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  • I would like to purchase the MozCon 2014 bundle, but I would like to download it to my computer and iPhone, is this possible? Its a company account, so I would also like to share it with my colleague. Can we have it on multiple iPhones?

    Product Support | | Rebecca.Holloway

  • When i try select date range for my September report, monthly report is not available, it only shows weekly report. August monthly report is available and not September but we are already in October.

    Product Support | | francoismuscat

  • Does the Moz toolset have a monthly reporting function yet? Can't seem to find it in the interface. I'm trialling the software but probably going to move to another service if this isn't available.

    Product Support | | bobbybaldpatch

  • One of our clients is marked in Moz Analytics as ranking 24th, but we don't see that when we search for the same key term. However, when we hover over the Universal Image Results icon, we noticed that the ranking is actually for The campaign settings for this campaign are all set to use or the US version. Does anyone know why Moz is bringing in these UK results? dKJAU2F

    Product Support | | garrettkite

  • Hi all, I am not getting moz points for answering the queries...earlier, I was getting points if I was answering to someone's query or if someone was giving me thumbs up. What could be the reason? Please advice. TIA

    Product Support | | sachin-sv

  • Having trouble exporting reports. Keep getting error messages

    Product Support | | GabeV

  • I am unable to update billing information as the link ( resolves to a blank page. Please advise Thanks

    Product Support | | RedSearch01

  • i need to ask something on SEO. are moz community is free to ask?

    Product Support | | wempro

  • Hi guys, Will I still have access to my account and the stats after my free trial ends and I decide not to purchase? My boss is leaving town for a month and I want to be able to give him a tour, show him numbers, etc. Aside from building new campaigns and having data updated, will I still have access to the account? Thanks in advance,

    Product Support | | amitbivas

  • I am really frustrated in where I am having issues connecting any Analytics accounts to campaigns.  I just get blank pages.  Anyone else seeing this?

    Product Support | | lilahmedia

  • I have been receiving multiple error codes from incapsula when trying to edit answers or add an additional answer. I want to save the code I have seen is 112 or 12 I will take a screenshot the next time I see it. However, it has happened to me quite a few times and I have to refresh my browser every time I choose to post, edit basically do anything on the site. Using both Safari, Chrome and Firefox have yielded the same results. Tom PS I have tried to replicate the results when posting this no luck.

    Product Support | | BlueprintMarketing

  • I need to delete one of the campaigns I have currently and cannot figure out how. Anyone want to help? Thanks!

    Product Support | | marissaRT

  • I'm having two very frustrating issues with Moz: The page grader tool is not 'connecting' the correct keyword with the correct URL. For instance, if I want to rank for Dallas Motorcycle Accident Lawyer and create page of optimized content at, Moz doesn't grade THAT page. It grades which to no surprise rates as an F. This is happening with both web sites on this account so much that the page grader tool is not delivering any value. My competitors keywords are not tracking properly. They are showing for "not in the top 50" for keywords that they are on the first page for. Again, this is for both domains on this account. Thanks, Brian

    Product Support | | ZDAdmin

  • We have taken free standard plan by  this but after one week is competed till now but data is not update of my campaign on dashboard and also not showing any type of analysis of my campaign .What's going wrong? Tell me as soon as possible.

    Product Support | | renukishor

  • I clicked the +connect another facebook account, went through all the steps, and when I was redirected back to my moz setup the facebook account wasn't there to "track this profile" I tried clicking the "another facebook" button a hundred times and it won't let me re-do the process, it doesn't do anything. It also won't let me click the "Next" button eventhough I got it to register my google+ stuff. Where do I go from here??

    Product Support | | robertsteck

  • I recently used the trial free 1 month subscription for Moz Pro as it was suggested in a continued education course I was doing. I see before I could say "Jack Rabbit" they have charged me and it has come off my account for next month. They also took the money off my account also happened after I queried the invoice received this morning and after immediately cancelling the trial period. This is unethical. Currently Moz Pro a service charged in US$ is too expensive for my consultancy in South Africa. Any advice on how to get this amount reversed. Today is the day the invoice was sent and immediately afterwards they charged me the amount.....

    Product Support | | creativecase

  • HI, It has been over a week since the last ranking update and i'm wondering if these typically are run on a certain day? My last update was on 8/12/14.

    Product Support | | SearchOpt

  • I have a campaign running for my client with the last company I've worked with in the past. Can they move that campaign to my account?

    Product Support | | Genshaft

  • My campaigns are no longer populating with information on the homepage?  Has anyone else had this problem and can you help me with the solution? Thanks!

    Product Support | | Leithmarketing

  • My campaign settings are for 500 pages to be crawled which I understand means it will be done once per week. However my data is stuck from a few weeks back and still hasn't been updated. Can you help?

    Product Support | | Vivid-North

  • still a newbie here and a little confused. my campaign still shows data from july 30th till august 5th. it is however the 8th today and no new stats. am I missing something? Thanks

    Product Support | | s-s

  • Around a quarter of the modules selected are actually showing on a report? Unsure if this is an issue on Moz's part or my own - It has previously been fine and printed the whole report as requested (June was fine) The same report this month is only part compiling. I have also manually created another report (with the same modules) and the exact thing happened. Also - When choosing a campaign no stats show up there any longer, not a big problem but quite annoying all the same. Thanks in advance for any help, Alex

    Product Support | | Whittie

  • A lot of links seem to be broken or glitching with the Moz Campaigns dashboard. For whatever reason moz decided to archive my campaigns without permission. It then will not let me activate them again, forcing me to recreate them. When I go to the campaigns page, it will not show me my active campaigns, including ones that I have just made and it is impossible to get to them unless I save the campaign id and manually navigate to it in the browser. This has been tested on every web browser, so it is not some kind of user error or browser thing on my end. How can I get to my active campaigns since Moz will not show them to me?

    Product Support | | Atomicx

  • I'm at a loss here as I've just discovered (after running my new account for about a month) that the white label of reporting is incomplete and you didn't even warn me. I just saw an email delivered from the custom report section. I went through and set it up including custom logo so everything would be white labeled and even checked everywhere else in the preview to ensure that nothing about Moz showed up. This I was greeted this morning with a bunch of reports for multiple campaigns going to multiple clients and in all cases the email was branded as Moz. It's from a Moz email, has a Moz header and footer, and even has links for managing moz email preferences as well as Moz's privacy policy. I'd love to know who thought this was white label? Seriously, this is absurdly ridiculous. Is there a fix? Micha

    Product Support | | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • I have already canceled my subscription. How do I remove my credit card details from my profile to make sure that I ma not charged?

    Product Support | | itsmesakshi

  • Is there any way for me to retrieve a deleted campaign (it is not listed in my 'Archived Campaigns')?  If this is not possible, am I able to set up a new campaign to retrieve the historical data lost from the one that was deleted? Thank you

    Product Support | | EurekaSolutions

  • Hello. For the last two days, my dash board has been showing this... Screen%20Shot%202014-07-30%20at%2012.36.12%20PM.png

    Product Support | | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • Hi As you know i had spotted some bugs with the new MA dash and now on a more recent report update for a project see the below messages so pls confirm if they are bugs or genuine so i know to inform clients dev to attend to or not ? (PM me for the client/project name if you need it): Crawl Error Moz was unable to crawl your site during the last campaign update!We encountered the following issue:904 Response from Server Timed out Without Completing Page Request Crawl Issue Found: 500 Errors More than 5% of site pages served 500 errors during the last crawl

    Product Support | | Dan-Lawrence

  • We should have the ability to see any and all conversions goals, as defined in analytics, in Moz. After all, the whole point of marketing, SEO, PPC, Social, etc. is to drive sales or leads that create sales right? So, why should we have a dashboard tool that doesn't show us the 1 thing that ultimately matters the most? I understand that Moz simply wasn't designed to do this, but I think that should change. After all, we are in this to make money I hope. My 2 Cents. Micha

