I really love the idea of learning this, and I a pretty good at picking up new concepts. I think this was just too much to take it on all at once, especially while juggling the rest of the business issues and my two young kids
What would be an average consulting fee? You said to get a consultant in, does it need to be a physical visit, most of this should be able to be taught via a remote session, yes?
And last, if I am going to go the self taught method, I have one question that really has been baffling me:
Backlinks and website authority seem to be really important. Getting people to talk about my website seems to be the best way to get that. How in the heck do I get people talking about a cleaning service? Sure they might refer us to a friend, but what could i possibly put on my website to make it exciting? I thought of putting up hints and tips of how to clean, but realistically I can not come up with enough on my own to get people to follow me. How bad (black hat) is it to copy others articles to re-post? Or any other ideas would be appreciated.
Thank you again for all your replies, they are appreciated.