=""></a>[✉](http://validator.w3.org/feedback.html?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.homecinemauk.com%2F;errmsg_id=html5#errormsg "Suggest improvements on this error message through our feedback channels")`
`* Line 109, Column 382: Attribute addthis:title is not serializable as XML 1.0.```
<code class="input">…homecinemauk.com/' addthis:title=' ' ><a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code=""></a></code>
````<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code=""></a><a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code=""></a>[✉](http://validator.w3.org/feedback.html?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.homecinemauk.com%2F;errmsg_id=html5#errormsg "Suggest improvements on this error message through our feedback channels")` `* ![Error](http://validator.w3.org/images/info_icons/error.png "Error") _Line 109, Column 382_: Attribute addthis:url not allowed on element div at this point.``` <code class="input">…homecinemauk.com/' addthis:title=' ' **>**<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code=""></a></code> ````<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code=""></a><a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code=""></a> <dl><a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code=""></a> <dt><a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code="">Attributes for element </a>[`div`](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#the-div-element):</dt> <dd>[Global attributes](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#global-attributes)</dd> </dl>` `* ![Error](http://validator.w3.org/images/info_icons/error.png "Error") _Line 109, Column 382_: Attribute addthis:title not allowed on element div at this point.``` <code class="input">…homecinemauk.com/' addthis:title=' ' **>**<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code=""></a></code> ````<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code=""></a><a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code=""></a> <dl><a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code=""></a> <dt><a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" …<="" code="">Attributes for element </a>[`div`](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#the-div-element):</dt> <dd>[Global attributes](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#global-attributes)</dd> </dl>` `* ![Warning](http://validator.w3.org/images/info_icons/warning.png "Warning") _Line 109, Column 452_: Attribute fb:like:layout is not serializable as XML 1.0.``` <code class="input">…ok_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"**>**<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a></code> ````<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a> <a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>[✉](http://validator.w3.org/feedback.html?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.homecinemauk.com%2F;errmsg_id=html5#errormsg "Suggest improvements on this error message through our feedback channels")` `* ![Error](http://validator.w3.org/images/info_icons/error.png "Error") _Line 109, Column 452_: Attribute fb:like:layout not allowed on element a at this point.``` <code class="input">…ok_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"**>**<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a></code> ````<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a><a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a> <dl><a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a> <dt><a class="addthis_button_tweet">Attributes for element </a>[`a`](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#the-a-element):</dt> <dd>[Global attributes](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#global-attributes)</dd> <dd>`[href](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#attr-hyperlink-href)`</dd> <dd>`[target](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#attr-hyperlink-target)`</dd> <dd>`[rel](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#attr-hyperlink-rel)`</dd> <dd>`[media](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#attr-hyperlink-media)`</dd> <dd>`[hreflang](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#attr-hyperlink-hreflang)`</dd> <dd>`[type](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#attr-hyperlink-type)`</dd> </dl>` `* ![Warning](http://validator.w3.org/images/info_icons/warning.png "Warning") _Line 109, Column 557_: Attribute g:plusone:size is not serializable as XML 1.0.``` <code class="input">…oogle_plusone" g:plusone:size="medium"**>**<a class="addthis_counter addthis_p…</code></pre> <p class=" helpwanted"=""></a>[✉](http://validator.w3.org/feedback.html?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.homecinemauk.com%2F;errmsg_id=html5#errormsg "Suggest improvements on this error message through our feedback channels")</code> ````* ![Error](http://validator.w3.org/images/info_icons/error.png "Error") _Line 109, Column 557_: Attribute g:plusone:size not allowed on element a at this point.``` <code class="input">…oogle_plusone" g:plusone:size="medium"**>**<a class="addthis_counter addthis_p…</code></pre> <div class=" ve="" html5"=""></a> <dl><a class="addthis_counter addthis_p…</code></pre> <div class=" ve="" html5"=""></a> <dt><a class="addthis_counter addthis_p…</code>Attributes for element </pre> <div class=" ve="" html5"=""></a>[`a`](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#the-a-element):</dt> <dd>[Global attributes](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#global-attributes)</dd> <dd>`[href](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#attr-hyperlink-href)`</dd> <dd>`[target](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#attr-hyperlink-target)`</dd> <dd>`[rel](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#attr-hyperlink-rel)`</dd> <dd>`[media](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#attr-hyperlink-media)`</dd> <dd>`[hreflang](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#attr-hyperlink-hreflang)`</dd> <dd>`[type](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#attr-hyperlink-type)`</dd> </dl></code> ``````````
