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  • Unsolved

    moz tools

    Is Moz planning to incorporate AI overview visibility into it's reporting?

    Moz Tools | | GustavoEGomez

  • article reporting article performance seo ranking keyword ranking

    Is there a tool to check the SEO performance of articles(like 100+ articles) from different websites in one place? I am looking for a tool where I can put several URLs of the articles we have published in bulk for many of our clients, and it can show me how those articles are performing. This way, we can check the performance of these articles at any time; there is no need to add URLs every time.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Foxxr
  • Unsolved

    moz pro 403 errors backlinkaudit

    I am facing some issue with our moz pro account
    We have images stored in a s3 buckets eg:
    Hundreds of such images show up in link opportunities - Top pages tool - As 403 ... But all these images work fine and show status 200. Can't seem to solve this. Thanks.

    Moz Tools | | Skites2

  • json structured data recipe

    I've noticed that many food blogs use the "recipe" tag to rank collection pages in carousels. For example, for the search term "Zucchini Recipe," Gaumenfreundin is in the first position in the carousel with a page that contains multiple recipes. This makes sense if the user intent is plural (e.g., "recipes") - but in the singular? According to Google's guidelines, the recipe tag is intended for individual recipes. Google even states that it is a misuse if only the ingredients are listed without the steps. So, isn't it against the guidelines to tag a collection page (even additionally) with the recipe tag? This practice is already common in the US market. Is Google aware of this and possibly tolerating it because it sometimes makes sense to present multiple recipes to the user? For example, "Zucchini Recipe" - the user might not yet know exactly what they want to cook with zucchini. Or do you think Google will take action against this practice in the future?

    On-Page Optimization | | chueneke

  • google listing seo website submission

    have a domain that was unused for a while and displayed the "parked by Gandi" domain message. Recently, I decided to set up a fully working website on that domain, but I'm struggling to get it to rank correctly on Google. Google isn't updating the to the correct, and I have tried everything. The redirects to if you click on it. I managed to get the correct version,, to show up, but after a couple of days, it reverted to the old version and has stayed that way. This has been going on for a few weeks now. Additionally, I had an old version of the site using .com, and I forwarded that to the, but the old .com will not be removed from Google. it was just one page without much content. At the moment, Google's search results look very messy and out of date. I have submitted the URL in the Google Search Console using the URL inspection tool and requested indexing and reindexing. I have also submitted sitemaps, but nothing is really working. Any ideas?

    SEO Tactics | | Roycd

  • seo experts in the world seoexperts

    Here are some of the top SEO experts in the world known for their contributions to the field, thought leadership, and innovative strategies: Rand Fishkin - Co-founder of Moz and SparkToro, widely known for his insights and contributions to SEO. Neil Patel - Co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, and KISSmetrics, renowned for his SEO and digital marketing expertise. 3.. Brian Dean - Founder of Backlinko, famous for his advanced SEO strategies and detailed guides. Rafay Waqar - Co-founder of SEOServices and a LinkedIn influencer, he provide valuable insights into search engine algorithms and updates. Barry Schwartz - Founder of Search Engine Roundtable, known for his in-depth coverage of SEO news and trends. Aleyda Solis - International SEO consultant and founder of Orainti, recognized for her expertise in technical SEO and international SEO strategies. Bill Slawski - Director of SEO Research at Go Fish Digital, known for his deep understanding of search engine patents and algorithms. Vanessa Fox - Creator of Google Webmaster Central and author of "Marketing in the Age of Google," known for her expertise in technical SEO and analytics. Ann Smarty - Founder of Viral Content Bee and a well-known figure in the SEO community for her content marketing and link-building expertise. Cyrus Shepard - Former Head of SEO at Moz and founder of Zyppy, known for his comprehensive SEO knowledge and actionable insights.

    International SEO | | cupll.rs1
  • Unsolved


    Hello I can not for the life of me figure out how to connect Facebook. I have tried, my wife has tried. We have tried on chrome, safari, and bing and we just can't seem to make it work. Can you help us with this? Thanks.

    Moz Local | | Ingrins

  • national seo spam score

    I have a serious problem with the domain Spam Score (44%) which seems to have a direct impact on the website ranking nationwide in Germany. The domain itself is not Spammy as I managed to disallow all the unwanted Backlinks and the domain is not penalised by Google Search Console. It ranks very well locally for local keywords but would not show among the 100 positions nationwide as it used to do a couple of years ago, even if I implemented the right SEO strategies and the right backlinks, it just doesn't rank in Germany for national SEO.
    This is the website in question: Übersetzungsbüro Kaiwords, do you think there is a way to lower the Spam Score, is there any chance that the website ranks again for national SEO?

    Link Building | | Kaiwords1

  • images bing google

    I have uploaded images to our Mozlocal account and they are showing up on Google but when we go to Bing not all the images are showing up and there is a png image of our logo that is not on Google. Wondering why this is happening and if it is possible to be fixed?

    Image & Video Optimization | | SCMarCom
  • Unsolved

    api problem empty response

    Hi, I always receive a empty reponse from your API v1. Here ist my API call for further investigation:
    "" Reponse: {} Do you experience some problems with the api? Thank you very much
    Regards George Shaylen

    API | | George4445
  • Unsolved

    moz da moz api wordpress plugin

    Hi Guys,
    I'm looking for Moz SEO Front-end Wordpress Plugin To Audit My Visitors Website And Show Results in my site. Like This plugin for Moz DA Checker: It's not important to be a free plugin or Premium one. I need to increase leads and traffic by it. Any suggestion will be appreciated.

    On-Page Optimization | | mrezair
  • Unsolved

    moz da wordpress seo tools

    Re: Moz WordPress Plugin? Hi guys,
    I need some Moz SEO Wordpress Plugins For my website working with Moz API. I've already found Moz DA-PA Checker plugin Moz DA-PA Checker But Need SEO Plugins too. Any Suggestion will be appreciated.

    Moz Pro | | mrezair

  • local seo nap change of address tool

    Hello, I'm looking to change a business address to a new one on a Google business profile (still in the same area but on a different street). So, I'll need to update all citations and website with the new address - Is it recommended to update the citations & website first, and then change the address on the Google business profile, or vice-versa? Looking to do this as safely as possible without negatively impacting the rankings much. I'm seeing a lot of conflicting information on this. Thanks in advance.

    Local SEO | | UpLinkSEO

  • update

    Hello my new website is showing everything at minimum like domain and page rating and backlinks, when will the next update will be?

    Algorithm Updates | | raffaelegurrieri
  • Unsolved

    topics keywords

    Re: Related topics / content suggestion Is there a similar tool in Moz that is like the SEM Rush Topic Research tool?

    Moz Bar | | CAPTRUST

  • indexing google

    I have been investigating this problem for some time now and there must be a technical problem. My posts seem to be ignored by google. For example, if i put this title of my article in google, other sites come up instead of my website Lincolnshire Caravan Owners Struggle To Compete With Haven I am trying to find out what technical problem I have that is stopping google displaying my post. Can anyone advise me on what tools to use and how to find out what is going wrong

    Technical SEO | | headlinesplus

  • local seo local google location local ranking factors service

    Hey guys, I wish Rand could answer this question, because I know he figured all of this out, or has at least thought about it at least once. Basically, I want to understand exactly how the local algorithms work. Do you think the Distance algorithm works differently for service related businesses that don't offer services directly to your car, or other moveable assets? (motorcycles, lawnmowers, small engines) For example, construction companies. We all know how boring their offices are. No one wants to go to one unless there has been a problem or to pay a bill, say at Trugreen or something. They don't sell products, and who wants to go to some construction company that will likely just be a receptionist and maybe a field manager on his lunch break with some field reps rotating in and out during the day getting new leads and entering sales? That's uncomfortable. Why not just call them? So, do you think Google's local algorithms know that and put less weight on businesses that fall into that category? Car shops, small engine repair, and say shoe repair shops are different because you have to bring them something to fix. Stores that sell products are different because you have to go shopping and pay them to take the products home. But remodeling companies, marketing agencies, etc. probably don't get a lot of foot traffic. (And it's because we know we can handle it on a phone call.)

