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Category: Branding

Explore the topics of branding and brand awareness and why they’re important for any business.

  • I have a new e-commerce site and I'm focused on optimizing it for SEO. If I am taking product photos, will having a step-and-repeat (background with our logo repeated) in the background of the product impact how the images are scanned by Google? In other words, would I benefit from having a plain background behind my item shots vs. a backdrop with our logos all across it? I don't want Google to think I'm spamming my logo across all our items, but also want our photos to be recognized as ours. I want to gain SEO from my effort and definitely not hurt it! Thanks!

    | A_Wo

  • Is it okay to embed YouTube videos of channel which we don't own? For example, I have written a blog on enabling event search in Google Analytics and Google Webmasters YouTube channel has a video based on those steps. I am looking to add that video in my blog.

    | Ravi_Rana

  • Our company just did a complete rebrand with a new name and logo. Instagram allows us to change our name, username, logo, and information, unlike Facebook, but there isn't a lot of online content about whether or not that's the best route.  Any thoughts?

    | RyanHeffernon

  • same content two domains rebrand migration

    Odd situation I'm hoping some folks may have insight on. We have a product site and an educational site (two entirely separate domains). The educational site has: Existed for longer (24 years vs 13). Currently ranks for far more keywords and drives more traffic. Is an entirely separate brand from the product. Has historically driven sales to the product site (through email and onsite ads) but that channel has diminished over time. The product site Also has educational resources Is a more recognizable brand When prioritized resources here often drive far more revenue The Challenge
    Both sites cover very similar topics, making prioritization challenging and splits our topical focus. We are considering making the educational site our sole place for resources, migrating content from the product site, and rebranding the site to line up more closely with the product. Basically retain the domain, make it our sole focus for updates and new content, but align it with the strength of our more recognizable product. The Questions Does anyone have any experience with this type of rebrand where a separate domain is retained? Are we risking the loss of branded search queries in the process or some other risk? While potentially risking ranking/traffic loss would it make more sense to migrate all valuable content to the product site instead? Sorry for the long-winded questions here and appreciate any thoughts/ideas!

    | pasware

  • Hey guys, Can't for the life of me decide which color pallet to use for this logo, so please let me know your thoughts! The logo is for a website that specialises in Instagram social media marketing - So without further ado... Green, Blue or Blue with Red Heart? Thoughts, feedback and anything else you want to add! DBFnY

    | camille1

  • Hi I'm working on an SEO campaign in relation to vacuum cleaners. I'm working on some outreach and as we focus on B2B I'm finding it difficult to find blogs which are B2B focused. We would ideally want customers who are buying a number of vacuums for their business - but it could be any industry. Instead of B2B blogs, I have gone with the angle of cleaning/organising blogs, with lots of followers on social. However, does anyone know of any good B2B blogs they could recommend? I'm looking for something written by facilities/buildings managers - if blogs like this exist 🙂 Thank you

    | BeckyKey

  • I manage multiple websites and want to start new ones but want to know if one blog post a month is acceptable for SEO since I'm worried about rank.

    | hssm2019

  • Hi all, We're a small business based in the UK that manufactures a range of PVC strip curtains and rubber site safety products. We have a presence on twitter, facebook, LinkedIn & google+... I've been considering Instagram for a little while now as I know we would have plenty to post (strip curtains are seen in multiple industries, it'd be great to post unusual applications that we've supplied to...) but I'm wondering what experience anyone has had with Instagram in an industrial manufacturing business... Is the audience there or would it be a waste of time for us? I've briefly looked through # but I'd like to know first-hand experiences!

    | RayflexGroup

  • Hi guys I'm looking for tips and advice to help prevent a startup website launch from embarrassment or disaster. Couple of examples I have so far are: Test contact and download forms Check website for duplicate content, lorem ipsum and missing content Check page load speed What would be your best advice/tip(s) be? Thanks Anthony @Anthony_Mac85 P.S. Just to be clear, I'm not looking for advice on how to growth hack a startup website launch.

