You can use a number of online resources and tools to determine how old a domain is. Here are a few well-liked techniques
WHOIS Search:
A protocol called WHOIS is used to access databases that list domain name registration users.
You can use the command line on your PC (assuming you're comfortable with it) or WHOIS lookup services like,
Websites with Domain Age Checkers:
There are numerous websites devoted to determining a domain's age. ( and Domain Age Checker ( are two examples.
Registrar of Domains:
Go to the domain registrar's website to view the registration details. A lot of registrars offer details regarding the domain, such as the date of registration.
Employ a Specific Tool or Extension:
Online resources and browser plugins are available to offer details about a website, including its domain age. Popular ones include online tools like Small SEO Tools ( and SEO browser plugins like MozBar.
Examine Previous WHOIS Data:
Certain services allow access to historical WHOIS records, which might shed light on alterations made to a domain over time. One such is DomainTools (
Remember that not all tools will give exact statistics, and that the accuracy of domain age information can vary. Certain domain details may also be hidden by privacy settings or protection programmes.
conclusion- visit website for more details: