I have a tremendously diverse background, which you can read on my LinkedIn page. I started my life out in the life saving world, as a Pool Life Guard at 15, then a Laguna Beach Life Gurad at 16 for 6 years. I was also in the Fire Department as a PCF, working on my EMT and FF1. Due to physical injuries, that dream ended, and I met the business world.
Very quickly I taught myself excel, creating dashboards that companies I worked for, like Sport Chalet, use today to do their reporting. I was then invited to be on the Sport Chalet's eCommerce and Social Media team, which is where I first got my taste of SEO | SMO | SEM work.
I took this knowledge, by business knowledge, and my natural sales skills to form my first attempt at a consulting company. I worked with 2 companies, both completly different, one was a sewing store, where I implemented an entire revamp and the other was a financial services company.
For the sewing company I worked out a cad layout of each of the 4 stores for merchandising reasons, developed an S.O.P. in written form, a marketing plan, revamped the online presence too.