One of our sites utilizes a single .com domain but offers differentiated article page for users depending on their location.
For example: for UK for US for Aus
Currently we use as the relative link on the site and then the user is redirected by 302 to the correct article for them based on their location.
I've read countless pages about 302 redirects (and largely why you shouldn't use them because of link juice, indexing etc) but what alternative can we use since we don't want to permanently redirect to one URL but rather redirect to the relevant URL based on the users location.
All the stuff I've read talks about redirecting using 301s but this surely only works when you are redirecting from one URL to one permanent new URL as opposed to redirecting to one of many country specific URLs.
It's not really a solution for us to set up separate TLDs for each country so what is the best mechanism for redirecting user to the correct article for them and making sure that link juice is shared, pages are indexed etc?
I hope I've explained this well enough for any of you to offer advice. Many thanks in advance.