Hey all,
with a few projects I'm ranking really great. Having a good amount of impressions with terms that have decent search volume.
Webmasters shows:
- "tax consultant city" Ranking 1.4 => 1056 imp => 3% CTR
- "seo city" Ranking 1.2 => 329 imp => 1% CTR
Whats up here?
- Competitors are seaching a lot but not clicking?
- Brand issues? Can't believe that.
- Title is boring? German titles a are longer... So I don't have enough room to play. Should I get rid of important keywords? Maybe I don't need them to rank? Gives me room for tests.
- Local Box is steeling all the clicks? We are in the local listings and above.
- Payed Ads are steeling all the clicks? At this point we don't use AdWords because of high costs and our great organic rankings
It would be great to hear your thoughts.