Questions created by TheIronYuppie
Site speed not being reported accurately?
We're constantly on the lookout for site speed, and Google's Webmaster tools are saying that we're really really slow (on the order of 5-15 seconds per page). But the site NEVER feels that slow, and lots of other tools say we're in the 3-5 second range. Further, we've implemented literally 100% of Google's suggestions, and all we have are ad units that now render using Googles Async ad loader, further reducing time to interactivity. Could Google be dinging us in search results for this? Here's an example page that they said loaded in 200+ seconds (!?!) Thanks!
Reporting & Analytics | | TheIronYuppie0 -
SEOMoz Bug?
Hi-- I was using the SEOMoz toolbar, and I went to this page - and it says "zero" links from anywhere. However, it's clearly linked to from the home page - Why would this be?
Technical SEO | | TheIronYuppie1