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  • Hello Every time I go into a new page on Moz Analytics I get an error message asking me to reauthorise the Google analytics profile:- Our connection to your Google Analytics account was lost. Don't worry, you won't lose any data. Please reauthorize now. This doesn't happen in the old version. Is this a known issue?

    Product Support | | peeveezee

  • Hello, I'd like to add a second email address for billing, when I click the 'click to add' address button I am given a pop-up and can enter the address. But, when I click submit the page does nothing. Anyone else had this problem? Any way around it? I don't want to change my main log-in details. Thanks,

    Product Support | | Davinia22

  • Hi, I was trying to add a custom link to my profile but I got an error message: "There was a problem saving your custom URLs" Can somebody look into it for me? Kind Regards

    Product Support | | Laurensvda

  • Hi, In our Moz report over the past few weeks I've noticed some duplicate URLs appearing like the following: Original (valid) URL: Duplicate URL:**++** These aren't appearing in Webmaster Tools, or in a Screaming Frog crawl of our site so I'm wondering if this is a bug with the Moz crawler? I realise that it could be resolved using a canonical reference, or performing a 301 from the duplicate to the canonical URL but I'd like to find out what's causing it and whether anyone else was experiencing the same problem. Thanks, George

    Product Support | | webmethod

  • I wanted to know if i can't afford to keep the the membership here after a month, will everything be deleted or will i still have the community ID? I won't be able to access the tools for in depth help, but will it be possible to be active as being part of the community?

    Product Support | | Neo6ux

  • I don't get it.... At this URL I only see 4 of my 5 campaigns: At this URL I see all 5: Why the difference? How to fix?

    Product Support | | nans

  • I wanted to be sure, im not being charged right now for signing up for the days days, correct? it says i'll be charged $99 after Dec 19? will i be charged?

    Product Support | | Neo6ux

  • I like this site, I really do, which is why I visit multiple times a day.  But I grow weary of these premium sites that require me to log in multiple times a day.  This morning I was simultaneously working at,, and, and all three log me out at every turn.  Argh!!!  What's worse is that some MOZ pages think I'm logged in and others don't.  I don't fully understand the logic behind the curtain, so I wander from page to page trying to get the login in sync.  Why can't these sites work like where I can stay logged in for days and weeks?  To top it off, LastPass rolled out a new release that broke auto-login.  All this logging in is getting in the way of me getting anything done.

    Product Support | | ChristopherGlaeser

  • answered.  thanks.

    Product Support | | PrivateUser

  • I haven't been able to see weekly rankings in the system since my original upload November 6th.
    Is this a bug or a settings issue?

    Product Support | | marketing-team

  • It keeps loggng me out, not showing my campaigns, and generally being weird. Is anybody else experienceing this?

    Product Support | | GregB123

  • We've reauthorized our Google Analytics accounts, but we still keep getting the message "Our connection to your Google Analytics account was lost. Please reauthorize now." This is happening to a handful of our campaigns, not all. Has anyone else encountered this or know what is going on? It says I won't lose any data, but why does this keep happening?

    Product Support | | ArtUnlimited

  • I really love the features. I don't need the tool and the results permanently. I believe that if i could deactivate and reactivate an account, then i would be a happy customer. This way i am forced to cancel all and resetup all the time. Is there a way to "pause" an account? Best regards, Csaba

    Product Support | | csabatoldi

  • Are we just not there yet with the new custom reports?  I have all of my campaigns set up to auto email and they are not doing it.  I can't seem to find anything in the settings to change.  The only way to get the reports is to download each campaign.  Is it just me, or is this not up and running yet?

    Product Support | | ArtUnlimited

  • Hi! I want to change the URL for my Google+ profile here in my moz community profile but the new (confirmed) vanity URL is not accepted by the system. It says that this vanity url is invalid... any ideas how to solve that problem? Greets Marc

    Product Support | | dotfly

  • My campaigns are listed by date...helpful for some things...but I would like to list them in alphabetical order.  Is there any way to do this?