    Product Support | | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • Hey. I'm trying to get a PDF of the on page report so I can see a list of each issue. This works well if you're logged in and just navigate through the different tabs, but not so well if you export. All I get is an overview of the number of the priority issues, but not the URLs and the specific problems. I know you can export a CVS, but that's not a very good branded way to export this. What I'd like to do is export a report that is fairly gainular so I can provide "before and after" reports for work we completed. As is stands now, I have an overview PDF which sucks and can't provide any more details or a CVS which has all the details in the world, but is so in depth it's hard to navigate, especially for clients who don't know what they're looking at, not to mention it's not branded!!! There should be way more options for reporting here. Please let me know if you can do something about this or if I'm just missing something. Thanks. Micha

    Product Support | | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • Okay, so I've brought this up a couple times to your team and have always been met with resistance and confusion, but I really feel like the fundamental design of your on page grader (the auto one) needs some changes in order to be really useful. Let's start with the basics. An on page grader is supposed to be a tool where you can enter your keyword or keywords and have it scan the URL to see how well the keyword has been implemented on the page. It checks for heading use, anchor text, alt tags, frequency of use, etc. We all should get this if we are here. Now, your manual page grader does just that and does a great job of it. I find it very useful for checking newly created pages, landing pages, competitor pages and the like. However, your auto version found in the Search > On-Page Optimizations is the culprit here. So, according to several staff at Moz, this tool scans your site every week when the rest of your site scan is done. It then takes the rankings of pages for ranked and tracked keywords and assigns a grade for that page. Here's the major problem.... in almost all of my accounts, it very rarely gets the association with keyword and URL correct. Thus, it returns a low page grade even though the grade of the URL would be an A or B for the correct keyword. What seems to be happening is I'm tracking multiple keywords, sometime close variations. This grade tool in a lot of cases is grading a page more than once for several keywords it's ranking for. All the variants it gets a low grade for because the exact keywords isn't in the title, headings, etc. The second thing that seems to be happening is some pages are not being graded using the primary keyword, but instead a variation. In this case it only shows low grades for the page. On one occurrence of trying to discuss this issue with you, I got scoffed at for saying the tool was "guessing at which keyword to use for the grade". Your staff was very adamant in saying "it's not a guess!" My counter point was, call it what you want, it's in accurate to the intended keyword to be optimized for. Now, when one first gets to this tool, all of the above doesn't seem like that big of a deal because there's an "add & manage page grade" section. This section allows you to add and manage page grades. So, one would think that you could go to this tool, add an page grades for keywords that the tool didn't automatically associate and delete ones that it added with an incorrect association and that would be the end of it. However, that's NOT quite the end of it. At your own admission, the tool doesn't function like that. Each week when a new scan is completed, these pages grades essentially reset. So any page grade that you deleted will simply show right back up again. Now, before I go any further, let me explain why this is such an issue for me. First, on page optimization is something my company does and sells as a service and we are pretty good at it. Not saying we're the best, but we're better than most. That said, one of my reasons for choosing Moz was because according to the verbiage on the pages, one can create branded reports to include on page optimization. However, when the tool doesn't get the right keyword to landing page AND there's no way to manually override it, then basically all of my reports make it look like my pages grades suck, when in face they don't. Now, if in my campaigns I only added the exact keyword for each page and didn't do any variations of, then this tools becomes much more accurate. However, I want to track multiple variations. Bottom line is this: I need a page grading and reporting tool I can count on and actually use. Thus far, you solution is riddled with problems and every time I bring it up, you fight me on it saying it's working as it's supposed to. What I'm saying here is "as it's supposed to" is fundamentally wrong. I'd like to discuss this with someone at this point, and preferably someone a bit higher up than a first tier support person because frankly, I'm not getting anywhere. Overall I love your service, but it's things like this that have me questioning wether or not Moz is right. I'm giving you opportunity after opportunity to prove to me that it is. Help me work this out so we can continue that trend. Thanks, Micha

    Product Support | | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • I want to be able to change the publish date of automatic reports in my campaigns. One such campaign, which is a client campaign, it's set to run on the 8th after I selected "monthly". However, this doesn't work for me as this client want's to meet each month on between the 2nd and 5th of each month and I have to have this report data. So, I need to run this report on the first. Not the 2nd, not every 4 weeks... on the first. It seems like you guys have a fundamental flaw in the design of this tool, as great as it is. You've set the projects to auto run each month from the date it was added (at least from what I can tell). Provided that's true, then this would explain why the monthly reports won't work on my schedule because their on a weekly schedule instead. We, as clients, should be given the option to schedule when our scanning runs, when our reports get generated, etc. Every company runs their SEO and marketing differently, but the away you've set this up with the lack of options for us, forces us to work around your tools scheduling and not the other way around. Also, out of all of the SEO tools I've tried (quite a few), none have had this limitation. This should be addressed immediately. Thanks, Micha

    Product Support | | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • Hey. I posted a question about this on my other Moz account (one I use for moz local), but it appears to have been removed, so here goes again. Can someone from Moz please explain to me why that in your plans, as the price goes up and more campaigns are allowed, the amount of keywords tracked per campaign goes down? $149 plan - 5 campaigns - 450 keywords = 90 keywords per campaign. $249 plan - 25 campaigns - 1100 keywords = 44 keywords per campaign $599 plan - 100 campaigns - 3700 keywords = 37 keywords per campaign What confuses me here with your pricing plans is two fold Modern SEO requires a lot of quality content, interlinked together to rank well (in most cases). Your SEO guides even talk about this. Blogging is one of the most popular ways to do this. However, in any modest website these days, especially one that runs a blog, how does tracking only 37 keywords per campaign make sense? The fact is, that even your starter plan with only 90 per campaign doesn't make sense. My business website is tracking about 300 (that actually drive traffic). I provide my SEO clients with the same type of work I would do for my self, which again reinforces that 37 keywords is plainly pathetic. Every online pricing model I've ever seen follows one simple rule: When price goes up, you get more for your money, not less. At first glance you might think that is what you're getting when you step up a plan and get more campaigns, but then to have less keywords per campaign simply doesn't make sense at all. What does make sense is to have a more flexible pricing model. Instead of locking us into set tiers which don't really make sense, you should allow a more flexible pricing BEFORE we have to go up to enterprise. Why not have a per project price of 'x' price per month, then have a price per keyword or maybe per 100 keywords. This would allow all of us the flexibility to run campaign depths that make sense for us, not for your counterintuitive views of how we should be tracking them. Again, I'd really like a Moz staff person to respond to this as the last time I commented about this, it was removed.

    Product Support | | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • I had a few highly detailed MOZ campaigns over a year ago. We stopped paying and now that we've logged back in to the same account, there's not even anything in the archive. Is there any way to retrieve the old campaigns associated with this account?

    Product Support | | PHC-TOM

  • We are planning a domain change -- same site, new domain --
    Similar to Google Analytics, can we make that change here in Moz so our stats continue to be tracked? If so... Will the new domain stats simply 'add' to our present stats? (preferred) Thanks.

    Product Support | | jmueller0823

  • Hi Im trying to set up reporting for a new client and forcing the new dashboard on me rather than the preferred old one, how do i configure reports so has the older MA dashboard rather than the new MA dash ? Also i have only just got my clients used to the new reporting format and dashboard and now it looks like you are changing it again, pls confirm if this newish MA dash is going to be phased out for the brand new MA dash ? Also im trying to set up quarterly reports and no option given beyond monthly in the drop down ? Many Thanks

    Product Support | | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi one of my projects has Rel=Canonical in insights and opportunites report showing as 'none' but 480 are being reported when you click thorugh to Crawl Diagnostics and dev have confirmed they are there so i take it 'insights and opprtunites' is reporting incorrectly ? all best dan

    Product Support | | Dan-Lawrence

  • How do I access billing chat, your page says there is one but it is difficult to find. This is urgent.

