Rich helps brands use search marketing, social media, paid media, and mobile strategy. His focus is performance marketing driven by actionable analytics.
With so much cool stuff to play with, Rich finds that digital marketing often starts out on the wrong foot. He believes every marketing opportunity should be prefaced by answering the question “How do I define success?” When we know what what success looks like, we know what to measure, and then we can figure out how to play with all this cool stuff.
Rich is Director of Media Services for ZAAZ, an interactive agency in Seattle. He’s held roles at Microsoft, Omniture, and Northwest Airlines, and has consulted for dozens of global brands and organizations; including Ford, Walmart, Google, eBay, The Gap, Audi, Alaska Airlines, Nokia, Nike, and Converse.
Rich holds MBA’s from Cornell University and Queens University, and a B.A. from Brigham Young University.
He loves BYU Football, wishes he could Jimmer, and every other song on his iPod is The Smiths or Morrissey.