I have a client that is a small but growing fashion brand in the UK, they make sunglasses, eyewear and swim suits. They are priced as a high-end brand, so around £200 for a pair of sunglasses.
They have asked me about 'sorting out their SEO', but I am struggling to think of viable keywords we could target that don't contain the name of their brand. The SERPS for anything that would be along the lines of 'buy sunglasses / buy swimsuits' etc are dominated by very big players - big department stores etc, so with their small budget I'm sure would be impossible to crack.
My thoughts are that apart from sorting out their on-page SEO (crawlable, sitemap etc) and making sure they rank for their branded terms, that putting money into trying to rank for generic terms around buying swimwear/sunglasses would not be viable. A better route for traffic generation would be through a more content marketing / social media approach to get people sharing their content (e.g. fashion industry commentary) and leading them back to their brand from there.
What do others think? Am I missing a trick on the SEO front?