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  • url ecomerce

    Hello Mozers! We are adding an ecommerce functionality to our existing website.
    Our company offers a wide range of commercial printing and mail services. We have done a pretty good job over the years in building content both in terms of our print offerings and blog section highlighting those offerings. We have finally bit the bullet and have decided to add end-to end ecommerce functionality. Users will be able to price, pay, upload and order thru our website. My question to the community becomes which sub folder do we use?
    The ecommerce functionality is a third part software and needs to sit in a sub folder and we can't seem to find a good fit. Most of our content pages for print items are something like this - pillar page examples of url structure for sub pages Options would be order-printing/ or prints/ So we we thinking /orders/ would be the best but not certain and wanted some feedback from the community. If we did go this route the url structure would be: order/business-cards this would be the default econ page order/business-cards/full-uv-coaing-both-sides individual product page What are your thoughts? CH

    Technical SEO | | CheapyPP

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