    Local SEO | | everysecond

  • website

    I need a new website for my health insurance business. What type is best for SEO? Many thanks

    Web Design | | laurentjb

  • local seo local ranking factors service pages content optimization service based website

    Hey guys! We are targeting a number of cities in the Nassau and Suffolk County areas for foundation repair, insulation, and mold remediation keywords, and we were debating on creating city-specific pages for each location and service, or creating one service page for each type of service that contains all of the services and solutions within that service category for each city. Example: City-Specific Pages for Each Service: One page for say foundation repair, one page for foundation crack repair, one page for foundation problems, etc. (for each target city) Service Category Pages for Each City: One page for foundation contractors that lists all services on one page in sections. Which one do you think is better for local SEO and rankings? Both seem to have their advantages and disadvantages to me. Just to throw a couple out there, the category pages may not rank as high as the city pages for each individual service if our competitors have a whole page designed for that service and we only have a part of a page covering the topic. At the same time, they would save labor hours, technical issues would be less, and they would be condensed, and we would have WAY less mess on the backend. I appreciate your expert opinion on this one. The site is www. in case you want to check us out.

    Local SEO | | everysecond

  • indexing googlesearchconsole onpage

    Hello, Smart People!
    We need help solving the problem with Google indexing.
    All pages of our website are crawled and indexed. All pages, including those mentioned, meet Google requirements and can be indexed. However, only this page is still not indexed.
    Robots.txt is not blocking it.
    We do not have a tag "nofollow"
    We have it in the sitemap file.
    We have internal links for this page from indexed pages.
    We requested indexing many times, and it is still grey.
    The page was established one year ago.
    We are open to any suggestions or guidance you may have. What else can we do to expedite the indexing process?

    On-Page Optimization | | Viktoriia1805
  • Unsolved

    internal linking domain authority

    Hey, I am very concerned about the link metrics I am seeing, really hoping someone can help. In October last year there were a total of 34.7K 'total links' attributed to my E-commerce website . This compared to 41.2k and 213k links attributed to my two main competitors. In November, my website had a forced update due to incompatibility issues my shopping cart version was having with the server on which it is hosted. (I was told by my web developers / hosting company that their server was upgraded.) This update created many problems such as checkout issues, page layout issues, sitemaps not automatically regenerating and the big one - it reverted back to http instead of https. Along with my developers, I spent 2 weeks fixing all of the issues until everything worked correctly and https was reinstated. After initial warnings from Moz, I have not received any critical crawler issues or warnings, big ranking drops etc since November. I was satisfied that all was ok. However, in November my 'total links' jumped to 81.5k and have since continued to balloon. December - 309.1k, January -335k, February - 665k, March - 716k, April - 719k, May - 742k, June - 751k. In the same period (November - June), my external links went from 5.3k - 8.7k. So it appears the huge increase in links are internal. In my latest report it states that 'internal follow links' are up by 8k and 'internal no follow links' are up by 1k. This is insane. I cannot understand why I have so many internal links and why they keep increasing. I maintain the website with updates, blog articles etc but no more than I have in the past several years. Worryingly, once this increase in links started being reported, my Domain Authority has also tanked. In October my DA was 37 (higher than my competitors) and has since dropped as low as 19. It has gone up to 21 this month (still significantly lower than my competitors). I have spent hours researching why this huge increase in internal links could be happening but have got nowhere. If anyone could advise what the issue could be and how I can fix it, I would be eternally grateful. Issues I have discovered along the way that may help with analysis:
    My site has many 404s (hundreds) - all relate to urls of old images that have been removed from the website. The 'Top Hits' on my website are from blogs (some spammy) to these deleted image urls that return a 404. I don't use any plugins. I do get 'duplicate content' notices as my blog posts archive themselves and generate new urls - as an example - 'blog post name' archived December 2023. It may be the case that the old http urls have been redirected to https but I have no warnings for 'redirect issues' in Moz. Thanks for taking the time to read this and thanks in advance for any help.

