Blog Posts
Warren Buffett, myself and many other very successful people are buying undervalued businesses every day. For someone who does not have a strong education in acquisitions or has stumbled into the industry it is very hard to figure where to start or where to find these businesses.Many things could make a business undervalued, but as we are talking about websites and I will ke...
Business evaluation can be tricky process. There are hundreds of factors that you have to take into account before you unload your cash on some pour soul who only wants to make as much money as they can from the sale of their venture. One of my banking buddies once said: "If you really knew the business, you probably would not be buying it". He could not ...
Levi Thornton is an Internet entrepreneur who has been in the industry for over 10 years. His specialty is developing online startups and rehabilitating online businesses, turning them into multimillion-dollar companies. His work has been written about in Forbes and Time Magazine, and featured on the Fox News.