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  • Regarding my client _Driveway Call Frank  - _Google is showing up a "no listing found".  We do have a google account and have had it for a few years.  What do I need to do?

    Product Support | | WalkieTalkie

  • My reports used to show 'monthly keyword volume' but now all keywords show 'no data' (48 keywords) Is there something that is not loading properly? Is there are way to re-set this data? Or is there something wrong with data reporting?

    Product Support | | traveltime

  • Hello, Moz family! I am fairly new to the SEO game, so this question may be irrelevant. Here is a little context to begin; the business I am serving has an overview page (see below), which I have started a campaign for. On the overview page, there are 10 different links that can take the user to a specific page. It is hard to gather rankings for these keywords because there are so many different pages we link to. I guess what I am asking is, is the only way to gauge keywords across multiple pages is to start multiple campaigns? I hope this makes sense, but if I need to clarify more please let me know! Thanks in advance!

    Product Support | | BlakeSmith3

  • After only 5 days of use. For some reason I now see some sort of extension of my account. Can I expect to see any charges to my credit card? I would like to cancel my account completely, how do I do this?

    Product Support | | SizzlePro

  • After cancelling my Moz subscription, if I decide to subscribe again in the future, would I then regain access to historical data from when I was a paying subscriber?

    Product Support | | JoeMangum

  • Hi, I have just signed up for Mozpro, I heard that I can try a free trial in 30 days. But when I signed up I was charged 99 USD. Is there any way that I can get my money back and use the free trial time to know if Mozpro is right for me? Please help!

    Product Support | | nalmv

  • I was considering starting in online business but decided not to but forgot to cancel 30 day trial therefore I am unable to use the service but yeah I still got billed and I never use the service how can I get refunded?

    Product Support | |

  • I've forgotten to cancel my trial account and I got my card charged 150$, I wanna cancel my account and get a refund please.

    Product Support | | heshamfathi

  • Please can someone tell me how to add the company logo to my moz account?

    Product Support | | Wrapped

  • Well, I was informed that I was en-queue to be invited to the Moz Site Crawl v2. I have several client sites making use of SNI b/c, well... CDN's. What is the point of telling me I may receive an invitation shortly, then hearing nothing back and not being able to crawl their sites... this makes this service 100% useless as I can simply use a couple of different tools (free) to perform the same tasks... don't get me wrong... I would rather use Moz and this is not intended to flame the service as I think it could be great... if only it worked. I cannot justify the lack of response, nor the lack of service (what we intended to use here) for the price. It seems like this is simply a waiting game wherein Moz expects me to pay for this service and THEN I will receive my invite? Is it at all possible that anyone can look into this and/or my invite status. If I cannot sample these features before long, you've lost a solid potential client. (Not my loss)

    Product Support | | jmsdonline

  • I have two listings on same account, i need to cancel just one of my listings. how do i do this? it says delete Facebook and google listing but i can't, the new owner has had them transferred to him. Help!?

    Product Support | | BigLousBouncies

  • I'm very excited to have received my promotion into the Moz Specialist category (yea me!) , but I've discovered that I have another Moz profile dating back to 2011. Can they be merged together?

    Product Support | | julie-getonthemap

  • Hello, my account has be scheduled to have the next updated report on 1st March. However, up till now, the latest data I have for our site crawl issues is made on 21st Feb.  May I know if there is any issue related to this? Any way that i can draw the data for this week?

    Product Support | | Robylin1

  • It seems like there have been a lot of bugs in moz over the last couple of days - is anyone else experiencing anything similar? Scheduled reports have sections coming through blank, same thing happens when trying to edit the module in the report - it's just blank. Yesterday, trying to use the KW explorer the SERP portion of the tool would not work and the metrics gathering seemed to be endless. Also been receiving various error messages across many different reports

    Product Support | | rder

  • I keep getting the following error in my Campaign Dashboard: “Our connection to your Google account was lost. Don’t worry, you won’t lose any data”. Please reauthorize now. I do reauthorize but by the time I log out and log back in, the same message gets displayed. Any ideas? Thanks, Alan

    Product Support | | Kingalan1

  • Hello, We have been using Moz Pro for over a year on our site and in the last month noticed that our site is not being crawled anymore. I took a look in Google Search Console, and everything seems to be fine there, so I think it is just the Moz tool that is not working. Has anyone else experienced this? Are there any tips for troubleshooting it? Thank you, Adam

    Product Support | | cwells

  • my site used to be http and i have now converted to https. my site is, please advise how to solve the duplicate page title errors ?

