Dean’s background is Web Development and Internet Marketing from leaving school at the age of 16 Dean was designing and developing online browser based games, creating some of top successful browser based games.
Moving on from the online gaming industry to the music and entertainment, this is where he met Mozez a former signer of Zero 7 (chill out band), he went on to helping promote and develop Mozez with his solo career which then lead on to helping setup and manage the online development of a recording label known as Numen Records Ltd, this lead on to meeting many people with in the industry and successfully doing work for Pete Lawrence (founder of Big Chill Festival).
He then went on to setup an Internet Marketing and Social Media business called Design Build Love where he has successfully helped many business transform their online presence and sales.
Along side a digital agency Dean has teamed up with Neil Aylin and formed Snacks Away. Snacks Away lets you order amazing food, online, to your work place in Peterborough. Quality and Freshness at great value prices!
Watch this space for more updates