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  • keyword ranking keywords

    I have a blogging website where I post about famous food, home remedies, and more. When I started my website's keywords were ranking on Google But Now a single keyword is not in the ranking list. That's why I have concerns about how I can fix it.

    SEO Tactics | |
  • Unsolved


    Hello, I’m encountering an issue with MOZ’s keyword tracking tool. We have correctly set up our website: to track multiple keywords, but the tool only seems to track a few of them. Some important keywords we’re targeting don’t appear in the report at all. We are in the trial phase and need to ensure the tool functions correctly for our SEO strategy before subscribing to a premium plan. Can someone please help us understand why this might be happening and how to fix it? Thank you!

    Product Support | | gabo1212

  • keywords keyword density keyword stuffing

    Hello, I would like to know if the selection of individual keywords(that are not primary, secondary or tertiary) are important for SEO regardless of the relevancy to the page topic. I am wondering how much of a contribution a non-P1/P2/P3 can make in terms of SEO? For example it is a product page and I have built my content with P1,P2&P3 based only on the product and its properties itself. Do you think that a content gap for the page could be the production process of that product? So even if it is a product and its properties page, I can add 2 sentences about the production, so that I can drive more traffic by including these 2 informative sentences.? EXAMPLE:
    So lets' say my topic is "hair types" (P1) and my subtopics are "Straight," "wavy," and "curly"(P2s) which I used as subtitles. But throughout the page, I am planning to add some relevant but not-directly-relevant keywords here and there since they have high metrics and volumes. For example a potential sentence I can add: "innovative hair products these days can offer amazing results for the desired hair types". It is not specifically about "hair types" but I am using the keyword "innovative hair products" (good metrics keyword) which may help for the traffic... Another potential not-so-direct sentence can be: "For all hair types, the hair damages are common: heat damage, chemical damage and mechanical damage". Would adding this extra sentence where I am not specifically talking about "hair types" (my topic) but "hair damages" and damage examples (off-topic high metric keywords) help me to drive traffic to my website? And how much of an impact would it be?

    Keyword Research | | Siir

  • keywords ranking homepage seo

    I am an independent artist and all of my business inquiries come through my website ( Over the last 6 months I have been trying to get pages other than my homepage to rank for my keywords, but I haven't made any progress. I worry that I am cannibalizing my keywords since my pages all have similar information. Should I just delete my other pages and focus on ranking my homepage? Also, if I delete my other pages will that have a negative impact on my rankings?

    SEO Tactics | | PunchyMcSkeletor
  • Unsolved

    keyword difficulty keyword explorer keyword rankings keywords

    What are the most effective strategies for managing keyword difficulty (KD) in the Swiss market's competitive landscape, considering factors such as language variations, regional preferences, and search engine algorithms?

    Keyword Research | | digitavision2288

  • keywords blog post e-commerce

    I'm trying to improve the SEO for an e-commerce store that I'm working for that sells custom car air fresheners where you select the shape of the item and then upload the photo. The site has been around for almost 10 years so has authority in the field and ranks number one for custom car air fresheners and other related high-traffic keywords. However, there is no blog, no social media and has 8 total pages: landing page, FAQ, contact, guidelines, shape/product (page that starts the ordering process with little text), scents, terms, and samples.
    I'm struggling with how we rank higher for specific keywords that we are not number 1 with ok traffic (such as dog air freshener, custom air freshener for car with picture, custom photo car air freshener) and not affect the current keywords that we are ranking number one for. In addition, how do we rank higher for other keywords, if we don't have that many pages like a blog to create content? I was thinking of creating a blog to target more keywords, but I don't think there is enough relevant content to make. And I feel Google would find a blog about "top gifts for dad" or "top gifts for the holidays" not relevant. I was also thinking of adding more text to the shapes/product page which could be tailored towards a keyword. Maybe I could create another product page that goes into more detail about the air freshener with images, descriptions, and other use cases. On MOZ, the Domain Authority is 18 (really low), so I am thinking about working on getting backlinks from relevant sources with authority to improve our SEO. Or do we not mess with the text on the website since it works and not worry about the other keywords and focus on technical SEO items and backlinks to help with SEO? TLDR: How do you improve SEO for new keywords for an e-commerce business that doesn't have a lot of pages for content without affecting its number 1 ranking on other keywords?

    Keyword Research | | campionn
  • Unsolved

    on page grader keywords

    All of my keywords score a 53 using the on page grader. When I look at the notes it indicates I don't have the keyword in question anywhere on the page which, while true in some cases, is not always factual. Does anyone have a similar experience?

