(By the way, sorry for my english, I speak french!)
Well I don't mind brutal comments but I also asked for constructive comments.
That said, I appreciate your honesty however it's easy to bash something without suggesting how to make it better.
1. "The fatal flaw is the anonymity. No sensible person would ever attach any importance to buying reccomendations that come out of nowhere from an anonymous nobody."
I do agree with you on that. Now how do I solve this? Should I include a byline with my picture in every post?
2. "Worse, this garbled, illogical and contradictory disclosure is deeply buried in a footer and confirms worst suspicions"
I admit I simply copied the disclosure policy sent to affiliates by some web hosting companies. Do you have any examples of what you consider to be a clear, concise disclosure?
3. "I'm not saying affiliate marketing is always and everywhere wrong. But first you have decloak [...]"
What do you mean by "decloak"? To me, "cloaking" is showing a different content to search engines than to visitors.
4. "[...] publish valuable content free [...]"
Did you look at the 220 tutorials I published? I put a ton of effort into them to make them as valuable as possible. Unlike many web hosting sites, I DO know my stuff, I've been a programmer, web developer and sysadmin for more than 18 years.
That said, there is some early content that makes me cringe a little when read them. I'm setting them to "noindex" and removing them gradually.
I also provide some free tools I've developed myself and I think this one is especially useful:
If you think the content is not valuable enough, please explain a bit further.
As for the top 10 lists, they will soon be transformed into valuable buying guides instead of simple comparison grids.
5. "The basic pitch is that you would never jeopardize your reputation by recommending anyting other than valuable products you use yourself."
I do have accounts with most of the hosting companies advertised or listed in any top 10 lists (of course I get them for free most of the time). Obviously, I can't run 20 "real websites" just to use these services so what I did is I set up an identical blog on each of them and I perform benchmark test regularly.
Like I said, constructive comments are welcomed!