    | Tone_Agency

  • I took on a dentist office as an SEO client. They have 1 website, 2 business names and 2 locations. Each location has it's own business name. They are both within the same city as well. I'm not exactly sure where to start with them since they have 2 different business names. If it were 1 name with multiple locations I would just create a Contact Us page for each one, but is that the best thing to do when the location names are different? Should I create a different website for each location or is that smart because then they are competing against each other? Any help from the community on the direction I should take would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    | SilhouetteBS

  • Over the past several months it seems more and more local listing sites are now using Yext for their listing information.  Some of these include, American Towns, Hot Frog, etc.  I'm not even seeing a way to claim listings anymore with these sites without going through Yext. If Yext has the wrong information, is there any way to correct these listings without paying Yext?  I used to be able to claim listings with the actual listing sites.  It was more labor intensive, but I didn't have to pay Yext $500/year.  I could pay an assistant a lot less and they could do it.  It seems that option is going away. Do any of you know of another way of correcting listings without using Yext (or at least without paying Yext)?  If not, do you know if Yext has an enterprise solution for SEOs so we don't have to pay the $500 for every client? Thanks. Kurt Steinbrueck

    | Kurt_Steinbrueck

  • Hello, Can a twitter, facebook, linkedin or instagram business page be considered an influencer Or Does an influencer need to absolutely be a person ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello, One of our sites has been using a domain since 2005 and is shown below.  The domain is terrible for multiple reasons, hyphens and doesn't even reflect our actual company name.  Not to mention its embarrassing when telling a customer to email us at support @ pro "dash, yes the hyphen" gift....  I wanted to change it long ago but feared it would hurt my SEO rankings.  After taking Bruce Clay's training class back in 2004, we managed to rank top 10 for most targeted keywords.  My ranking have slowly dropped over time due to neglect and decaying IBL's.  We still rank for a few targeted keywords but it was just August of 2017 we were still top 10 but something happened and we dropped out of the top 100 right before our holiday season.  We had to run Adwords and BingAds to supplement traffic this holiday season.  So I am wondering before I restart my SEO efforts should I move the domain now before trying to build new content, IBL's, etc? I was always under the impression Google used domain trust a major factor which wasnt only IBL but also domain age.  Our preferred domain I purchased from another owner and it has ZERO links to it.  It was basically a parked domain with the "domain for sale" stuff.  I am a little nervous about moving it over because Google didnt even have it in its index.  I put up a coming soon page and hosted it on my server, same C Block, and requested a crawl from my webmaster console.  I added some text to the new domain index page and it appears Google is showing results for our old domain!  At first I thought it was duplicate content but its not Google obviously has deciphered current site is my old domain and is displaying the title and meta data from the old domain.  I have never seen this before.  Google cache shows the current domain the new domain url. A few questions: Will my site get sandboxed after 301 redirecting and going webmaster console move features etc? Does this reset the trust factors?  I have read examples in my research where some people say it only took a few weeks and everything was back to normal and others that have said it took years. Any experience or insight is greatly appreciated.  I am currently relearning SEO and going over the SEO tutorial articles provided on moz.  Thanks again! New Domain - matches our company name, no hyphens, better branding Google index Current Domain, since 2005, has ranked well for years until this summer

    | DMAC44

  • So our IT guy just sent me an email from our domain registrar, encouraging us to sign up for an annual 'adultblock' service. For those that aren't sure what this is... Adultblock represents a straightforward mechanism that enables qualifying organizations to block the registration of any domain that falls under their trademark. This includes unlimited variants based on the holder's labels. Instead of worrying about registering and managing many different adult related TLDs, it is possible to block trademarked domains under all four TLDs for up to ten years through just one action. Unfortunately, this service is not cheap, and I'm starting to wonder about the 'downside' of NOT doing it. Does anyone know if just purchasing the adult related TLDs for our domain, and then just sitting on them, would have any sort of negative effect on our SEO?  Alternatively, could we just set an alert for when / if those domains ever get purchased and then just disavow those sites in search console? Thanks!!