    Product Support | | ArtUnlimited

  • I have two accounts with Account One (about a year old) has both the options to switch over between Moz Pro and Moz Analytics. Account Two (a trial so far) just has the option to use Moz Analytics. So new or trial accounts don't have access to Moz Pro?

    Product Support | | VinceWicks

  • Where is the link to go back to Moz Pro?

    Product Support | | poiuytrez

  • I'm trying to compare the state of our seo before we started moz to now. I can't find the first set of rankings and on-page grades when I initially setup Moz. I do have access to our first report, but in that first week, I made a number of changes based on the initial crawl/rankings/on-page grades. Anyone know how to get that? Thanks, Ruben

    Product Support | | KempRugeLawGroup

  • For various reasons, I'd like to create different login accounts for Moz for different campaigns, so staff can only access the campaigns that they're given permissions to. Is this possible?

    Product Support | | CapitalFMArena

  • Hi everyone, Last week I added google analytics to one of my websites. The set up is working and collects data. Yesterday I connected Moz till this google analytics account. But I still do not see that Moz is collecting data from GA? Why do you think this is happening, why doesn't it work? Kind regards Jeanette

    Product Support | | Mylan-GDM

  • My custom monthly reports have not been generated for any of our clients for the month of October. The report lists 10/1/2013 as the last report and says that the next report will be available on 12/3/2013. Obviously, there is a glitch that has caused October to be skipped. How can I fix this in order to get my monthly reports to my clients ASAP?

    Product Support | | accpar

  • Hello For all the pages of my web site i Get the following message but in fact my page exist. What's going on? Thank you for your help Best 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page.

    Product Support | | cath1995

  • If we have a 3 of 5 of our "active site" allocation currently used, and then delete one, would we then only have 2 of 5 sites active sites used? Or would the previously used active site still count against our allocation?

    Product Support | | lincolndigitalgroup

  • Is any one else getting a 503 error (I'll copy it below) whilst trying to get on Moz, I can get to the home page but going to internal links I get the error, I managed to get onto Q&A via an external link. I've been having some troubles the last few weeks with logging on etc. Most importantly Is Roger ok ? Error 503 Service Unavailable Service Unavailable Guru Meditation: XID: 1257248781 Varnish cache server

    Product Support | | GPainter

  • When I click on a link to a recent report I don't end up there. I end up on a site I do not recognise or have time to plough through. Can anyone please give me a link to the reports. Many thanks in advance.

    Product Support | | Niamh2

  • Hi Mozzers! We recently had someone leave our company who managed a lot of the Moz stuff we were doing and I have now taken over their role.  I have been forwarded their emails and they keep receiving information from Moz such as the "Monthly Moz" and "Upcoming Mozinars", which is great, except I want those emails to now be sent directly to me.  I cannot for the life of me figure out how to subscribe to these emails through our Moz profile - please help! Thanks! Sam

    Product Support | | BlueLinkERP

  • Hey Moz! A while ago, when you switched to Moz from SEOMoz, I experienced some issues staying logged in, even after selecting the "remember me" option. Yesterday those issues started surfacing again. Just a heads up so someone can take a look over there. It isn't that constant as previously, but almost.

    Product Support | | FedeEinhorn

  • Hi there, due to my work - and for customer service - I need to be able to set up multiple Moz accounts for each client, providing their own contact/CC info.  Can you tell me if Moz allows this (I keep getting the message that I'm registered and can upgrade), or do I have to login from a different computer each time?  Ultimately, the client will be administering their own account, but I want to set them up to get them started. Thanks, Alison

    Product Support | | kdickson

  • When i click on Moz Analytics button on top right, it takes me to the screen where i could/should choose compaign, but compaigns does not load. 😞 Chrome throws sript loading to long. Safari just loads page till infinite. Firefox throws alert that one specifi scritp is taking to long to load. I can't get to any compaign 😞

    Product Support | | regolv

  • Hi everyone ! I'm loyal user of moz pro from January 2013. I appreciate that moz what to innovate with Moz Analytics but I think that it's lot of mess ! Activated campaigns become archived, deleted keywords come back ... and lot of time I couldn't access to my account. the worst thing is that I didn't get any answers from support team after weeks ! I was thinking to upgrade my account but this discourages me !