    Product Support | | Paul_Ward

  • Hi, Currently using Moz Pro Standard, which limits me to 300 keywords queries per month. I'd like to run more queries than this, but don't see any option to add more. Do I need to upgrade to the Medium tier? Just to clarify, I'm _not _referring to tracked keyword rankings -- just queries run through the keyword explorer tool. Thanks!

    Product Support | | TA_Marketing

  • Hi Moz community,
    I'm getting an apparent error code 612 on my homepage. I've checked my robot.txt file with as well as like others have suggested, but they are both showing nothing wrong. Is this something to do with square space? Is it incompatible with Moz? My site is Thanks.

    Product Support | | BrownBox

  • As of this morning, the Domain Authority section on our campaign still reads: "Next scheduled update: Jan 25, 2017 PST" and nothing has changed - it is still showing our old DA and how much it went up since last time. Is this a problem on our end, or is Moz experiencing difficulties with DA updates? Thanks in advance!

    Product Support | | whiteonlySEO

  • For the past few days, every time I try posting a comment, no matter how long or short, how informative or simple, I've been getting the error message that the comment isn't being allowed. I only tried a few times, once on several different posts (not spamming, God forbid!), and I never include links in my comments... So what's wrong?! So frustrated, I am so not up to this right now. Why can't I share my insights and questions on Moz anymore? Gaaaaaaa!

    Product Support | | whiteonlySEO

  • Hi Moz community, My Moz Pro writes 555 duplicate content errors, when i click on the page address to check witch page duplicate, it gives me the same page address without WWW. Duplicated: The first thing i checked is my .Htaccess file.. , I found out i have a www redirection that redirect everyone without the "www" to the full domain with the "www" - and it works perfectly on the browser. The code that redirect: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] I'm trying to figure out why Moz Pro gives me these errors, Thanks in advanced 🙂

    Product Support | | DigitalST

  • I have two campaigns on Moz and they were doing fine until I made the decision to rewrite my URL to remove www so, becomes   Moz sees this as a error it seems and I am now getting error code 902. I tried to change my campaign setting but it won't let me change the URL because it's got historical information that doesn't pertain I guess.   What should I do?  Was it a mistake to remove the www? Thanks for any advise, Greg

    Product Support | | Banknotes

  • Hi, My card was just charged today because my trial membership expired. I really haven't been using any of the trial features and unfortunately I completely forgot to cancel the membership! Could anyone help me with this? I was looking for a phone number or contact information but I couldn't find anything. Thanks! UPDATE: Just found the contact forum!!!

    Product Support | | ikahbod

  • I just don't want to have this account anymore. So there has to be a way to delete it.

    Product Support | | PriiduT

  • My trial just expired and I had forgotten to cancel. I just got 99$ debited from my account and i don't want to continue this moz tool , so please refund my money. And please make it fast. my  id:   Thanks in advance

    Product Support | | ivansu

  • I am new to MOZ pro. I have lots of spam backlinks from a company that blackhatted me about 5 years ago. Can MOZ list these for me? I don't know how. Thanks

    Product Support | | TomHW

  • I have 5 seats in account, How can I find out who created or modified campaign?

    Product Support | | ITWEBTEAM

  • Suncle upgrading to IOS 10 I'm unable to view most pages including the Dashboard, the only one I can see is Insights, when I try and visit others they come up blank or with very little data on them. Is it just me?

    Product Support | | Love_Merci

  • I am trying to block roger from crawling some UTM urls we have created, but having no luck. My robots.txt file looks like: User-agent: rogerbot Disallow: /?utm_source* This does not seem to be working. Any ideas?

    Product Support | | Firestarter-SEO

  • Hi everyone, I'd like to know if it is possible to pay for the Moz Pro in a year term rather than by months. Our company work in a year time basis and we would like to know if this option is duable, I couldn't find any information regarding this. Thank you so much, Noelia Martín

    Product Support | | nmartinga

  • Apparently on my last question my profile status says Staff?  Is there something I should know??  😉

    Product Support | | MickEdwards

  • I've seemed to have a load of issues as of late. Just small graphical things but still enough to make me concerned. 1. being noindex (however it seems to other users an external tools work) (image proof: ) 2. No mozpoints: 3. I'm a staff member? 4. Trying to respond when logged out: (not really a bug, however could be a better experience) These have all been sent via support, just wondered if it was just me having issues? Seems i'm staff on this one too:

    Product Support | | ThomasHarvey

  • So this is strange - i created a bunch of pages on Google Plus - and now that I started to use MOZ I noticed that there were 95 404 errors - When I look at them I see the Google+ there ( see example)  Has any one experienced this issue?  If yes, anyway to fix these 404 errors? or what's the best way to address this issue?

