I seem to be having a bit of a dilemma with making a crucial site architecture decision about which high traffic keyword I should put in my primary navigation menu.
I am the owner of a computer repair business that I am currently re branding out of necessity for a few reasons.
My existing business website has been established for the past 5 years now and I do all of the SEO and have been on the 1st Page of GOOGLE for anything computer repair related since day 1 however, like I said am re branding my company and migrating from Joomla to WordPress so it is a great time to make some positive and effective changes to my site architecture.
I am going to be using the Silo Site Architecture on the new Site and I have a very firm working knowledge on the process but I seem to have hit a snag or dilemma with one of my Primary Navigation Categories for the Silo Theme.
My specif question is this please..
Doing keyword research the Keyword Phrase "Computer Repair" is the most highly searched for keyword phrase for people that have computer related problems (naturally) and Ideally "Computer Repair" should be one of my Main Menu Navigation Silo Category Themes.
But... here lies the problem....
If I go with "Computer Repair" in the (Main Nav Menu) then although it gets - 823,000 Local Monthly Searches I would be opening myself up to a potential problem because normally, most people associate the Phrase Computer Repair with Desktop Computer Repair. So in essence I would be forced to use an alternate other than "Computer Repair" for the Desktop Computer Repair structure in the Silo Theme (Sidebar Nav Menu). The Keyword Phrase "Desktop Repair" gets only - 12,100 Local Monthly Searches so basically no one uses the Search Phrase "Desktop Repair. when they are looking to get their computer repaired.
I hope that I did not just confuse you? Still confused? Continue reading and I will dissect my psycho babble for you.....
"The Semantic Historical Logic"
Historically, a Desktop has always been referred to as a computer. Hence the reason why even still today, when our "Desktop" has problems and we need to get it fixed, we Search for "Computer Repair". Why is that? That's a very good question and here is "exactly" why.
Long before we had Laptops, Netbooks, Tablets and Smart Phones we had the all encompassing and mighty "Computer" that allowed us to connect to the rest of the world. It was not until Laptops actually came about where there was a need to assign an actual _"Classification System"_and all mighty and powerful "Computer" became a "Desktop Computer**"!!! **
So, there you have it. This is the reason why "Computer Repair" is synonymous with "Desktop Repair" and why "NO ONE" searches for desktop repair when their Desktop Computer is broken!
If I go with Example A: I have the the Highest Traffic Keyword Phrase in my Mast Head (Main Nav Menu) but would be forced to use Desktop Repair to classify (Desktop Repair) in (Sidebar Nav Menu) instead using the keyword phrase "Computer Repair" to classify Desktop Repair.
Example A:
Main Nav Theme Category = "Computer Repair" = 823,000 Monthly Loc
Child Pages/ Categories = -Desktop Repair = **12,100 ** Monthly Loc
-Laptop Repair = 165,000 Monthly Loc
-Tablet Repair = 165,000 Monthly Loc
-Remote Desktop = 1,000,000 Monthly Loc
I am using WordPress - (Pages / Child Pages) not Categories & Posts!
So, as you can see from (Example A:) above, not being able to use the keyword phrase "Computer Repair" to classify the "Desktop Repair" section kind of opens me up for failure to a good extent as most of my business is done on regular desktop computers which people generally think "Computer Repair" when they are searching to have their Desktop Repaired.
Example B:
Main Nav Theme Category = **"Computer Service" = **246,000 Monthly Loc
Child Pages/ Categories = -Computer Repair = 823,000 Monthly Loc
-Laptop Repair = 165,000 Monthly Loc
-Tablet Repair = 165,000 Monthly Loc
-Remote Desktop = 1,000,000 Monthly Loc
I am using WordPress - (Pages / Child Pages) not Categories & Posts!
Now, with (Example B:) even though the keyword Phrase "Computer Service" is not the more favorable item to have as the Silo Theme Category in the Main Navigation Menu, we can see that it is much more favorable in terms of Local Monthly Searches over the just about non searched for phrase "Desktop Repair"
So as you see, I have a bit of a dilemma that a more experienced SEO could counsel me on. The question is, through your experience, which scenario would you see as more favorable for the site Architecture example A: or example B:
This brings me to my next question that also creates some confusion for me. If you say I think (Example B:) would be my better bet what would you recommend that I do with the URL Structure if "Computer Service" is the Parent Page for the Silo Theme?
I am using the /%category%/%postname%/ permalink structure for the Silo Site Architecture for the (Blog Section) only - and am using WP Pages and Child Pages for my Silo Content for my Services (Not Posts).
Would this URL be a problem in Googles eyes or a customers eyes and be perceived as SPAMMY ...
More than likely, I would say yes because it looks that way to me!
My question to you in regards to the link structure above is, If I take the "Computer Service" page and change the "SLUG" to (services) yes it will look better but... will that effectively work against me???
EDIT: ^^ Answered my own question on the Services deal directly above. ^^
Thank you for reading my very long winded questions but I am pretty detailed and I think that the better that I explained it the less writing and guessing what I meant would be better for all concerned (typing wise)
Thank you very much and I look forward to your insightful expertise and wisdom.