You can check the age of a domain using several online tools and methods. Here's how you can do it:
WHOIS Lookup:
WHOIS is a protocol that provides information about registered domains. Many online WHOIS lookup tools allow you to check domain information, including its creation date (registration date) and expiration date. Some popular WHOIS lookup tools are:
Domain Age Checker Websites:
There are various websites that specifically provide domain age checking services. These websites often use historical domain registration data to estimate the age of a domain. Examples include:
Search Engines:
You can also use search engines to get an idea of a domain's age. Just type "" into a search engine like Google and it will show you when it first appeared in their index. Keep in mind that this date might not be the exact registration date, but it can give you a general idea.
Internet Archive Wayback Machine:
The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the internet. You can use it to see historical snapshots of a website, which can give you an idea of when it was first created. However, this method might not be accurate for very new websites.
Domain Registrar Information:
Sometimes, the domain registrar's website where the domain was registered might provide information about the domain's creation date and other details when you search for the domain on their site.
Remember that while these methods can give you a rough estimate of a domain's age, they might not always provide the exact registration date due to factors like domain transfers, changes in ownership, and more.