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Discover the essential considerations for SEOs when building headless websites in this insightful Whiteboard Friday by Peter Richman.

Enhance your B2B SEO strategy with structured resource sections. Learn how to optimize your site's hierarchy and content to target diverse customer queries and boost search visibility effectively.

Find out how to use ChatGPT to help you build out a customer journey for your website in this Whiteboard Friday episode with Grace Frohlich.

Discover the return on investment of accessibility in SEO and learn why it’s crucial for your business. Gain greater revenue, improve user experience, and stay compliant with legal standards.

There are a lot of similarities between SEOs and UX designers, and we often have the same goals. How can we work to understand more of the UX designers' priorities and help to communicate our priorities to them? Learn all about how SEOs and UX designers can work better together in this edition of Whiteboard Friday.

Alt Text For Video Accessibility: Have you been following along as we explore SEO + Accessibility? In this post, we shares resources and advice on SEO and Accessibility overlaps when optimizing alt text for images, video, and non-text elements.

Do you know the overlaps between SEO and accessibility? If you’re optimizing for search engines, you’re also affecting how people using assistive technologies experience your site. Let's examine the effects and best practices for keyword usage, text formatting, and links.

How well can ALL visitors navigate your site? In this first post of three, we'll try out simple screen readers & look at structural overlaps in SEO + accessibility like titles, headings, semantic markup, page structure & sitemaps.

If you optimize for SEO, does that mean you have accessibility covered? What about the other way around? This Part 1 of 2 post looks at high-level overlaps & recommends a11y blogs, resources, & fun tools to start you thinking about accessibility and SEO optimization.

The job of the Technical SEO becomes more complex each year, but we also have more opportunities now than ever. Here are 12 ways you can improve your rankings without relying on link building.