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  • wordpress seo duplicate content

    Hi, I keep getting alert for duplicate content. It seems Wordpress is creating it through a /tag Something in the way we've got Wordpress set up?

    Technical SEO | | curveballmedia
  • Unsolved

    seo seo tactics seo training digital marketing training

    Hi Everyone, I have a basic SEO and Digital Marketing knowledge and looking for a course /training which will teach me step by step SEO and tools need to use with hand on training. I have a website ( which I need bring in Google Packs and on the first page of Google. I have attended a few courses but none of them offered in depth knowledge with hands on training so whatever I do it is not producing results. Thanks

    SEO Tactics | | fslpso

  • seo

    Will skipping <H> tags on a page have any impact on your SEO, e.g. skipping a <H2> so your page has a <H1> and then goes to a <H3>? Obviously a page must have a <H1>, but does it matter if you skip other headings?

    Technical SEO | | ciehmoz

  • seo 301 redirect rankings

    Hi, Our website is 10 years old, but I only noticed last night we had a page which has some badly formatted copy on. I redirected (301) to the home page Then I had a slight panic that maybe this was the wrong thing to do and it should be like it was with the home page and the /main page. Should I have left it or did I do the right thing?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | curveballmedia

  • seo domain authority domain

    I am working on a new content website. Before I decide of the name and buy the domain name, I wonder if it's still worth buying an expired domain name with high(ish) DA instead of starting from scratch.
    Any opinion?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | SolenneGINX
  • Unsolved

    moz pro seo optimization keyword density keywords

    In Mozbar, optimization factors
    "Avoid Keyword Stuffing in Document"
    If a blog (or any other page) publishes an article, and that article attracts a considerable number of questions, it is inevitable to prevent repeating the keyword on that page. In other words, using keywords by users in comments should not be considered as "Keyword Stuffing". In my view, if this is true, you need to optimize the detection of "Keyword Stuffing".
    By the way, thanks for the valuable service and tools for SEO.
    Best regards,

    Moz Bar | | Seoman45

  • seo seo audit

    hello . my website is but i cant make a site crawl for this . everytime i run crawling it stops and shows nothing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz helppp.

    Other SEO Tools | | valigholami1386

  • seo spam

    Do you know any good tips to reduce spam and if spams have an on google ranking?

    SEO Tactics | | easyjobber

  • meta tags seo

    Hello, I am doing SEO for my business website. I am trying to generate Meta Tags here What should I enter for "Search engines should revisit this page after ". We are not going to change content on daily basis. 7 Days or 30 days are good enough?

    On-Page Optimization | | webdropyyc

  • navigation breadcrumb trail breadcrumbs ux seo

    Hi Mozzers... I'm working on a Shopify site - it is polyhierarchical with multiple parent categories for each product. Not uncommon with Shopify because of issues with faceted nav on that platform. The problem is that defining ONE breadcrumb trail back to the homepage, it works against UX, as people will be wanting to go back to the previous search results, primarily, to revisit the parent category specific search (this is an ecommerce site with a huge number of products). So heaven knows what to do. I could do: (1) Home / Product to avoid the issue. Not very good for UX though as where is the previous category page (where more than likely a product search was carried out). (2) Home / Specific Previous Search Page - Parent Category / Product (if that is possible without upsetting SEO performance - I don't think it is - but any advice is welcome) (3) or I could define one specific path and also include: Return to Previous Page / Search as a separate clickback link outside of but adjacent to the breadcrumb trail (I think Macy's used to do that): The problem with defining a specific path is it flys in the face of UX in the context of this site! Although of course defining one path seems to be best practice for SEO. Any help would be gratefully received! Thanks a million, Luke

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | LukeRow

  • shopify ecommerce seo

    Hi, hope you guys can help as I am going down a rabbit hole with this one! We have a solid-ranking sports nutrition site and are building a new SEO keyword strategy on our Shopify built store. We are using collections (categories) for much of the key product-based seo. This is because, as we understand it, Google prioritises collection/category pages over product pages. Should we then build additional collection pages to rank for secondary product search terms that could fit a collection page structure (eg 'vegan sports nutrition'), or should we use blog posts to do this? We have a quality blog with good unique content and reasonable domain authority so both options are open to us. But while the collection/category option may be best for SEO, too many collections/categories could upset our UX. We have a very small product range (10 products) so want to keep navigation fast and easy. Our 7 lead keyword collection pages do this already. More run the risk of upsetting ease/speed of site navigation. On the other hand, conversion rate from collection pages is historically much better than blog pages. We have made major technical upgrades to the blog to improve this but these are yet to be tested in anger. So at the heart of it all - do you guys recommend favouring blog posts or collection/category pages for secondary high sales intent keywords? All help gratefully received - thanks!

    SEO Tactics | | WP33

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