If your Brand is Global ... why not use a Global voice! Give your project International standing. All the sophistication and intelligence of the British sound with the cheek of an Australian. Warm, sultry, bubbly. Originally from Down Under, I am an American Australian voiceover artist with over 6 years of experience, including resident voiceover artist with Australia's top-rated dmgRadio. Commercials, corporate video narration and online education are my specialties. I deliver professional quality audio and to solve your various dialect needs - I can deliver a neutral International accent or also have the ability to flip between North American, British and Australian accents easily and seamlessly! I make it easy for you with my professional voiceover home studio in Washington DC to record, edit then email audio tracks for your project. For those who wish to direct a session, I can also provide Phone/Skype-patch. ISDN & Source Connect available on appointment