Hi Joshua,
I think I have the hassle-free solution for you!
If you're asking this question with regards to the site listed on your profile (which is in English), as a first step I would not get into translating your content at all.
The products on your site are relatively high-end which are more suited to the more affluent consumers in India who will commonly be searching in English, rather than Hindi, Urdu or one of the many other languages spoken there. Also, approximately 80% of the population in the UAE are expats (of which many are British or American) so again, no need to translate for the moment.
If you start to see good results in these countries with the English versions, that's the time to think about investing in the local languages. Particularly as it's not just the associated cost of translating the website; you should also have native speaker customer service reps for example.
Use the Google Keyword Planner to see how many searches there are in English in these countries. Testing like this is a crucial part of international SEO so you don't waste money on translation and localization which can be expensive.
My suggestions above are based on the assumption that you will have local domains for each country eg, example.co.in (for India). If you want to target these countries with your main .co.uk domain, start some Google AdWords campaigns (in English) targeted to those countries and see how they go; if it works, then you can look further into the big international SEO question of wheather to use local domains, subdomains or folders to target those countries and languages.
Hope that helps