Hey Don,
Thanks for taking the time to look over the website and give me your opinion on it. I appreciate it.
You've hit on some great points in your feedback. That said, I actually like the Google page you linked. I believe there is an argument for using whitespace well. Whether I've achieved that is another matter.
In terms of AJAX, I wanted to make the booking process work on 1 page and reduce the amount of fields the user has to complete, with only those necessary for making a booking. I think this could be streamlined and made in to a faster process for the user. We all hate filling out forms.
The navigation is something that has been nagging at me from day 1. The problem we have though, is we have so many courses and categories, as well as non-course related pages that need to fit together. This needs some careful thought. I would ideally like to combine the 2 navigation elements and make them more straightforward to use. I really need to think about this one.
Fonts and typography is another one for me. It doesn't feel wholly consistent across the site and I feel that this could be improved somewhat.
Anyway, thanks again for your detailed feedback, I very much appreciate it.