## Analysis and Recommendations * TOTAL_HTML - Congratulations, the total number of HTML files on this page (including the main HTML file) is 1 which most browsers can multithread. Minimizing HTTP requests is key for web site optimization. Y * TOTAL_OBJECTS - Caution. You have 20 total objects on this page. From 12 to 20 objects per page, the latency due to object overhead makes up from 75% to 80% of the delay of the average web page. See Figure II-3: [Relative distribution of latency components showing that object overhead dominates web page latency](http://www.websiteoptimization.com/secrets/performance/II-3-object-overhead.html) in [Website Optimization Secrets](http://www.websiteoptimization.com/secrets/) for more details. Consider reducing, eliminating, and combining external objects (graphics, CSS, JavaScript, iFrames and XHTML) to reduce the total number of objects, and thus separate HTTP requests. Consider using [CSS sprites](http://www.websiteoptimization.com/speed/tweak/css-sprites/) to help consolidate decorative images. * TOTAL_IMAGES - Caution. You have a moderate amount of images on this page (14 ). Consider using fewer images on the site or try reusing the same image in multiple pages to take advantage of caching. Using CSS techniques such as colored backgrounds, borders, or spacing instead of graphic techniques can help reduce HTTP requests. * TOTAL_SIZE - Warning! The total size of this page is 315393 bytes, which will load in 66.86 seconds on a 56Kbps modem. Consider reducing total page size to less than 100K to achieve sub 20 second response times on 56K connections. Pages over 100K exceed most attention thresholds at 56Kbps, even with feedback. Consider optimizing your site with [Website Optimization Secrets](http://www.websiteoptimization.com/secrets/), [_Speed Up Your Site_](http://www.websiteoptimization.com/speed/) or [contacting us](http://www.websiteoptimization.com/contact/) about our optimization services. * TOTAL_SCRIPT - Caution. The total number of external script files on this page is 5 , consider reducing this to one or two. Combine, refactor, and minify to [optimize your JavaScript](http://www.websiteoptimization.com/speed/tweak/javascript-optimization/) files. Ideally you should have one (or even embed scripts for high-traffic pages) on your pages. Consider [suturing JavaScript files together](http://www.websiteoptimization.com/speed/tweak/suture/) at the server to minimize HTTP requests. Placing external JavaScript files at the bottom of your BODY, and CSS files in the HEAD enables progressive display in XHTML web pages. * HTML_SIZE - Congratulations, the total size of this HTML file is 12545 bytes, which less than 50K. Assuming that you specify the HEIGHT and WIDTH of your images, this size allows your HTML to display content in under 10 seconds, the average time users are willing to wait for a page to display without feedback. * IMAGES_SIZE - Warning! The total size of your images is 207700 bytes, which is over 100K. Consider [switch graphic formats](http://www.websiteoptimization.com/speed/tweak/graphic-optimization/%3Eoptimizing%20images%3C/a%3E%20for%20size,%20combining%20them,%20and%20replacing%20graphic%20rollovers%20with%20CSS.%20You%20can%20often%20%3Ca%20href=) to achive smaller file sizes (from JPEG to PNG for example). Finally, substitute CSS techniques for graphics techniques to create colored borders, backgrounds, and spacing. * SCRIPT_SIZE - Warning! The total size of external your scripts is 95148 bytes, which is over 20K. Consider [optimizing your JavaScript](http://www.websiteoptimization.com/speed/tweak/javascript-optimization/) for size, combining them, and using [HTTP compression](http://www.websiteoptimization.com/speed/tweak/compress/) where appropriate for any scripts placed in the HEAD of your documents. You can substitute [CSS menus](http://www.websiteoptimization.com/speed/tweak/cssmenus/) for JavaScript-based menus to minimize or even eliminate the use of JavaScript. * MULTIM_SIZE - Congratulations, the total size of all your external multimedia files is 0 bytes, which is less than 10K. Firebug on Firefox Yahoo: See attached image Google: See attached Image [OdPjx.png](http://i.imgur.com/OdPjx.png) [VRW71.png](http://i.imgur.com/VRW71.png)```
Hi John,
7 errors all related to 1 plugin shouldnt be a big deal - especially when it comes to social plugins. A lot of the social share buttons themselves dont validate.
Im also not sure what you mean "the way WordPress appears to work"?
Could you post some of the errors here so we can see and try to help? The W3C error itself should let you know what you can do to fix the problem
Do you use Firebug? Any other tool suggestions?
W3C is an indicator of how well you have built your website but not for SEO as it use to be. I would suggest you focus on the sites speed, as it would typically deal with the issues you are facing with plugins and code. Hope this helps, Vahe
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