Myself Dushyant, and I'm an information enthusiast.
From the day I discovered search engines, I began to look up anything and everything I could possibly think of, as much as possible. Given this fact, it's not so shocking that I ended up in Internet marketing.
I've also been interested in civil services from a young age, but I decided early on that listening to other people's problems all day was not the right career for me. Later than obtaining my degree in Information Technology from the University Of Technology UIT Bhopal, I took training on Online Search Marketing. I was hooked, and there was no going back. I found it fascinating to explore how people think and behave, and how the internal and external forces in their lives affect what they buy.
I am currently a Search Engine Evaluator at Cybage Software - Pune. I enjoy analyzing the large amounts of data that are inherent in this position and using it to gain and leverage consumer insight.