    Link Explorer | | g3mmab

  • monthlyvolume canadian

    How does Moz differentiate Canadian data vs. U.S. data? I'm particularly interested in search volume. Why is there such a big difference in volume (much less in Canada)? Is this due to population differences or are there other factors? For example, see the monthly volume for the keyword "Business resilience": U.S. = 360
    Canada = 6 This seems like a huge difference!

    Keyword Research | | BDOCanada

  • ranking ranking issue

    I am trying to work out why from March 4th Google is not seeing my posts. Our google impressions have dropped from 8,000 to 40. If you put in the full article name with speach marks it does not find it, and instead shows the home page in google. We have not had any warnings. We did have work done on our site but nothing else i could think of to cause this. Can anyone let me know what may have caused this. All articles are original

    Technical SEO | | headlinesplus

  • shopify ecommerce url

    Hi, I'm a new bee here, Just wondering if we have some good but easy strategies to get a higher rank in PA and DA?
    My Store URL is [].
    We are selling Shoes, Watches and smart gadgets.
    We do shipping worldwide but need help from the community.

    Link Building | | BeriCollection
  • Unsolved


    I want to rank as a top RE Agent for local searches. What do I do now that I'm a Moz Local subscriber? #google #bing

    Moz Local | | DonavanTysonTeam

  • old content update or delete

    Hi, my site is related to education and i published more than 6000 articles from last 10 years, i naver delete but frequently update the Good Articles but some old articles that is not giving visitors, i did not update and some of them are short articles. i started in year 2021 and many articles in year 2012 to 2023 i write. please check my site and advise can i delete old out dated articles ? and countinue writing new articles with same topics, actuly from last month of August 2023 my site visitors lost with time from more than 70 percent.
    thank so much for advise.
    can i delete out dated content?
    some of my contents are not ranking even i update before it was on top position but now even after update still other website is ranking more than me in current year.
    #old Content ?
    #update or delete?

    Content Development | | bedah
  • Unsolved

    homepage keyword ranking

    Can anyone shed some light on how a competitor can have over 500 keywords for the home page, which I can not see when I read through the page itself. I have looked at the page sauce "keywords and is lists less than 10,. So my question is how can Moz say it has over 500 when i cant see them or has the site hidden them. If they are hidden Google has not penalised them for keyword stuffing. Can anyone shed some light on this Thanks in advance

    Product Support | | rubierae1524
  • Unsolved

    oblscore blogging offpage

    I've been working on optimizing my website, and I recently noticed that my Outbound Link (OBL) score isn't as good as I'd like it to be. I understand that OBL scores can impact my site's overall SEO performance. Could anyone share tips or best practices on how to improve the OBL score of my site? What should I focus on when adding outbound links, and how many are ideal to maintain a healthy OBL score? Also, are there any tools or reports in MOZ that can help me monitor and improve my OBL score effectively? I am new to blogging. your help will be appreciated

    Moz Tools | | hasannimam47
  • Unsolved

    site crawl

    Hi, In Moz pro, when using Site crawler (or recrawl), we are seeing message site is banned. But when using on-demand crawler, it could generate report successfully. I just like to know if in both these cases, it is roberbot that is used! And kindly note, site crawler was perfectly working before. So the required setup is already in place from long time. Site crawler ban issue started appearing from nov/dec 2023. . Could you please us understand how could we possibly make site-crawler work?
    I am happy to provide more details if you need any. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | gilesd

  • seo content optimization

    I am a college student studying Information Sciences and was "hired" by my uncle over the summer to work and maintain his baseball-related website, which he started in 2016. His posts provide very in-depth information but were created without a focus on SEO. I've noticed that a competing site, which seems to have started as an e-commerce site, is ranking higher than my uncle's site for the query "how much does a baseball weigh." Interestingly, this competing site ranks for keywords like "mass of baseball," even though these exact keywords are not present in the post. Given the recent Google updates and changes in rankings, I'm trying to understand: How can an e-commerce site with seemingly less specific content outrank a detailed blog post?
    What strategies can I employ to improve the ranking of my uncle's site for this specific query?
    Are there tools or methods I can use to analyze why the competitor is ranking higher and how to address it?
    I recognize I am not well-versed in SEO, so any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Competitive Research | | sf9090

  • best practice duplicated content

    Riddle me this.. best practice to manage Programme page (i.e 'Software Engineering') Has employer audience (cta - Onboard for staff) Has candidate audience (cta - create profile) From a conversion standpoint it makes much more sense to have these TWO pages here. One for each audience, even if much of the content is different. In this scenario, what is the best practice from an SEO standpoint?

