Matt, I took some of Dirk's words to heart so all last night I took out the pictures that were on my homepage, but them the website looked very dull. I then added content, but then my website looks even more dull because it didn't have pictures. So, I decided to change my theme. That is why it looks like my website is not indexed properly. I will go through and check the amount of times the keyword and get rid of some. I wasn't even trying to be spammy. I literally wrote this content yesterday night and went to sleep. I will change it for sure. Question though, instead of have "car shipping" so many times could I edit some of the '"car shipping" words to "auto transport", "car transport", "auto shipping", and vehicle transport" instead of getting rid of the word "car shipping" for some of these?
As for the links: I didn't know I had garbage backlinks from foreign countries. Not sure how that even happened. I surely know I didn't do that. I have not done any back linking from anything besides reliable directories (yahoo local, yelp, vimeo, and etc.. Then you mentioned the auctions websites for selling cars. Not sure how those occurred either. It looked like they took a picture of mine and then tried giving me credit. It is stuff like this as to why I am looking for a link building strategy/company to do all of this for me.
Matt, thank you for taking the time to send me all of this.