    | av-seo

  • Hi,  I'm doing a project called Due to trailing slashes issues, our developer requests to remove the trailing slashes from the URLs. However, the homepage with and without trailing slashes the same effect right. How about the inner pages affect SEO. Because we just started to do SEO and not even one single link of Inner pages done with the process. However, for example, the URL for is before with trailing slashes and it is on google indexed with trailing slashes. Due to some bug, google inspection tool has been not functioning nowadays and I'm finding hard to index the new URL without trailing slashes to index on Google. If this gets indexed, how the URL with trailing slashes will be, does it automatically redirect to URL without trailing slashes or not? Please share your thought about this concern.

    | Navya124

  • I have a major, popular and well-established website in my niche (lil peep merch) ( in my country, known as the largest, or one of the largest. But even with 12 years and loads of quality content, my website ranks WAAY worse than unknown ones, most of the time not even showing up on the searches at all, or ranking like page 7 in Google, while my rival, who does the same thing I do (and sometimes worse than what I do, like just publishing news when I publish news, and information, in-depth articles) ranks page 1 in Goo. I use Yoast SEO, try to do everything I can (but I'm no developer and have no access to my site codes), but my only good result is for one specific keyword.

    | FitBoyAwesome

  • I have a few questions. My website allows people to create custom 'puzzle' and education (i.e. "math") worksheets -  enter your 'school spelling list' - I can make a crossword or many other puzzles (PDF form) from it. I recently realized that I was being penalized for the backlink I placed in each one. I placed in each PDF ("Created with Crossword maker") - I was linking the "crossword maker" back to my site. BAD!  I am now aware of this.  I have recently disavowed several hundred backlinks where people have posted those PDF's online - and have started to see a big recovery in ranking and traffic. My questions about my citation: "Created with Crossword maker":
    1. Moving forward, can I leave the same citation on each PDF - but just link '' back to my domain (not the keywords, just the domain)
    2. If not, can I just leave the unlinked text on the PDF: i.e. "Created with Crossword maker" -no embeded links at all.
    3. Is it OK to assert that they must leave the "citation" (linked/unlinked?) to post them on their website as a part of my terms of use? If not, is there an acceptable way to get credit for giving away free custom content - other than asking for an 'optional' link back? I have thousands more of these that I would need to end up disavowing so knowing exactly what is permissible is extremely important to me moving forward. I have watched this whiteboard Friday: (I am looking for clarification on what I can put in the original content I essentially syndicate - the content is different on each and every PDF, except for the citation). Thank you so much for your time and help!

    | Addict

  • Hi, Wondered if anyone has any useful articles or tips for social media for a B2B generalist ecommerce site. We have started thinking about LinkedIn, but I know we need a lot more work & potentially to look at other channels/building a brand/personality online. I've read a few articles, about finding the unboring angle of your business - I'm just wondering how we can achieve this if we have thousands of products & potential customers - it's hard to know where to start & to get the buy in 🙂 It's something I want to push, so any tips would be great 🙂

    | BeckyKey

  • Sometimes I write a post for another site and then post the first 1/3rd on my site to help promote it. Is this a bad idea? When I do that should I be adding a canonical link to the original post? Should I have /make sure the 3rd party site does something? Is there anything else I should do? Thanks in advance.