    Product Support | | adamito

  • I have a Google Analytics account linked to my Moz Analytics account but I am not seeing any traffic data at all. DXRdGfE

    Product Support | | zatchels

  • I am no longer satisfied with paying for my "Pro" moz membership.  I miss having phone support, but moz personnel have told me, "don't worry, we have chat support, and that's just as good!" So just now I tried to downgrade my membership status from "pro" to free", but now you have to fill in ALL of your credit card information, just to cancel(!)  If you don't believe me, just try it. Anyway, I thought that maybe I was just not understanding how to do it, so I tried using the chat system to ask for help, and here's what happened. ================= me: How do I downgrade from my current "pro" subscription to a free subscription (if there still is such a thing as a free one)?
    Just a moment... Sorry for the delay! We've got more chats than usual. If you need to run, please feel free to leave us a message and we'll get back to you soon. Thanks!
    me: Pretty ironic. I am cancelling my paid subscription because you dropped phone support but you (your company) told me, "oh don't worry, chat support is just as good" ================= And, I waited for ten minutes before giving up and asking here.  I hope that at least some other customer can answer this question for me. This is a perfect example of why phone support is important, chat support is ok but not always sufficcient, and why in general it's not satisifactory (to me, at least), to basically tell customers to go ask for help in the Q&A forums because the company won't budget sufficiently to provide customer support with its own personnel. Sad, too, because I've been a moz customer for over 4 years.  There just isn't enough difference in value for me to continue, considering the other tools that are available now, some of which do provide satisfactory support. Thanks, for anyone who can answer my question.

    Product Support | | tcolling

  • Hello all, I tried to create a campaign for one of my clients but something happened and I had to stop somewhere in the middle. I tried to recreate it but it shows me the following message: “Oops, you already have a campaign named Willoby's Furniture. Please select a unique name for this campaign”. My problem is that I can’t access or see the unfinished campaign. A solution would be to create a new campaign and give it a different name. However, I would prefer to use this space for another client. Any suggestions? Many thanks, Elsa

    Product Support | | OptimiseWeb

  • I’ve been using Moz (and SEOMoz) for almost 3 years.  During that time, I’ve found them to be very engaged; however, during the last several months, I’ve found a shift in this philosophy—which is a bit disheartening: SEOMoz used to have a very simple contact-us page that listed an email to the help desk as well as the office.  Now, they have the locations of the two Moz offices, with no phone numbers or emails. Moz’s help hub, used to have a form that could be completed when you were having issues.  Now, there is only a list of community-managed resources to access. The only way you can find the way to contact their help desk is if something breaks & the website gives you an email  However, this email account seems to get overloaded quite often and you will get a “Delivery Response Failed” message because their inbox is full. Does anyone know how to get a hold of Moz directly?  I'm having some issues accessing Moz Analytics and really need help from their support team.

    Product Support | | TopFloor

  • I activated a free trial of Moz about a month ago. On the 17th, it tried to charge my credit card and failed. It tried again on the 19th and succeeded. My account is now active and at the subscriber level. However, my campaign data is gone! I re-activated the campaign in Pro as instructed, but the data is from back in March. There should be data from the past month. I tried to re-activate the campaign in the new Analytics, but it won't do anything. I press the Activate button, and nothing happens. I was hoping to use Moz and get some work done today, but now I am unable to. I was under the impression that, once payment went through, I would be able to access all of my current Campaign data. Instead, the data I'm seeing is only available through Pro, not the new Analytics. Also, the data is from back in March, not recent data. How can I regain access to my recent Analytics Crawl and other data?

