We have very popular pages that have many backlinks.
www.chezmaya.com/jeux/game33.htm have so many backlinks and it's very popular.
Now If i'm moving this page to a new path like : http://www.chezmaya.com/jeux/component/mtree/Défouloir/Game33/details.html with a 301.
Your SEOmoz toolbar is now giving a very low PA:1 and mR:0.00 for this new page. My question is after you crawl my site again would you change the values to what /jeux/game33.htm got before ?
We used to have jeux.chezmaya.com and moved to www.chezmaya.com/jeux/
Same here PA:1 and mR:0.00 for this page.
Also Matt Cutts say that Google does transfer the juice from the old page to the new one. I already saw one url changed in a search for puzzle, it's at the same position it was before, but it say's 6 days ago beside. So I wonder if this is temporary and it will move with time?