    | mcarroll

  • We're currently running two separate sites, one being the "main" page for B2B customers and the other being an online shop targeting B2C customers. Site structure looks like this: <code>[]( = main page / B2B</code> <code> = shop / B2C</code> We're also building a new shop with Shopify which will replace the current shop and it's going to provide a really great user experience (AR models of products etc). Naturally, there are a lot more B2C customers than there are B2B customers (we sell sun umbrellas). The B2C customer type spends around 150€ typically, whereas a B2B customer needs consulting and will spend upwards 10k. B2B is responsible for about 90% of revenue. Both customer types seem to search for the term "sonnenschirme" which is basically just "sun umbrella". Before the shop was accessible at a subdirectory (/shop), it was available on a different domain (not even subdomain), which was really bad for SEO. Once we consolidated both websites into one we've seen a big spike in traffic, due to products etc. of the shop ranking well. As pretty much all competing companies are B2C companies who fight for a share of the "sonnenschirme" keyword, we've been unsure if it wasn't better to have the shop as the main page and the B2B page in a subdirectory. So basically: <code> = B2B page = main page / B2C</code> But then again B2B generates much more revenue (at least right now). What do you guys think? I'm anxious about "just trying" because it could hurt traffic badly.

    | agctyz

  • We are rebranding our store with a new name. We have purchased a NewDomainName.  Can I just make the "Old Domain Name" an alias for the "NewDomainName"? The site will not change in any other way than having a new logo.  This is an e-commerce site with over 100 categories of artisan made products.  So once we move the site, the old domain will be empty. Thank you Stephen

    | stephenfishman
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hi, I’m trying to decide whether to renew annual hosting for my old website and hoping a wiser brain than mine in these matters might be able to advise me. The website was the home of a weekly website review column, e-newsletter, content writing tips and other web content/marketing related content so has lots of backlinks since 1997, though hasn't been updated for about 10 years. The domain email address is listed on some spam lists as I suspect it was harvested from the site by crawling spambots. I haven't bothered trying to de-list as don't use the address or website anymore. The site has never been used for PBN or sending spam (at least not by me). There's lots of good content in there, and some would still be relevant, but not sure if it's worth keeping for backlinks and for redirecting to my new website when it’s built. Plan to build a new WordPress website for my new writing as no longer in the content marketing business. It's a country-specific domain so can't really sell it as need to own the business name to own the domain name. I no longer use the business name either as plan to set up new brand for new website. But it might be useful to direct traffic to my new website domain once it's up and running if I cleaned up all the many broken links to expired websites in the databases of hundreds of website reviews. It's all on but I'm still very attached to the old site, even if it's no longer useful from a business point of view. Did a Moz check which showed: Domain Authority
    20 Linking Domains
    89 Discovered in the last 60 days
    1 Lost in last 60 days
    4 Inbound Links
    1.9k Ranking Keywords
    0 My web host stats show the site gets between 300 and 500 visits a month. Had about 138,200 visits since October last year. And about 653,200 hits. Is that amount of traffic worth the time and expense of pruning the site of hundreds of expired links and fixing up other glitches? It's very dated in design and layout and is written in .asp I could send you the URL in private message if you would like to look at the website first. Been agonising over this decision for months as budget is very tight but don’t want to lose the site if it might have future value. Would greatly appreciate advice from someone who's up on this stuff as I've been out of the game for a long time and the deadline to renew the site hosting is very soon. Thank you in advance for your time and help.

    | brizc

  • Dear MOZ Community, When should i use 'Generated search clicks' (Links to google site results with your site results) in my content? Instead of direct links or ads to my site? For instance: I'm posting on social media or in a newsletter about a  Top 5 OLED tv's.
    Should i use a direct link to my  Top 5 OLED page or should i use a link to search results on my page?
    a search-click generator: Best regards, Tim Thijsse

    | TimThijsse

  • My client is a SaaS developer and I would like to begin some review acquisition activity. Just wondering if there is any knowledge out there with regards to what review sites google scrapes or uses as an indicator for such products (Yelp and Yellow pages not too helpful in this scenario). I have narrowed down Capterra, G2 Crowd and GetApp as having a good following - but any insights would be much appreciated.