    Product Support | | Thommas

  • Hi I need to submit my monthly reports to my clients this week but they have all come through devoid of most data ! I did submit a support request ticket to help@ yesterday but no reply yet, i appreciate you may well be very busy if this has happened for everyone Pls advise update asap so i know what to tell my clients ? Out of interest any other MOzzers out there having the same monthly reporting problem ? (i.e. no or little data) ? Many Thanks Dan

    Product Support | | Dan-Lawrence

  • We have had Moz a long time but recently have been having a horrible time loading the main analytics dashboard.  Our computers are new and connection is great.  This did all start happening occasionally after the new system rolled out.  But now its to the point where we can't use anything.  It just keeps spinning.  I talked to customer support but they are slow to respond sometimes.  We have tried loading in Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

    Product Support | | SEO_Mechanic

  • I have been on every single page of this site and although the auto email response tells me I can cancel my membership via the website, I can't find any place to do so.  Can you please point me in the right direction?

    Product Support | | Savage

  • At 50 Moz points the point system says one is awarded A hug from Roger. How does one redeem this hug?

    Product Support | |

  • Hi It says when you get over 200 moz points that you "Removal of "nofollow" from first custom URL on profile", this isn't the reason I have become more active on the network, but I was wondering do I need to do anything or does it happen automatically. Thanks Andy

    Product Support | | Andy-Halliday

  • Looking to export our active campaigns from our account to another. Is this possible?

    Product Support | | Mediademon

  • Two major issues with Moz Analytics - we've reached out to the help team on this multiple times and I've seen no clear answers from their team. Anyone hear anything on this or find a solution? Weekly Automatic Reporting: This has been sending between four and six "weekly" reports to my clients. This has impacted over 30 clients. Many of them contain blank or incomplete data. Sometimes, it'll take over 24 hours before a completed report gets sent after the first incomplete one. Addition of Keywords: The "Add & Manage Keywords" feature has been down for at least 24 hours at this time. Any campaign that I attempt to add keywords to refreshes the page without adding keywords. It appears that the href is set to "" and whatever code that is required to execute the addition of the keywords into the database is not being fired.

    Product Support | | RangeMarketing

  • Hi there, I'm having issues with my Google Analytics / Facebook etc accounts constantly losing connection. How can I resolve this?

    Product Support | | Eteach_Marketing

  • Hi, We find the SEO Moz PRO app a great tool for us. What is the reason that it is not re-crawling the websites included in our campaigns anymore?

    Product Support | | solution.advisor

  • I am trying to send the full report on my site, for them to examine it but apparently I forwarded the email but it was not useful it was just the first page or something. Thanks Vic

    Product Support | | oakvillePainters

  • Hi All, For 2 days I cannot access my moz analytics. I can log in, but when I click the Moz Analytics button, which redirects me to: I receive message that chrome could not connect. Screenchot attached. Rgds! Screen-shot-2014-05-24-at-11.40.51-AM.png

    Product Support | | mefendulov

  • Hi, We have been using Moz now for a few weeks now and we are trying to run reports based on various time frames and can't seem to do so? For example on the if we needed a report from say 17/04/2014- 30/04/2014 how would we achieve this? Or if we wanted to schedule reports based on a calendar month- how do we achieve this? I tried running reports on the 1/05/2014 and  received reports for Apr 25 - May 2, 2014. Also on the DASHBAORD- the timeframe only appears to display  'WEEKLY' and the last week of the month- 23th April- 30- Apr. Or will this change once we have more historical data compiled? Thanks,

    Product Support | | Faxem

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