Yesterday, there was an error message on the Advanced Reports tab in OSE:
"Oops! It looks like our system is temporarily down. Please check back soon."
That cleared up after a couple of hours. After that, I ran an Advanced Report that I run on occasion, and it only returned 3500 links, whereas it normally returns around 23K. Since then, I've run the same report 9 times in total over the course of about 1 day, and each time the number of links keeps increasing. 3500, 10150, 21550, 25400, 28650, 35450, 37400, 38200, 50375.
I'm wondering what is happening? I want to do some evaluating of my backlinks, however I'd prefer to work on a "complete" list of links and the number of links keeps going up, when generating reports using the same criteria. When can I expect Advanced Reports to be "stable" where it's producing roughly the same number of links?
Also, I opened up a support ticket on this with over 24 hours ago, and haven't received any response. I've updated the ticket 2 times now, but no response. Disappointing they are not responding to support tickets.