    | P.Myers

  • Hi SEO is new to myself and I'm still trying to get my head round it.  My friend and myself run a DJ company in our spare time but we are desperately trying to rank higher to increase our visibility. we have worked hard on our page optimisation and scoring high 90's, we'd love to invest in someone to do it, but simply dont have that kinda cash at the moment. I'm aware that some pages need meta description and alt image text, which is what I'm now working on, but even other sites with lower percentage are ranking higher. is this due to recent changes and google not ranking our pages? Will our ranking improve over time and how long should it be before we see any changes.

    | Bluice

  • Hi everyone! I have my tough question, hope you'll help with your recommendations! I have a domain for blockchain company (DA 38, 590 linking domains), which started as an ICO project, but rapidly grew to  a recognized  B2B company with a few B2B clients. What we want is to attract more B2B prospects via Google Search, but the problem is when our prospects google our brand name (which also happens to be our domain, so this domain must be kept) they see mainly ico/crypto SERPs (as the result of ICO ad campaigns, online publicity etc). And they get prejudice towards us and don't trust us in the first place. What we already managed to do is to add some B2B news and links in 1-10 SERPs for our brand name, but still old ones (crypto related don't go so fast). Our management wants  our prospects to be able to clearly see the difference between the current company domain (which must be remade to B2B focus only) and the new domain (our token-oriented, since our product is on blockchain). Question: is it possible to do such differentiation in the eyes of Google (and thus our prospects)? if yes, what is the best way to do that? 2 separate domains, not linking to each other or any other way?
    Do you have any other ideas?

    | MariY

  • Hi, On our client sites we have a link in the footer that says the site is maintained and developed by my company. That link takes you to a page that has outbound links to our site. Should these links be nofollow, since in a way they are almost like sponsored links? I feel like I read that somewhere but I can't remember where. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!

    | AliMac26

  • So I have been at this for years! I cannot get Google to improve the rank on my travel site. The site has great relevant content that is constantly updated, it's optimized, has good page speed, active on social media. I have added backlinks where I could. I changed domain name about 4 years ago which probably impacted my rankings at the time. MOZ just did a walk through with me and couldn't really suggest any improvements. I remain with a low domain authority and consistently place under my competitor on Google. Last resort is to buy backlinks through fiverr. Is that a big mistake?

    | artsp

  • I am currently perplexed over a client's search results. They are an established company and well known in their field. (Unfortunately, I am not comfortable providing a link or their name.) The company is a consulting firm and let's assume it is an accounting firm, which it is not. When you search on BSC Accounting the results give them the first result but the next 18 results are around education - BSc Accounting. Consider the DA on the site is 34 and the PA for homepage is 39. Is there a chance that when someone is searching on accounting firms that having the BSC in the name skews what they are able to rank for? Forget about searches for their exact name, I am more interested in thoughts as to how the BSC effects general searches for their specialties.

    | RobertFisher

  • If a company is Safe-Tec but the domain name is Safetechelmets (no dash) and the Twitter account is Safe-Tec Smart and the FaceBook is Safe-Tech Safety Gear, how damaging is this for SEO, and is there a way to prevent the damage without changing the Twitter Account, Facebook account of domain name? Thank you so much in advance.

    | BirdIsTheWord

  • Good Morning All There are two variations of our company name on the website. Sometimes the name is listed as "name and name" and sometimes listed as "name & name" The domain is obviously I believe I am correct in saying that we would be wise to go through and standardise, using one form or the other? Secondly, my main question is would we be wise to use "name and name" as the default, as the word "and" and not the symbol "&" is in the domain itself? Many Thanks

    | ruislip18

  • Hi, We have a new website on We have asked for endless scrolling between our articles, so when we get at the end of one article, the next loads. Looking at the produced html code I saw the articles contain and to other articles. When I asked the development team why this happens, I got a reply that its needed for the endless scroll of the articles.  But to my understanding "prev" and "next" is only used on pagination cases, and endless scroll between articles has nothing to do pagination. Here is an example article If you "view html code" on that article you will see this "next", "prev" declarations to other articles. Can anyone please let me know if the declaration of "prev" and "next" articles should stay or if I should ask the development team to remove it? Thanks

