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What’s Covered?
This guide covers the Insights section of your Moz Pro Campaign.
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Introduction to Insights
Under the Insights tab in your Moz Pro Campaign you'll find actionable information on key areas of your Campaign. You’ll get a quick glance at rankings, opportunities and highlights from your last Campaign update all in one place.

For each Insight listed, you can check the box to the left to mark it as Done (i.e. reviewed). If you accidentally mark an issue as Done by mistake or you want to review your Done items you can toggle to the Done view on the top right. Just be sure to review your Done items before the next weekly Campaign update for your Campaign.
Rankings Insights
Some Insights you’ll see listed in this section of your Campaign are related to your Rankings. For example, we may include a Rankings Summary which will show you a brief overview of how your Rankings performed that week.

Additionally you may see Insights modules which call out SERP Feature opportunities, Ranking Highlights, or Keyword Opportunities. Keyword Opportunities will outline keywords you aren’t currently tracking in your Campaign but for which your site is ranking - just in case you want to start tracking those over time.
At the bottom of each module you will have the opportunity to click a link for further information.
Site Crawl Insights
Another type of Insight you may see noted are those related to your Site Crawl data.

These Insights modules will outline key takeaways from your most recent Site Crawl to help you prioritize tasks. At the bottom, you'll see a link that will take you directly to the Site Crawl report.
At the bottom of each module you will have the opportunity to click a link for further information.
Performance Metrics Insights
If you are tracking URLs within the Performance Metrics section of Site Crawl, you may see a Performance metrics summary module. This module will show you a summary of the scores for your tracked URLs as well as the top 3 URLs with the greatest increase and decrease in overall score for mobile. This can be a great way to see a high level overview of your scores week to week.

Other Insights
Other Insights modules you may see include things like Homepage Insights, Page Optimization Insights, and Link Opportunities.
The Page Opportunities tile shows you keyword/URL pairs that you're not already tracking but that you're ranking for, and gives you the chance to start tracking those pairs in your Campaign’s Page Optimization section. Improving your Page Optimization score over time may help you climb up in the rankings for those keywords.

The Link Opportunities module offers insight into the pages in your Top Pages section which are returning a 4xx error to our index crawler. It’s important to note this is separate from our Site Crawl crawler.

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