Hello Mozers,
If you work in the field of online marketing and especially E-Commerce, I’m inviting you to consider joining my mastermind group.
I’m looking for up to nine other people who work in E-Commerce or online lead generation full-time, who would like to meet weekly on a Google hangout, to help one another solve our online marketing problems.
Ideally a member of the group would:
1. Have worked for several years in the field of online marketing, either as an E-Commerce manager, marketing VP, content marketer, copywriter, SEO, developer, or some combination thereof.
2. Currently work in house on the web team at a company of at least a few people, and you primarily do marketing online. As space allows professionals who work for agencies or as independent consultants can join the group, but we will have a no-pitching policy.
3. Be looking to grow as an online marketer by investing your energy in helping others in the group achieve their goals, and opening up to group members about the challenges you are having in your position, in order for other members to assist you.
4. Want to listen and share constructively. This is not a group for people who just want to gripe or tear others down or use black hat techniques.
5. Want to have fellow members hold him or her accountable for taking action in areas the individual desires to improve upon.
Sound like you, or someone you know?
Here’s the outline of what I’m envisioning a typical meeting might look like:
Mastermind Weekly Group Outline
Step 1: Start the meeting reporting on what you did the previous week.
Step 2: Talk about what went well, what didn’t go so well, why, and what you’re going to do to improve the situation.
Step 3: In a rotation, determine who is going to be focused on during this meeting. Typically we’ll focus on one person’s needs in-depth in a meeting, rather than trying to focus on everyone. Sometimes we’ll also focus just on a topic members are struggling with, like making sure your E-Commerce data is tracking accurately in Google Analytics.
Step 4: The person “in-focus” for that week tells the group what they’d like help with, discusses the challenge and asks for feedback, advice and strategy. This could range from advice on how to deal with a boss who hates ecommerce and blocks every initiative you propose, to figuring out the steps for dealing with a Google penalty, or maybe trying to increase conversions on a certain landing page.
Step 5: Everyone spends the final 10 minutes discussing his or her high leverage activity for the next week, which they want the group to hold them accountable for.
For those interested in potentially joining the group, I created a simple Google form you can fill out in two minutes. Your answers will be kept private. Feel free to share the link with anyone you think might benefit from being in a group like this.
There is no fee beyond committing to attend at least 80% of the online meetings, once you’ve had a chance to see if it’s a fit for you.
If you have any questions or additional ideas, I’m all ears. Please comment below or email me at pg@patrickgarmoe.com
My thought right now is to make it a six-month commitment or less, and then we can re-evaluate. I'll be contacting everyone in November, and starting the group the first week of December.
Anyhow, I look forward to hearing from some of you soon!