    | ioannis.anifantakis

  • Hey Moz Community! We have a eCommerce Store with a ton of articles/products. And we have a lot of Brands/Manufactures for Flavors with different tastes. As example we have a Brand Called "Copy cat" with 60 different flavors, and their product names are "copy cat xyz flavor". Currently we have for each flavor a single product created, so i guess we have a lot of duplicated keywords [copy cat] flavorname [flavor] + generell manufacturer content in the product descriptions. While thinking about it, i thought about to merge all those articles to configurable articles. So we have 1 Copy Cat article with some kind of a dropdown selection for the different flavor. Does anyone have experience with this? How will the User Experience change? (we are using elastic search, it's including the variations of products - so the search wouldnt be affected)

    | MJClassy

  • Hi all, Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you are interested in helping out, feel free to direct message me for more information. Earlier this week I received a call from a very pleasant women named Martha. Her son owns a small site dedicated to his work as a pianist (can see the site here). They are having issues gaining traction in Google, they are not tech/search savvy and are looking for SEO help. They really do not have much to spend so partnering with an agency or hiring an SEO is not really an option. The part that is eating me up is the fact that Martha recently lost her husband and that left both of them in a very tough spot emotionally and financially. They are trying to build up visibility for the site with the hopes of finding more work for her son to help support them. Frankly, the site needs a good amount of work. It is a small one-page squarespace website. New pages need to be created, the site needs to be optimized and backlinks need to be acquired. If anyone is willing or able to help, please let me know. I am trying to help them where I can (guidance for how to optimize, they provided me the squarespace login so I may start going in and making changes for them) but unfortunately I do not have the time to give this project the attention that it deserves. Even if it is something as small as throwing a link their way, it would be very much appreciated. It doesn't have to be SEO specific either, if you can help them on social I'm sure that would be appreciated as well. Again, I appreciate you taking the time to read this. If you are interested in helping or just learning more, feel free to message me. Thank you!

    | Joe_Stoffel

  • We are reviewing our creative / PR agency and are intending to use our GSC data as a way to assess their performance...

    | Jacksons_Fencing

  • Hello All, I just want to know that is it the right way in SEO to submit the same blog post as an article on Linkedin or other social sites or article sites.

    | DenorL

  • Hi there, Does anyone know how they managed to get a different font in the meta title on this page, directly in SERP? www seorestart cz It's even differently in the source code of the page (try to google it with "site:" operator). I thought CSS has now power over this and I couldn't find anything else what might be the trick. Thanks for any answer. Cheers,

    | benesmartin

  • We have several different listings & brands on our site and the logo that is being pulled is one of our listings. We have identified the logo through organization structured data as well as provided the "feedback" section with the correct link multiple times. Does anyone know how we can get this resolved?

    | imjonny123

  • Hi, I just made one decision and now I'm bit worried, if I did right one. I hope that you can give me feedback and advice regarding it. I'm in hookah market, so I do not have any possibilities to buy adds, so SEO is really-really important to us. I know a lot of things what has to be done to perform better, but currently I have just few really important questions. In international market the main keyword is "hookah" and everything related to that. We are small company and our brand is not that well known and do not have high volume traffic on website. Hookah in front of that we tough will give better understanding to audience about what is the page. Which domain name is better for SEO and also branding purposes? Currently we were using the first one without keyword, no we switched to the second one (just about week ago). Regarding it, some really important questions: Would the longer version of domain helps us better rank with important keywords to us or not? When we will write good content, which domain is more likely shared? I'm bit afraid that first one and that we made a mistake changing the domain name.  When the 1st one, then how big difference does it potentially make? Thank you

