I, also, would like these reports for all my clients, however I can't seem to set it up for more than one account, when we have like 30 in our Analytics. I know how to create and schedule custom reports in analytics itself - the OP's Snapshot picture is completely different than that. The Analytics Web Performance Report (formerly Snapshot) seems to be a 'Google thang'.
In Analytics, click the gear icon and go to "user settings". There, you can set your communications settings. To receive this report, tick the radio button to receive "Performance Suggestions and Updates". If you attempt to navigate to any other account within analytics, you can't access "user settings" for that account - only for your parent gmail account.
So far, the only way I see to set this up is to set up each client with their own gmail account, add that to the parent analytics account, and set each client's new analytics communications settings individually within their account using the "user settings' under the gear icon.
Has anyone found a better solution?