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  • ranking ranking issue

    I am trying to work out why from March 4th Google is not seeing my posts. Our google impressions have dropped from 8,000 to 40. If you put in the full article name with speach marks it does not find it, and instead shows the home page in google. We have not had any warnings. We did have work done on our site but nothing else i could think of to cause this. Can anyone let me know what may have caused this. All articles are original

    Technical SEO | | headlinesplus

  • robots.txt ranking

    hi, can anyone let me know if my robot file is correct. my pages and wordpress posts are being indexed but not showing in serps and wondering if my robot file is wrong

    SEO Tactics | | blogwoman1

  • indexing technical seo ranking

    Hi, I made the mistake of hiring a freelancer to work on my website [](link url) but after having a good website things went from bad to worse. The freelancer was kicked off the platform due to lots of compliants from people and creating backdoors to websites and posting on them. It cost me money to have the back door to our site closed. I then found lots of websites were stealing my content through the rss feed. Two of those sites have now been shut down by their hosting company. With all these problems I found in Feb that the hundreds of keywords that I ranked for had vanished. And all the ones that were in the top ten for many years have also vanished. When I create an article which includes they cannot be found in Google. Normally before all these problems, my articles were found straight away. If I put in the title name Lincolnshire Premier Inn Staff Fear For Their Jobs and then add In2town in front of it, then instead of the page coming up with the article, it instead shows the home page. Can anyone please advise what tools i should be using to find out the problems and solve them, and can anyone offer advice please on what to do to solve this.

    Technical SEO | | blogwoman1

  • keywords ranking homepage seo

    I am an independent artist and all of my business inquiries come through my website ( Over the last 6 months I have been trying to get pages other than my homepage to rank for my keywords, but I haven't made any progress. I worry that I am cannibalizing my keywords since my pages all have similar information. Should I just delete my other pages and focus on ranking my homepage? Also, if I delete my other pages will that have a negative impact on my rankings?

    SEO Tactics | | PunchyMcSkeletor

  • ranking ecommerce

    I am working on an e-commerce niche website and I aim to rank higher on Google to drive more traffic to my website. Any suggestions?

    Link Building | | digitalenginehub

  • migration seo ranking

    Hello everyone, I'm currently facing a challenging situation and would greatly appreciate your expertise and guidance. I own a website,, primarily focused on the digital agency niche. About 3 months ago, I created a subfolder,, dedicated to job listings which is a completely different niche. The subfolder has around 120 posts and pages. Unfortunately, since I created the subfolder, the rankings of my main site have been negatively impacted. I was previously ranking #1 for all local digital services keywords, but now, only 2 out of 16 keywords have maintained their positions. Other pages have dropped to positions 30 and beyond. I'm considering a solution and would like your advice: I'm planning to purchase a new domain and migrate the content from to However, I want to ensure a smooth migration without affecting the main domain rankings and losing backlinks from pages. Is moving the subfolder content to a new domain a viable solution? And how can I effectively redirect all pages from the subfolder to the new domain while preserving page ranks and backlinks?
    I wish they did, but GSC doesn't offer a solution to migration content from subfolder to a new domain. 😢 Help a fellow Mozer. Thanks for giving a hand.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | davidifaso

  • migration seo ranking

    Hello everyone, I'm currently facing a challenging situation and would greatly appreciate your expertise and guidance. I own a website,, primarily focused on the digital agency niche. About 3 months ago, I created a subfolder,, dedicated to job listings which is a completely different niche. The subfolder has around 120 posts and pages. Unfortunately, since I created the subfolder, the rankings of my main site have been negatively impacted. I was previously ranking #1 for all local digital services keywords, but now, only 2 out of 16 keywords have maintained their positions. Other pages have dropped to positions 30 and beyond. I'm considering a solution and would like your advice: I'm planning to purchase a new domain and migrate the content from to However, I want to ensure a smooth migration without affecting the main domain rankings and losing backlinks from pages. Is moving the subfolder content to a new domain a viable solution? And how can I effectively redirect all pages from the subfolder to the new domain while preserving page ranks and backlinks?
    I wish they did, but GSC doesn't offer a solution to migration content from subfolder to a new domain. 😢 Help a fellow Mozer. Thanks for giving a hand.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | davidifaso

  • ranking homepage sub-pages not ranking

    Hey Community! I am facing an ranking issue, I am trying to rank on multiple quires with my sub-pages. The issue is homepage is ranking on every single query. Even the homepage's content is not relevant to that query! I have made sure to remove any sort of content relevancy from homepage which i trying to rank with my sub-pages. Business/Website Details: We are a recruitment agency based Pakistan providing manpower around the globe and other recruiting services. We are targeting each country with a sub-page. Even after I have done some necessary things but still there is not effect on rankings. Let me share some examples: Query: recruitment agency for gulf in pakistan Home Page Showing
    1.jpg Page i want to ranking:
    2.jpg This issue is not only with this page, it's appearing on multiple quires but I think it should clear the issue I am facing. Now: Any Possible Solutions to this technical or ranking error. Backlinks on this query don't matter because you can check the other search results don't have any backlink data on them. Please share some quick thoughts on-page content. Even I make a page that have the word recruiting/recruitment in it google will automatically rank homepage and not the page i want! Thanks in advance for help 🙂

    SEO Tactics | | xShams

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