    | Karel_K

  • What do you lose by deleting a product and it's images from an e-commerce site? We have many product images with pinterest pins and shares or that show up on google images searches. Our site is an active American craft gallery with jewelry, art and handmade gifts from about 300 different artists. Most products are made in small quantities others are 1 of a kind. So we often have products selling out.  Most items are organized by artist. Are there good practices to follow that will best keep our social media presence and links?  I'd also like to stop buying extra space for all those images on my server Thanks so much Stephen

    | stephenfishman

  • Hi everyone, I have another (very basic) question! It's about the use of keywords throughout articles - is it worthwhile putting keywords and associated phrases in bold and italic and also underlining them at various points throughout my website articles? I have read that this helps google to know what the article is about. Any comments would be much appreciated!

    | ClareO

  • I have marked up the website with all the necessary schema and tested and validated it on Google's structured data tool. I have requested for the site to be recrawled and indexed which was performed. It has been 3 weeks but the mark up is still not showing on search engine result pages and this is the longest delay I have experienced with schema mark up before it starts showing. Are there any reccomendations

    | Marcus_Florist

  • Hi I have worked on various different sites as an SEO, I have found that currently I don't have a list of influential bloggers/sites to contact in the niche I'm in. Where do I start? Do I work on building this list or do I create the some content first, so I can propose a collaboration? I know how long these relationships can take, so I don't want to hold up on producing content Thank you

    | BeckyKey

  • My G+ for business currently has 55 followers and no engagement - apart from me liking the posts from my personal G+ Apart from the benefits of having content indexed faster, is there any other benefits for me in this situation, from an SEO perspective? I would like to grow the followers and engagement but not sure how as my social marketing skills are not as strong as my technical seo.

    | AjazMozPro

  • Hi Moz community, Seems like Bing already confirmed that they are using link-less mentions for the ranking graph and some SEO experts believe if Google also employing the same in their Algo....Can anybody please confirm and share your thoughts on this? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • We are a commercial real estate brokerage firm in Manhattan. Our site (w w w . m e t r o - m a n h a t t a n . com) is text heavy and somewhat uninviting. Ranking is fair. Conversions awful. Our niche is very competitive. We plan on reducing the amount of text and making the site more visual. Among the planned changes: -Reduce amount of text in home page and text heavy pages. More emphasis on product (listings)
    -Much larger photos for listings
    -Lighter cleaner design with more open white areas
    -Use of more visible fonts
    -Better forms New design will be like: Theme and graphics based on Manhattan. More visuals. Better photos. Less text. But are we shooting ourselves in the foot by reducing text? Is there a risk that Google will reduce our ranking? Can we compensate for reduced text that is visible to visitors by completing meta tags more fully? Any thoughts??? Thanks,

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi guys. Just looking for a bit of advice on this one.  I don't have a huge amount of experience in the outreach area so advice from you guys would be appreciated. Question is in the title really... If we see posts go live that are incredibly relevant to our products, should we engage in any outreach to ask to be included? Or is this just bad practice/ anyoning for the journo/ blogger? Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • Hi Guys. I've been building a database of journos who write about our niche recently for some outreach. I discovered that in at least one case (Metro UK), a huge amount of content is simply by bloggers, not 'official' journalists.  (They can be found easily on Twitter but not in databases like muck rack etc) Generally, bloggers represent an easier 'way in'. So I thought id ask... Is this common practice? Has anyone identified other publications using bloggers for content creation? (Bit of context... We're looking at' Best diary/ planner' runs downs, 'best stationery for new year' and similar.  Not strong story-based pitches to journos. (For example: Company blar is revolutionizing market X with Blar.) Simple product runs downs is what we're after for some quick wins on exposure during the holiday period.)

    | isaac663

  • I want an alternative to Bitly (because we must change our short domain (BSD) and Bitly Support for its free service is excruciatingly bad; I'd gladly pay). Rebrandly appears to be a good alternative at $100. per year. Can anyone recommend Rebrandly and speak to its strengths and weaknesses vs. Bitly? Thank you.  Rick

    | Knockleigh

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