    Moz Pro | | josayoun

  • keywords seo tactics service based website service pages 1 keyword for 1 page

    Hello guys, I have a service-based website. Right now, I have around 30 commercial pages for different services, that we offer. I came up with idea to add service page for each keyword we're ranking in. For example, we offer home-construction service and we have 1 commercial page for this service. I will create 10-20 pages for keywords, related to home-construction services.
    For example: bricklaying, Fundamental works, Landscape works, Concrete works, etc. I saw similar approach on this website. It's a link on bricklaying page: If you scroll down you will see section with keywords, related to bricklaying and each keyword has separate page with duplicate content. My questions are: Do you know the name of this SEO tactic, so I can google more information about it? Do you think that it's good idea to use similar approach in order to improve your rankings for certain keywords? Is it a dangerous SEO tactic that may cause some penalties for your website or it's completely safe? Thank you for helping, guys! 331ea1ea-1d49-4f6c-89ef-510ef4657fa4-image.png c5999dbb-6dfb-4fbe-b3e8-ab9a0943bd88-image.png

    Content Development | | MykhailoRudenko
  • Unsolved

    keyword explorer keywords local

    Let's say I look up the keyword "plumber" in the Keyword Research tool. I get a monthly volume of 70.8k-118k. Now, I want to know how much of that volume comes from a specific city in the United States, like Kalamazoo, Michigan. Is there a way to identify this? My alternative is to look up the keyword "Kalamazoo plumber". This has two problems: People who search for local services will frequently leave off the location, with the expectation that the search engine will provide localized organic results. So, the search volume isn't very precise. That keyword has N/A volume, so the information doesn't help me anyway. Any alternative way to get at this data? Thanks!

    Keyword Explorer | | Kevin_P

  • keywords title tags

    Hi there, what is the best way to decide the keywords to be used in title tag?

    Web Design | | lucybish

  • keyword rankings keyword explorer keywords

    Curious how some of you are able to target several keywords on one same page, for instance for the page we aim to rank first on Google for keywords such as "Arabic tutor" and "Arabic teacher" but also for "learn Arabic" or "learning Arabic". How do you rank up number 1 for several phrase keywords without jeopardizing current rankings?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicolasvhe

  • keywords metrics

    Hello! I set up a keyword list over a week ago and the majority of the keywords still say "Gathering Metrics." Any advice on how to get this data to populate? Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | mollykathariner_ms

  • blog post rankings keywords traffic

    Hello there, We're having a rather big SEO issue that I’m hoping someone here can help us with, perhaps having experienced the same thing or simply understanding what's going on. Since around June, our website's home page has lost the majority of its most important rankings. Not just dropping, but losing them entirely and all at once. We think it was self-inflicted: Almost at the same time, a blog article of ours (which we had recently updated) started ranking for almost all the same keywords. While our home page is a commercial page highlighting only our own product, the article that usurped the position is a comparison article, comparing our own solution to competitors. The reason we created that article is because we noticed a trend of Google increasingly favoring such comparison articles over dedicated product pages. But of course we didn’t plan to cannibalize our own home page with it. My question is whether anyone has experience with such a case? Is there a way to "tell"/influence Google to rank our home page again, instead of ranking that article? Thanks a lot, Pascal

    Technical SEO | | Maximuxxx

  • keyword rankings keywords keyword explorer

    Hi, i got some keywords that already ranked in line 50 of google but Moz keyword ranking still show zero ranking keyword, it's almost a week or more. It's already showing in google ranking but how long Moz will collect the data, or is there something I miss about it please let me know, Thank you

    Community | | ilhamyani

  • base url keywords

    We have a client that we are rebuilding their website and they are thinking about dropping one word from the current base URL. That particular word is one of the keywords we are trying to rank for. Do you think that because one of our keywords is in the current domain name that it would be a mistake to change it to just the brand name without the extra keyword added on?

    SEO Tactics | | grayloon
  • Unsolved

    api keywords

    Hi, my boss is asking if you "have any API for keyword research -- e.g., as soon as a user creates a card title in [our application], we can auto-recommend keywords from Moz within [the application]. I shared a link with him to your Links API page, but he says he doesn't think that API does the above. Can you help? Thank you, Renae

    API | | CarolinaRen
  • Unsolved

    keyword rankings keywords

    HI I'm just setting up a new project/client and see Moz has auto-populated the keyword field in the new project setup form. Where does it get these from? Since I'm looking at the client's site through the Moz browser and cant see any of these KW in the usual/ obvious places? Whats the data source for this auto-population? All Best

    Moz Pro | | Dan-Lawrence
  • Unsolved


    In the rush to get our account set up and running our team added about 250+ keywords. Many are really close duplicates or a close rephrasing of the same idea. I'd say almost 100 of them fit into this category. Does it make sense to just leave these and continue to add better keywords or should we do some purging? Help!

