Hey Miriam,
I have been searching a lot about having a good content in my website but i really couldn't find anything i can write on a locksmith that would be considered a good content any articles or news, or maybe i got the idea wrong?
Also will be verifying the google+ local business page i opened today soon. until then im not quiet sure what else to add to the page or what else to do with it besides posting on the website
3.could you please explain me what citations means?
4)so far i have a few reviews on yelp, hopefully to get more.
- that would be a hard task since there arent many forums that are active where i can get to post my link.
6)Facebook page (X), twitter(X) google+ (X)
so far i applyed all the tips that Remus offered, seems like there was a bounce back to the second page after going down to 3rd but it stopped there, i'll be keep reading hopefully im just missing something small that will help