I have this large dataset, about 1 million search queries with visits, bounce rate and a few other metrics. I'm trying to explore this data to find keyword "buckets" (such as include product name, location name, transactional objective, informational, etc.), as well as explore the density of certain keywords (keywords as in instances of a single word amongst all queries)
My idea was to use Excel and a macro to split all queries in separate words (also clearing punctuation and uppercase/lowercase), then storing this word in a new worksheet, adding to another column the visit counts from the row where the word was extracted (as to give a sense of weight). Before adding the word to the new worksheet, the script will look if the word already existed, if so it would just add the current value of visits to the existing visit counts etc.
In the end it will create sort of a "dictionary" of all the keywords in all search queries ranked by weight (= visits from search query including this keyword)
This would help me get started I believe, because I can't segment and analyze 1M raw search queries...
My issue is: this VBA has been running on my (fast) PC for the last 24hr and it doesn't seem to get to an end. Obviously excel+VBA is not the best way to do text mining and manipulation in such a large dataset (although it's just a 30mb file)
What would you do if you had this dataset and would like to mine the text/semantic as I am doing? Any idea of tools? process?
I'm considering dumping this data into a MySQL db and doing the processing through PHP (the only backend language I'm versed in), and getting the "summified" data stored into another table, which I'll then be able to export to a Excel for analysis. But I'm afraid that I'll be facing memory limit issues and such...
In the meantime, I'm definitely interested into knowing what you guys would do if you had this data and wanted to simply start exploring its constituencies