Nickey Tirrell Grubbs(born April 15, 1982) better known by his nick name Grubbs he is the owner of a list of website.
He started out in 2008 with a site called he though this would be his golden ticket but after 6 month's
He finally seen that it wasn't doing very well he didn't no what to do money wawasted time wasted but that didn't stop him.
He started buying a bunch of domain he started out 1 a week then that turned into 1 or 2 a day . Now after buying a a list
of great domain's he just right back in the game .The first site after the flop was a small weight loss community called it was a instant hit 10,000 user 150,000 veiw's in the first 3 month's but by him not knowing much about server's he was
paying 70% of his profit in server fee's.So he shut it down a did somemore studing and came across a great server company
and he was up and rolling but he didn't put talkpounds back up he launch a idea.This was the one he called a 2009 golden ticket
a site call another instant hit 7 million veiw's the first 6 month's online now being the smart man he
is he didn't relax.He took all the money from that one and launch his ace in the hole a job site called a site
he claim's should be up as long as there a internet.