    Product Support | | kenliftchair

  • anyone else having issues connecting to any campaign etc on Moz on Sat Oct 19? Even emails are bouncing that are sent to it just me?

    Product Support | | Rye

  • Just logged into moz to view my reports as i got an email about a new report went into my dashboard and nothing is coming up. Is there any way i can get in direct contact with moz?

    Product Support | | meteorelectrical

  • I keep getting "We are having difficulties connecting to your "Facebook" account. Please go to "Add/Edit Social Accounts" to reauthorize it." then a Moz 404 when I click the Add/Edit link.

    Product Support | | iMend

  • Simple, I want to get out of my free trial. I need to work with two/three sites. I seem to have access to five accounts... but I can't add a site. Very frustrating.

    Product Support | | SRamsey

  • I have about 12 campaigns in my account. One of them has disappeared. If I deactivate every campaign I have, the dashboard still says that I have one campaign active. Yes, I know which campaign is active-- it's the missing one. The only evidence I have that the missing campaign is still "there" is the one active campaign that remains open, but not displayed anywhere. Yes, I am absolutely sure I didn't delete it. But that's only my first problem. So now that all of my campaigns are visually archived, I can go in and activate them one at a time, and that works. Except for one campaign. I have one campaign that simply will not allow me to activate. It does not give me an error message when I click activate. I just get the jquery "waiting" animation and then...nothing. This is kind of urgent and I emailed moz during normal business hours with no response yet.

    Product Support | | MikeGeorge

  • I have just logged into my account and all my campaigns has gone, is there a direct way to contact Moz???

    Product Support | | OasisLandDevelopment

  • Im just curious why if in the platform you can add 3 social accounts, on basic plan with 5 campaigns you are able to add social accounts for each one for total of 15. However, if you pay more money for a plan with 25 campaigns, then you can only add 2 social accounts each for total of 50, instead of 75.  Doesn't seem to make sense...

    Product Support | | satoridesign

  • I logged in tonight and my campaign is no longer there..

    Product Support | | Coletron

  • My campaign is missing after I updated my billing info. Why would that be?

    Product Support | | jaspmiller

  • I set up a campaign a few days ago (middle of last week) and the information still hasn't shown up. I figured that analytics were gathered weekly so I let it sit until Monday, but it still tells me to check back in 24 hours. Thanks for your help! Love the suite, by the way - lots and lots of great tools and easy enough to let my client see what's going on!

    Product Support | | JamesMason

  • Hi all, I've just tried adding a new campaign to our Moz analytics account but it's saying that it already exists. I actually removed all of the campaigns we had in Moz a while ago, so it doesn't already exist. Any one else had the same issues and if so, how did you fix it? Thanks,

    Product Support | | PinpointDesigns

  • I have found several issues with Moz Analytics. Wondering if it is only me or am I missing something... 1. I am not able to create branded reports or reports what so ever. I need this functionality like it is advertised.
    2. In Search competition is not working at all. it states "not in top 50" for all keywords witch is not true.
    3. In Crawl diagnostics I get this "Rel Canonical" issue even though the rel canonical tag is in the website. I have send a mail to support but no answer until today. Earlier I did receive a answer on my questions so i guess there is one way of sending questions to the moz team witch is not working.

    Product Support | | auke1810

  • Since signing up for a trial account we've imported around 200 keywords that we'd like to start tracking. We added in our keywords last Friday, but as of today (Monday) I can only see 100 KWs displayed under the Keywords Analytics view. My first assumption was that there's a 100-KW cap for trial accounts, but while adding our KWs we received no message or notice that we'd maxxed out the amount we could add and made it all the way to the end of the list of 200. Is this in fact the case? Thanks in advance.

    Product Support | |

  • Crawl Issues Report for Muslim Academy ( Generated at Sun Oct 13 07:38:53 +00:00 2013 What is it?
    I am trying to download the CSV file of 404 errors but after download it gives this error.Can anyone guide me how to do it or its moz issue?

    Product Support | | csfarnsworth

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