I'm a Business Model Architect. I help businesses utilize Social Media, the Mobile Internet and the iPhone as marketing tools. These tools can be used to: Increase Revenue/Profit, Enter New Markets, Launch New Products/Services, Build Brand Depth, Create Competitive Advantage
Currently I'm the Manager of Business Analysts for onTargetjobs. We are an in-house consulting group that assists marketing in all aspects of product design and decisions regarding marketing 2.0 methods. Before joining OTJ, I was COO of an online marketing company called FreshCurrent. We helped businesses utilize changes in the LivingMarket (Web, Social Media, Search Engine Optimization, IPTV and Mobile). Prior to this I was the Vice President of Professional Services at SpireMedia where my Clients included Echostar, UAP and HealtheCareers. Before Spire, I was the Operations Manager for Experian eMarketing Solutions with clients such as Sony, Charles Schwab and American Express.