The discrepancy between the number of keywords reported by Moz and the actual number visible on the page can be attributed to several factors:
Hidden Keywords: The page might be using techniques like meta keywords, header tags, or internal linking to hide the keywords from view. These methods can make the keywords invisible to casual visitors but still detectable by search engines like Google.
Keyword Density: The page might be using keyword density techniques, such as repeating keywords in the content, meta tags, and header tags. This can make it difficult to identify the exact number of keywords, as they are spread throughout the page.
Long-Tail Keywords: The page might be targeting long-tail keywords that are not immediately visible. Long-tail keywords are more specific phrases with lower search volumes but can still contribute to the overall keyword count.
Keyword Variations: The page might be using variations of the same keyword, such as synonyms or related phrases. These variations can increase the overall keyword count without being immediately apparent.
SEO Tools: SEO tools like Moz might be using advanced algorithms to detect and count keywords that are not visible to the naked eye. These tools can analyze the page's HTML, meta tags, and other technical aspects to provide a more comprehensive view of the page's keywords.
In summary, the discrepancy between the reported number of keywords and the actual number visible on the page is likely due to a combination of these factors