There's absolutely no way to tell from the image you're showing. There are SO many scenarios that this image along doesn't allow us to see.
If I had to guess I'd say domain #2 (#1 is obviously the winner of most metrics so there'd be no point in sharing the image if the outcome wasn't suprisng).
Two possible scenarios of the top of my head:
#1 has a lot of low quality inbound links and is therefore winning even though domain #2 supposedly has better links and #1 is winning
The inverse of "a", i.e. #1 has lots of low quality links and #2 is winning with high quality links.
#2's onsite SEO is much better, particularly internal linking, which allowed it to come out on top.
d.) infiniti (if that's the right word).
Point being...metrics don't really tell us that much unless they're Google's metrics, i.e. the search results...and even, it's easy to stump just about anybody on why X site is ranking above Y. In fact, I don't even think a Google engineer could tell you in a lot of instances after all of the recent updates other than to say, "It's an Algorithm".