    Product Support | | carlosbernal10

  • Hi. I signed up for your free trial and forgot to cancel. However, as you can see, I haven't used your service in any way within the trial. I love SEOMoz and would love using it once my site's set up but not today. I want to cancel my subscription and ask for a refund ($149).

    Product Support | | sgtheosia

  • Why is it such a hassle to access Moz campaigns from the frontpage of Moz? How can MOZ be so awesome and at the same time be so annoying? Does Moz have UX designer working with them?

    Product Support | | guidetoiceland

  • I want to purchase Moz but my company wants to see how it goes before diving into an annual subscription. Is this possible?

    Product Support | | Olivia954

  • I was filling out our profile on Best of Web, and their site states there is a promo code for Moz Pro members...but I can't find it on the Perks' page. Feel free to respond via email or PM if you all don't want the info to be public. Email is Thanks, Ruben

    Product Support | | KempRugeLawGroup

  • It seems like my profile (especially points) is not been updated since the start of this week. any possible reason?

    Product Support | | Mustansar

  • Hi I got charged on my card without my approval and nay knowledge of exact amount before. can you please cancel my subscription and refund the amount immediately as i forgot to cancel free trial and have not used free trial account... also the cost is not approved in my organisation and i cannot bear cost of MOZ on organisation behalf

    Product Support | | prashantk18

  • I have added alot keywords and i am trying to find the positions of keywords that relate to different pages on my website.  I want to go through this one page at a time so i want to just see the keywords together for that page for example -  Sell overseas property page i want to just see keywords that i added for that page and not all the keywords.  How do you organise this in the rankings section?

    Product Support | | Feily

  • Has anyone else had issues with Roger crawling your site in the last few weeks? It shows only 2 pages crawled. I was able to crawl the site using Screaming Frog with no problem and we are not specifically blocking Roger via robots.txt or any other method. Has anyone encountered this issue? Any suggestions?

    Product Support | | cckapow

  • Hello, I try to help Moz community and hope to get 200 mozpoints a day 🙂 When I analyze a profile from a member with more than 200 mozpoints, I see two links to custom URL link : one is added nofollow on a blank image, and one follow with anchor text. But it appears that the tests show that in this case the second link is not taken into account... Why not remove the first link so ? Here is the code: xxx:

    Product Support | | Bigb06

  • I just noticed that Moz Prfile is not getting update since couple of days. Is it Just me or you also having the same issue?

    Product Support | | Mustansar

  • _Can someone help explain this error and the best fix for it. The host says the script maybe looking for an SSL but that made low/no sense. Your input it greatly appreciated. 4XX status codes (i.e., a 404 Not Found error) are shown when the client requests a page that cannot be accessed. This is usually the result of a bad or broken link. These issues should be kept to a minimum if possible. Make sure no internal links on your site are broken. For external links to your site, try contacting the linking site's owner and asking them to fix or update the link. _

    Product Support | | janee

  • I want to download the keyword ranking reports so I can look at them in excel. I do see the PDF option which shows me the list of 100 keywords and what number I am currently ranking for. I want to see that but in an excel form. When I click the "new rankings csv" it downloads a sheet with over 1200 rows in it. Basically I want to see the keyword report that the PDF shows (the 100 keywords and the current rank) in an excel format. Am I missing that?

    Product Support | | trumpfinc

  • It's a lot of disappointment.
    First, the cancel button stops working.
    Second, after complaining he returns to work. 4 days before.
    third, we cancel.
    Fourth, today you STEAL me $ 99. That's assault!
    Please return my money!

    Product Support | | mateusresende

  • We are experiencing issues with two client locations for Hillcrest. Hillcrest Home Care and Hillcrest Hospice Care. The Hospice Care location is displaying as Home Care, and one of the duplicate Home Cares is saying it is paused. This might be due to the fact that Google flagged Hospice Care as a duplicate of Home Care, because they are at the same address but have different suite numbers. Please help ASAP. Thanks.

    Product Support | | LM360_Digital

  • Hi Is there any issues with the campaign section? I keep getting a 404 error page. Thanks Andy

    Product Support | | Andy-Halliday

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