    SEO Tactics | | WSatters
  • Unsolved

    getting started

    Im new to Moz and would like to get the most out of it as quickly as possible. so like the subject say - What are the top 5 things you would recommend I should to get the most out of Moz? #getstarted

    Getting Started | | djnlowe

  • same content two domains rebrand migration

    Odd situation I'm hoping some folks may have insight on. We have a product site and an educational site (two entirely separate domains). The educational site has: Existed for longer (24 years vs 13). Currently ranks for far more keywords and drives more traffic. Is an entirely separate brand from the product. Has historically driven sales to the product site (through email and onsite ads) but that channel has diminished over time. The product site Also has educational resources Is a more recognizable brand When prioritized resources here often drive far more revenue The Challenge
    Both sites cover very similar topics, making prioritization challenging and splits our topical focus. We are considering making the educational site our sole place for resources, migrating content from the product site, and rebranding the site to line up more closely with the product. Basically retain the domain, make it our sole focus for updates and new content, but align it with the strength of our more recognizable product. The Questions Does anyone have any experience with this type of rebrand where a separate domain is retained? Are we risking the loss of branded search queries in the process or some other risk? While potentially risking ranking/traffic loss would it make more sense to migrate all valuable content to the product site instead? Sorry for the long-winded questions here and appreciate any thoughts/ideas!

    Branding | | pasware
  • Unsolved

    on-page seo optimisation help

    Hi, Im not sure of the correct route to take here... We are a training provider and I manage the website. The main course offered is the transport manager CPC. Currently, I have a "catch all" landing page which links to each different course option: Landing page > Classroom Online Self study Distance learning The main keyword revolves around "transport manager cpc" I want searchers to land on the online page is they search "online transport manager CPC" for example but I think its confusing Google. I'm wondering if I should de-index the store pages (although some perform very well) and increase the content on the main landing page to rank for every related keyword on that page. Initially, I wanted to devalue the landing page in favor of the store pages but I'm unsure if that's the right way to go. I've stripped out the bulk of the keywords and content and shifted it to each individual page. but as above, Im now unsure if that's the right route to take. Any help would be greatly appreciated 👍 Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | dunbavand
  • Unsolved

    rogerbot moz crawler

    The bot is overloading my server. How to solve it?

    Moz Pro | | paulavervo

  • robots.txt ranking

    hi, can anyone let me know if my robot file is correct. my pages and wordpress posts are being indexed but not showing in serps and wondering if my robot file is wrong

    SEO Tactics | | blogwoman1
  • Unsolved


    Hello, I’m encountering an issue with MOZ’s keyword tracking tool. We have correctly set up our website: to track multiple keywords, but the tool only seems to track a few of them. Some important keywords we’re targeting don’t appear in the report at all. We are in the trial phase and need to ensure the tool functions correctly for our SEO strategy before subscribing to a premium plan. Can someone please help us understand why this might be happening and how to fix it? Thank you!

    Product Support | | gabo1212

  • ranking issue serps

    I was using the Yoast plugin and for more than ten years and my keywords were always in the top twenty with many in the top five. I then moved over to rank math plugin and things were fine. Then i saw all my posts and pages go our of serps with not a single page in seps. I looked at the plugin and saw that it was still working fine but my subscription ran out two months previous. none of my brand news articles appear in serps. All my posts are indexed but not one of them in serps and not one of my keywords are ranked. Can anyone please let me know what to do to solve this

    SEO Tactics | | blogwoman1

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