Greg Rollett is a Social Media and Youth Culture Marketer based in Orlando, FL. His background consists of marketing and advertising as well as a 10 year stint in the Indie Music Business. His newest business and life adventure has been the start of his new company, Endagon Innovations, a Social Media Boutique targeting small businesses and the Gen-Y fan-base that are changing the way people are buying and communicating.
Greg is proud to serve on the Rock For Hunger Board of Directors and serves as the VP for the start-up non-profit in Orlando, FL. The organization helps those less fortunate in the area through Music, Peace and Action and has shown tremendous growth in its 1+ year of existence. Greg also sits on the inaugural Board for doterati, an association of Interactive Professionals in the Central Florida area.
Greg can be contacted via email at, on his website, and the various Social Networks that consume much of life. Start a conversation and the possibilities are endless.