Hello King!Thank you very much for your time and dedication to find a solution for us.As you've asked, the websites that we've mentioned are these ones:http://www.campograndenews.com.br/ - the problem here is that is a local news' website and it already reached its visits plateau for our city size. We have optimized the landing pages and created new ones, but we have no access into influencing the quality of the articles. They already have a partnership with a local movie theater, and offer tickets on Facebook "in exchange" for likes and shares.http://www.oestadoonline.com.br/ - they are also a news website, and we are working on optimizing keywords for link building and niche articles redirecting to their website, but it's going to reach a plateau soon, because it's also local news oriented. We are considering all your tips and now you'll be able to check the specific websites. Considering we have a large goal this year, to increase pageviews, we are working hard on finding more strategies to work combined and get even better results.
Posts made by Kenaum
RE: How to increase pageviews for a news website when all the most common SEO strategies were already used, and they´ve reached a plateau of visits?
How to increase pageviews for a news website when all the most common SEO strategies were already used, and they´ve reached a plateau of visits?
These clients are regional news’ websites which have already reached their apex of visits - most of these results were linked to the SEO strategies developed by our team in the past few years.
But now, the most common SEO strategies don't show the same effect: a higher number of pageviews.
What kind of strategies you suggest to increase this number?
Thank you!