It's not related to Gmail. The server itself was sending out email spam (Joomla is a CMS program used to manage websites). I bet he means he got listed on Spamhaus.
First off, web spam and email spam are two entirely separate things. So you can be blacklisted with anyone in the email realm and not have it affect your SEO.
Second, I've heard the "blacklisted IP" theory regurgitated for nearly 10 years now and nobody has ever proven that a specific IP was the reason for a site losing ranking. So you could, in theory, share an IP with an entire link farm and not lose any ranking (consider how many blogs share an IP under or Blogspot). Google surfs the web just like everyone else (using DNS lookups) and they rank domains, not IPs (which are subject to change). The only way I could see an IP getting you in trouble is if your server got hacked and the hacker was using it to proxy attacks against Google (as in DDoS attacks, not spam). Then you might have some issues with SEO but your server being hacked would be a far more serious problem at that point.