Hello, can someone please help answer a question about missing elements from Google's text-only cached version.
When using JavaScript to display an element which is initially styled with display:none, does Google index (and most importantly properly rank) the elements contents?
Using Google's "cache:" prefix followed by our pages url we can see the rendered cached page.
The contents of the element in question are viewable and you can read the information inside.
However, if you click the "Text-only version" link on the top-right of Google’s cached page, the element is missing and cannot be seen.
The reason for this is because the element is initially styled with display:none and then JavaScript is used to display the text once some logic is applied.
Doing a long-tail Google search for a few sentences from inside the element does find the page in the results, but I am not certain that is it being cached and ranked optimally... would updating the logic so that all the contents are not made visible by JavaScript improve our ranking or can we assume that since Google does return the page in its results that everything is proper?
Thank you!