Structured data is a standardized format of code that is added to a web page. It communicates specific information about a page to Google. This makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your content faster. In other words, it provides the context search engines need to properly categorize your site and recommend it more accurately for relevant search queries.
Google is using this data to make their search engine more accurate by creating a knowledge graph. This graph is an interconnected map of entities that follows the relationship between different terms, facts, data, dates, and more. This allows Google to go from keyword matching to a context-rich search engine, capable of differentiating the Taj Mahal monument from the Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City.
What it means for SEOs is that Google has given you a way to introduce your client’s brands and companies into their knowledge graph, making them real objects Google knows about and can recommend to users. Check out our guide on how to implement structured data on your site, including the recommended structured data format for SEO here: