I'm consulting for a web series that features ~6 well established characters, and I would like to establish a twitter stream for each character before the start of the new season in a few months. The characters all have first names but no last name, and the web series's name (Naked In A Fishbowl) is too long, and the acronym NIAF is not well-branded yet. What would be the best way to pick Twitter handles for cast members (BonnieNIAF, Jean NIAF? BonnieFishbowl? Bonnie_NIAF?)

Is Bounce Rate The On-Base Percentage Of Web Analytics?
2/4/2010 Probably the most fundamental shift in the business of baseball over the past 10 years has been the rise of "sabermetrics," as documented in Michael Lewis' Moneyball. The theory is that in an ove...