For the example I will use a computers e-commerce store...
I'm working on creating guides for the store -
How to choose a laptop
How to choose a desktop
I believe that each guide will be great on its own and that it answers a specific question (meaning that someone looking for a laptop will search specifically laptop info and the same goes for desktop). This is why I didn't creating a "How to choose a computer" guide.
I also want each guide to have all information and not to start sending the user to secondary pages in order to fill in missing info.
However, even though there are several details that are different between the laptops and desktops, like importance of weight, screen size etc., a lot of things the checklist (like deciding on how much memory is needed, graphic card, core etc.) are the same.
Please advise on how to pursue it.
Should I just write two guides and make sure that the same duplicated content ideas are simply written in a different way?