    Keyword Explorer | | Worship_Times
  • Unsolved

    labels keywords upload

    Hi, I would like to update all my keyword labels via a .csv upload, however, when I try to upload the keyword file with the updated labels, I'm advised I don't have enough keywords left for the import. Am I using the correct upload tool or is there a way around this, please?

    Keyword Research | | Rich-H
  • Unsolved

    labels csv upload keywords

    Hi, I'd like to update all my keyword labels in one go and I thought it would be easier to do this via a csv upload) however, when I try to upload the keyword file with all my existing keywords and the labels, it says I can't due to me reaching my keyword limit.
    Am I trying to upload the labels with the wrong tool, or is there another way around this, please?

    Moz Pro | | Rich-H
  • Unsolved

    moz pro keywords

    Hi, I'm just digging through Moz pro at the moment, and really like the true competitor feature, but would like to be able to see the keywords our competitors rank for and we don't, rather than just the overlapping ones. Is this possible at all? Thanks

    Moz Pro | | pm-mbc
  • Unsolved

    keywords keyword density

    I am using MOZ keyword explorer for quite some time. Yesterday I was checking KD for a keyword of my new tech-related website but it showed a different KD every time for the same keyword. The keyword is "NEW JERSEY IT SUPPORT", the first time it showed 29, and 2nd time it showed 33. Why is this happening?

    Keyword Explorer | | beuiakahaha421
  • Unsolved

    keywords keyword rankings

    I've been doing SEO on a clients site, for a back page for 6 months now. Good amount of backlinks, has a PA/DA of 34/32, it's indexed by Google (via Console)...but it's not getting picked up for a single keyword (same in Ahrefs). Haven't had this happen before, what am I missing?

    Keyword Explorer | | AdkinsDigital
  • Unsolved

    moz pro seo optimization keyword density keywords

    In Mozbar, optimization factors
    "Avoid Keyword Stuffing in Document"
    If a blog (or any other page) publishes an article, and that article attracts a considerable number of questions, it is inevitable to prevent repeating the keyword on that page. In other words, using keywords by users in comments should not be considered as "Keyword Stuffing". In my view, if this is true, you need to optimize the detection of "Keyword Stuffing".
    By the way, thanks for the valuable service and tools for SEO.
    Best regards,

    Moz Bar | | Seoman45
  • Unsolved

    keyword rankings keywords

    I've built new landing pages for a website, and have loaded them with researched keywords in the content, alt image attributes and metas etc - but, after a number of crawls, the keywords are currently being matched to other existing web pages on the website. Does anyone have any advice on 'unlatching' these keywords from these pages, and instead getting them to match with pages that have been optimised for them? Many thanks!

    Moz Pro | | Darkstarr666

  • keywords bold keywords keyword density

    Hi all, Recently I came cross an RV lifestyle blog named RVing Trends. The website features high-quality contents about handy RV camping tips & guides, and in-depth RV product reviews. They seem to spend a lot of effort on the content quality. I've followed this website for a few months and can see they've been producing 3,000-5,000 word length contents regularly. One thing I notice is that they emphasize the main keyword as bold in almost the posts. You can check 1 sample here about RV mattress reviews. Just want to ask for your opinions about the efficiency of this technique and is the keyword density still important for blog content to rank well in Google. Thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | TungNM193

  • seo tactics keywords

    Certain keywords are good choices for my website (high CTR, low difficulty, high volume), but they would be very awkward to use in my website content. For example, "therapist near me" is a popular search term, but it would be very strange for me to use those words in that order in my content (I am a therapist). Any thoughts about this are welcome.

    On-Page Optimization | | LPantell

  • seo tactics keywords

    Hello! Question: When I add chosen keywords to my site (in urls, title tags, meta description, page content, headers, etc), do I need to put the words on my webpage exactly as they appear in my keyword research? So if I searched "therapist bay area" and I want to include these keywords, for example, must I use those words in that order in a sentence or header on my homepage? Or is it enough to include each word somewhere on the page?

    On-Page Optimization | | LPantell

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